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A Memorable Day

There have been many fantastic events in my life, but this one
stands out. I met this girl named "Kenzie" in an online school, and
about a month later she asked me to be her friend, which I gladly
agreed without any hesitation at all. After becoming friends, we noticed
we have a lot of things in common. Our interests are similar to each
other. She would eulogize me in everything I do. I don’t have to be a
masquerade when I’m with her. We became closer and closer and
became inseparable. We decided to finally meet after more than a year.
I couldn’t be nonchalant on the day of our meeting because it felt
surreal. We finally met, and it was a heart-warming experience for both
of us. We decided to go around town and eat lunch, hang out and it
was full of mayhem. We lingered around and finally we decided to part
our ways and went back to our homes. I don’t think none of us can
forget that day where everything felt like a dream.

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