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1. Business Process
2. IT Systems

3. Software Applications

Forward Engineering and Re Engineering

Business Process Reengineering

• It’s the radical reconsideration of a business process to achieve dramatic improvement in cost, quality,
service and speed performance.

• It is the analysis and redesign of company processes.

1. Business Definition - of four key drivers: cost reduction, time reduction, quality improvement, and
personnel development and empowerment
2. Process identification - goal achieving process are identified

3. Process evaluation - existing process analyzed

4. Process specification and design - use-cases are prepared for each process that is to be

5. Prototyping -A redesigned business process must be prototyped before it is fully integrated into the

6. Refinement and instantiation -Based on feedback

BPR Principles

A change of focus from management to the customer

• Managers must give power to their team’s

• Focus on results

• It’s not positive to score points, but to lead and teach

• Always identify goals and purposes

• Keep the company mission in mind

Inventory Analysis

1. build a table that contains all applications

2. establish a list of criteria, e.g.,

• name of the application

• year it was originally created

• number of substantive changes made to it

3. analyse and prioritize to select candidates for reengineering

Document Restructuring

Weak documentation is the trademark of many legacy systems.

Options -

1. Creating documentation is far too time consuming. Work with what you have

2. Documentation must be updated, but we have limited resources. document when touched”
3. The system is business critical and must be fully redocumented.

Reverse engineering
May be part of a re-engineering process but may also be used to re-specify a system for re-

Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing a subject system with two goals in mind:

(1) to identify the system's components and their interrelationships; and,

(2) to create representations of the system in another form or at a higher level of abstraction.

Code Restructuring
Restructuring is a transformation from one form of representation to another at the same
relative level of abstraction.

The new representation is meant to preserve the semantics and external behaviour of the original.

1. Poorly design code segments are redesigned

2. Violations in structured programming constructs are noted and restructured and them reviewed,
thus internal code is updated

Data Restructuring

Unlike code restructuring, which occurs at a relatively low level of abstraction, data structuring is a full-
scale reengineering activity

1. In most cases, data restructuring begins with a reverse engineering activity.

2. When data structure is weak (e.g., flat files are currently implemented, when a relational approach
would greatly simplify processing), the data are reengineered.

Because data architecture has a strong influence on program architecture and the algorithms
that populate it, changes to the data will invariably result in either architectural or code-level

Forward Engineering

1. The cost to maintain one line of source code may be 20 to 40 times the cost of initial development
of that line.
2. CASE (computer-aided software engineering) tools for reengineering will automate some parts of
the job.

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