North Bengal Mid 2011

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BALURGHAT, 2SJULYI Normallife in SouthDinajpur was disrupted a largeextent to aftera callfor a strikeon the death anniversarythe Naxal of leader northBengal, of Charu Majumdar. Almost theschools, all colleges and other educational institutions thedistrig.t of remain Private closed. and remained the off buses mini{uses, noads today. Only state{wnedbuses the wereseenon roads. Attendance thegovernment in offices was relatively Business low. establishments partly were in andotherplaces. opened Balurghat,Gangarampur
^l ann.naes nar-t '

Strike commemorate to Gharu

'No-gynaecologrst'worries locals notice

of and oatiens thenewioms.In case atry A \lGA\l, 2i JULY: notictputup on thedisplay thelabour or tlre incident, doaor concerned ttp stationguntonurrati hospiu\oard6f hhmpursuMivisional can authoriw notbeheldresponSihrle) general the ofgpraecologisa, nt inabsence .docto,rs The 'chairmanof Islampurmunicipali4 Mr *omer\ hasrl{Eotrl the ,ur neaiing gegnant 'Vb merr KarniFlallgrcnl, said: wereuFet ori seekry ofthe herc. rcals fhe zuperiirtendent hospiul Such autlnr- thenbtrce. the and doctonscbncemed hospital iorsthat in dif- notice a gwincase responsible ofany not Nwere tobe.held arisrng .nd complications wittr drelabour. emetnnthcPial ilhtfty that post Itwu or ratiens new-boms. rcported drc o1 is an offenct. are in vrcant thehoqpial Ihe patiens been has laying inr.ecotosiss nenous. gynacologiss'gettirry pnsi 6r ttte fr* ton*u. ln aheirce.of ttn warrd of ttredo&ors general aremating labour Vt willulk wittl Chief put gatients. n-otice up on thermll of thethe the The 'hbour 'iHospitd hartamane kono Medicalofrcerof e wardrcad of libh4u Health thediv irt ..s li*ttsgo nattrat<ir saanaran ianna po' trict to take PUhICATIONAGAiNST rogi ayebbtragr del6ben' chiklslikn 4iqry rnea. hole t<ano urnastrya hospi' immediate suti nabaiaiaker rakam ba AD CI-ASSIFIED the thalb' wts against chihdnkdajrce sanepli$ha tA Urinultit lu TERMS RELEASES. intlrc gynaecologists auhorityherc." o nai'rome *reunaililibilityof wad of geraral will lookafter gts the troppital docton

rw Pri,l' aboutanY heard haven't

super over Row missing Hospiul heckled ffifrJffifim'inspir

in Malda ffiH,#*$.,*,Tffiilm'x of darlowGirls'HighSchool the and students lodgedfttrehospitalauthonty. the

& motherdau$ter ffiffiffiffi'#;;ffiffiffi,1,1$,Ht "[J 1'd{l:o"lii.'"f ffifiil"iJl;:itJil1iilifi

(GBu) explaining by Banea of -fi* liorpi,Ary."dt:petti'tii'1fisto"Lg'nyl89,tnc LniversityGour for pursuing Awomanmissingalgnswirhhu.dauqhstudie higher MALDAi25JtJty necessery poceduies rr.rpiirr rr p-ryvesdrday] thar.the ;; fi;;ili with the l0 rerover gasr daph,, raiird-yRicion communicated Mr ," 1i in theu$t' Thesrudens "r,ffi dt6tu ,o xaren ro may hlenprsy some appre' and daugrrter have prey ''nc_ ;-rhiH d.i oi,i,..*p."{oil.;"ffi.ii,p i" trt mother ttre rynave which adequately in HartmannEnglish was uioct Balur$ar ru*.5'uiiirii. the ncket. kidnev "g"rd. ciatedbyhim' Sk Biwi, wife that uri ltasnara (24) of trtrEsrajul of Bebnco-mmencementofthecampthehcpitalruperhad told Mr Later, Hai'tmann thercporters they ;i{;t dt}"bt|tk to Ga-fi;iF blice Mothabari outposlrtnt in under vilage centre Haldibari a,planto openl felicitation have or"ra*,moaoodutrr.'iliilitilnoarti"3".tr*4ta Maldatownonl5Jutyalongwirhthree-yearolddaughter
.tir tt tt. Ne* day, did police allegedly not takeanyact!1tt

