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THE ORAL EXAM GRADE 7 (right on)


Part I - Introduce yourself:

Speak about your family , school , hobbies , hometown,…

Part II- Topics:

1. Talk about the festival that you know.
2. Describe the person you like best
3.Talk about your leisure activities.

TOPIC 1: Talk about the festival that you know.

* Questions
1 What are the names of the festivals you know?

2 Where do they take place ?

3.When do they happen ?

4. What do you think about them ?

TOPIC 2: 2. Describe the person you like best

* Questions

1. Who are they ? Where do they live ?

2. What do they look like ?

3. What do they like ?

4. Why do you like them?

TOPIC 3: 3.Talk about your leisure activities.

* Questions

1. What do you do in your free time ?

2. What game is it ?

3. Is it the game that you know, like or have played?

4.Who do you often play with?

5.How often do you do them ?

6. How do they help you ?

Part III - Answer the questions

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