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Madame Doubtfire

Daniel: He is a funny man, he likes to laugh a to stay time with his kids. He
is also an actor but at the moment he isn’t working.
Miranda: She is very hard working woman who divorded from Daniel. She
is also a little bit strict.
Lydia: She is the oldest daughter with 12 years old
Chris: He is the middle brother a the unique boy. He is 10 years old
Natty: She is the youngest daughter with 6 year old

The story tells about a family that the fathers are divorced.
The mother take the kids almost all time while the father rarely see the
kids 4 times a week. The story begins when Lydia tells Daniel that the kids
couldn’t stay the weekend with him because she needed to buy cloth with
them. She also tells him to help her writing an advert to search a baby-
sister to take care of the children for a week because she didn’t have time
because of work. Daniel tells her to take care of the kids and stay in his
home but Lydia didn’t want that. When they left, Daniel (instead of writing
the correct phone number on the paper) wrote the wrong number so
anyone could ever phone Lydia to take care of the kids. Days after Lydia
didn’t receive any call from anyone that wanted to take care of the kids
until a women called Madame Doudbtfire said the she would take care of
the kids. A day after, she came onto the house a presented her, she was
wearing a long skirt with big orange flowers on it, dark green rubber boots
and a strange turban with feathers on the side. She had also lots of purple
make-up on her eyes. When the kids saw her they felt something familiar
but they didn’t know what. After some days they discovered that Madame
Doudbtfire was in reality his father. When Miranda finded out this, she
was so angry with Daniel. After somedays of reflecting Miranda come to
the idea that the kids needed to see more often Daniel and that Daniel
wasn’t a bad person so they reached an agreenment thet the relationship
between them didn’t affected the kids:

Personal opinion-
I liked the book, specially the way it is written and who it tells that the
relationship between parents shouldn’t affect the kids

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