liome iilfitilbt$..dt*"'piliit"iotr'ciito'tion''nr $Xglt:lirfrlg:1t-"TffiT;"#:;ti]::.::rf.' NajmaKhatunros.elaoctglruti[.oih,tr.tu' lodgeda mising diary'But Esraiul

calfro'nanunknoqn "*#fr'"siuisoraphore and MIA to submit proposal to ]lamata that wzu over aisctoseO phone she aMucted

i3for SiliUuri *':.WfJ,;ll#itril\fftTff*'Jlffi hosnitalupgrade

\'rl3Dt.^r she Hovcvu, could.nottalkrvr trff;"ithernry'no<t day' lstartleiEsralulagainwenrtopolicdebuteven statermanne* nnico ioilong. -rvv


,'n1nr-ji}#T}lffi"-e *re who 'ii#fiiyeasmin informed rhemaner in um ix n"oti"rn'm",uct tr'.Xil.iiia - wzs -oe.a1,9ommunity to of was further that Sabina Gf"* ; tlt; NBMCH heresigned . Ih Bhattadtarrr said rffi;*"lA;b*i,police to super lookintothematter. asked ' hehadmnvenedfusandingco *"i"1*"rcttuyeleaion"from pori.., Thedrstricr-superintenaent-J u, Bhuban ffi;il}ilp*.lr*r"ril"tr; and on meeting halth hmily consrituencymittee th. high-$r Stli!'i to l ltc,r"1o1p.rrrthecr,iei'fiiiier ft;[ ro assured toor."'in#rfi?;; to in chandra on on urdhrc 29July Kolkau n focrs *h";tlt" ffi' O' Sh'tuqhtty4 Plt+''X;;m"harrc sotralimpor' revicw otcrdlsuations acmrdingly toact ' Folice rsn$s Mothabui Qupost {n.Y.e{qtp th ,rt 3il4n 1rtu rs isioraie-run *[b not whether rackeiwu this iii. ,ruit** behind any peoph's rcpresena' said: are surc "Itrc tlrenate' t irm" "ittr. anJ'hmiiy u"t l"i tir,at visits But reports I d"t * .ary.honifying. .orrin.. "n rrearo "tiltLtt pav abducdon. rhe "riri.rr "it'* hospiuls shnld zurprise tothe acros dws ffi'' "p ,rr,ioCI.spio ;A#'Fo * til;il;; i;"s?i'o
c""*il were police what the thii n"mises momtlre racing pr,o*o1li",r,fi b.-riiJd'*,.i-lao"- slisu"rr.*nr"r probe pan-il;i this ofttre GlH. a"i e.,,ir turgir.iriiu-,rr. racket ;til;u', ney smuggring was -rril-ryUl,l9_,+["tis;'il--aso rwo region. y.ars *#t;['r*r,#ffi ygal last InNovember angtrr, ii;ipita ffiuGl hrct;f;"fi;mconnecuon. inttris Dinaipur rrtarda . as racket uneanhed police il;[,h di "."ry-'p.r,rd;tffi;G smuggling was erhd;ey on Dinajpurthir way ,il ;EqIr el{jt-h*ftffi;il of uibal five chldren North nabbed tii,",fiiirnirr n r"" Rd#;hg sn tocuiara. tobeEnuggled [a"TI""*:5* eiusive the hant sute remained dur' senral outr,!.rrgp"t regime. new iuiarir"crscaqiardiologv, to Nrph.ts'ntd tianotog''-ne.ds ro aaa.ait*tpty ttditospiut' t titinet oc pn"*nt ft "roid'* couia o6".ot tb' ttoupiut *

.,t tothe wo'l'd these or Mr.i{, nrr.i *. soabtv, Bhanacharva put poposals The 2l Mr,{, local. rvrn srrcrinr, Jrlv: siligun he soon"" said' -ltedicirie, driefminister

ser. medical the theprcsentstateof

thenewunits.V .oer$ed.tohcrirse

I imervals' at fciities ngular health experiences had hart hanowing No visitingt]rehcpials' while nninnined' rule trygianic isbeing Even drir*ittg stinking' ttre tblts are elusiw has water rcmained forttrc he patiens"' sard'

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