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Man overboard Three situ Immediate action The person overboard is noticed from the bridge and action is taken immediately, Delayed action The person is reported to the bridge by an eyewitness and action is initiated with some delay. Person-missing action The person is reported tothe bridge as missing, Vessel manoeuvres When the possibilty exists that a person has fallen overboard, the crew ‘must attempt to recover the individual as soon as possible. Some factors that will ff ship's manoeuvring characteristics wind direction and sea state crews experience and level of taining capability ofthe engine plant location of the incident a a a he speed of recovery include: Visibility level recovery technique possbily of having other vessels assis. ‘Mark and note position and time from GNSS. ‘Throw a lf-ring over the side as close tothe person as possible. Sound three prolonged blasts of ship’s whistle hall “man overboard”. ‘Commence recovery manoeuvre as indicated below. TAMSAR MANUAL VOLUME IIT 2019 EDITION) a Section 4 ~ Vessel emergencies at sea + Note wind speed and direction ‘+ Inform master of vessel and engine-room, + Post look-outs to keep the person insight + Set off dye mad + Inform radio operator; keep updated on positon. + Stand by the engines. sor smoke flare + Prepare recovery equipment see section 14 + Distribute portable VHF radios for communication between bridge, deck, and lifeboat, Standard recovery manoeuvres + Willamson turn 7 makes good original track line 1 good in reduced visibility simple takes the ship farther away om the scene of the incident 1 slow procedure \atamson tum procedure 1 Rucgernard over {nan “immediate action” Stuation only tthe side tthe casual. 2. Attardeviation fromthe ‘riginal course by 60”, ‘ppesto side 3. When heading 20° short cf opposte course, rudder To midship positon ane ship to be tumea to opposite course, 42 TAMSAR MANUAL VOLUME III (2019 EDITION} Section 4 ~ Vessel emergencies at sea + One turn (*Single turn, Anderson turn") 1 fastest recovery method good for ships with tight turning characteristics 1 used mos by ships with considerable power very dificult fora single-screw vessel dificult because approach to person isnot straight Single turn 270" manoeuwre) {nan“immediate action” Satin, only tthe sige tthe easusty 2 Atter deviation from the | ‘rginal course by 2507 } redder to midehi9 postion and stopping manoeure tobe intiated TAMSAR MANUAL VOLUME IIT (2019 EDITION) 43 Section 4 ~ Vessel emergencies at sea + Scharnov turn 1 will take vessel back into her wake less distance is covered, saving time 1 cannot be carried out effectively unless the time elapsed between ‘occurrence ofthe incidentand the commencement ofthe manoeuvre is known Scharmoy tum procedure 1. Notto be.used in an sation, 2 Ruger natd over. ° / 2. Alter deviation from the ‘igi course by 240 rudder har over ‘0 he i) Specie side 4 When neading 20° short ‘of oppose course, ruddor fomudship poston 9 tht — ‘hin wil tun to opposte Ke 4s TAMSAR MANUAL VOLUME III (2019 EDITION} Section 4 ~ Vessel emergencies at sea Longin turn facilitates launch and recovery of a escue boat facilitates rescue work by other craft Circling calms the sea by interfering with wave patterns the more turbulence created by the ship the better additional ships circling to windward will calm the sea further Lorén tum procedure I 1 Head into the wind at fl speed, 2. Bogin the circle and reduce toslow when the winds abet aoo0 2. When the wind crosses the stem tothe opposite quarter, Inorease to hal ec 4 Continue creing as ong ‘as calmer water noocea. 5. Slow down o ston, folaunch and recover Fescue boat on the leeward side nse thecrcle, Note: tis important to know the handling characteristics of your own vessel, Opportunities should be taken to practise these manoeuvres, Depending on the ship’s handling criteria it may not be necessary to begin the Lorén turn hhead-to-wind. TAMSAR MANUAL VOLUME IIT 2019 EDITION) 45

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