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Full Name : Soner AKIMAL

Student Number : 180114052

Date : 4.03.2022

Reading(s) :

Summary : There are 3 disciplines of translating process research. These are cognitive science,
expertise studies and psycholinguistics.

- Cognitive Science and Translation Process Research

It is a young discipline. The branch of science that studies how we acquire, retain, and use
information. Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary science that deals with the functioning of mind
and intelligence, and investigates the dynamics and structures of intelligent systems. Cognitive
Science studies areas such as artificial intelligence, attention, information and language processing,
learning and development, memory, perception and action. In these studies, behavioral experiments
use brain scanning techniques. The goal of cognitive science is to understand the fundamental
principles of intelligence in the hope that a better understanding of the mind and learning will lead us
to develop intelligent tools. Human cognition is viewed mainly as a modular activity that is heavily
specialized and operationally. Cognitive science, as a scientific field of study, requires the application
of different disciplines such as philosophy, neuroscience or artificial intelligence to understand how
the brain makes decisions or performs a task.

- Expertise Studies and Translation Process Research

The study of expertise provides a focus for basic research on many phenomena of cognition, such as
memory limitations and reasoning biases. It also provides a focus for discussion of issues in cognitive
theory, such as those involving knowledge representation. Expertise studies investigates the
characteristics, skills, and knowledge that distinguish experts from less experienced people who do
not perform as experts do. Expertise studies has demonstrated that expert knowledge and expert
performance are acquired skills. Empirical studies also show that there is no necessary correlation
between domain expertise and general cognitive capacities such as intelligence or memory.

- Psycholinguistics and Translation Process Research

The main of purpose of psycholinguistics is to outline and describe the process of producing and
comprehending communication. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of
language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills
both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors
students do in the language learning. Psycholinguistics is concerned with the nature of the processes
that the brain undergoes in order to comprehend and produce language. Psycholinguistics is the
study of how language works in the human mind. Psycholinguistics is a branch of study which
combines the disciplines of psychology and linguistics. It is concerned with the relationship between
the human mind and the language as it examines the processes that occur in brain while producing
and perceiving both written and spoken discourse.
Evaluation: In this topic, we understood the main assumptions of cognitive science, expertise studies
and psycholinguistics to discuss how they interface diachronically and synchronically with translation
process research. I learned the these three disciplines of translation process research. Effective,
efficient, and empathetic translation requires highly skilled practitioners. Courses in Translation
Studies are a great way for linguists, language graduates, and translators to develop a deep
understanding of the academic field, and the skills to practice as a translation professional.

Translation enables effective communication between people around the world. It is a courier for the
transmission of knowledge, a protector of cultural heritage, and essential.

Discussion Questions : 1- What did you leanr as a general?

2- What comes to mind when you think of cognitive science?

3- What do you think about expertise studies?

4- What the goal of psycholinguistics?

5- Please summarize what you learn.

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