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Safe operation of vehicles

Rules must be established for the safe operation of vehicles. These rules should include behavioral rules
for operation and maintenance. The following is an example of some rules that should be adopted as
part of the supplier safety management system

Before You Can Drive:

n All drivers shall maintain a valid (e.g., Saudi Arabian) driver’s license. n All drivers shall immediately
report any changes in the vehicle status to their supervisor

Preparing to Drive:

n A 360 degree walk-around inspection shall be performed before getting into the vehicle.

n Vehicles shall be inspected before use for safety equipment (e.g., spare tires).

n Vehicles shall be maintained in a safe operating condition. n Any unsafe condition shall be corrected or
reported immediately.

n Tires shall be regularly inspected and tire pressure maintained per manufacturer’s specification.

n Driver shall ensure adequate supplies and communication equipment are available for remote area

While Driving:

n Drivers shall comply with all applicable laws. n The use of, or being under the influence of, intoxicants
or medications that cause impairment while operating a vehicle is prohibited.

n Using a cell phone, eating or drinking is prohibited.

n Only authorized personnel shall drive or be carried in company vehicles.

n All occupants shall wear seat belts. n Vehicles shall not be left unattended while the engine is running.
n Vehicles shall not be fuelled with engine running or during use of any electrical device.

n Drivers shall report all vehicle collisions and moving violations immediately, no matter how minor
using the Incident Investigation process.

n Driver is responsible for adequate water, safety equipment and communications equipment relative to
remote area driving

While Driving: n

Drivers shall comply with all applicable laws.

n The use of, or being under the influence of, intoxicants or medications that cause impairment while
operating a vehicle is prohibited.

n Using a cell phone, eating or drinking is prohibited. n Only authorized personnel shall drive or be
carried in company vehicles.

n All occupants shall wear seat belts.

n Vehicles shall not be left unattended while the engine is running.

n Vehicles shall not be fueled with engine running or during use of any electrical device.

n Drivers shall report all vehicle collisions and moving violations immediately, no matter how minor
using the Incident Investigation process.

n Driver is responsible for adequate water, safety equipment and communications equipment relative
to remote area driving

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