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IELTS essays

4) The value of science and arts

Despite the fact that modern scientific and technological advancements have greatly improved
lives of countless common people, artistic talent in music, painting and writing is still in high
demand. From my point of view both art and science are crucial parts of society, but the
importance of scientific achievements greatly outweighs the impact of art.

There is no denying the fact that art has drastically impacted society throughout the entire
history of its existence. Great art always has been an essential part of a cultured and intelligent
society. Some works of art have revolutionized the way people think. Its cultural impact has
always been and will always remain at an astronomical height. However, despite its importance
art was never a greatly rewarding profession. The dominant majority of artists fail to provide
for themselves no matter how great their work is. Furthermore, art was always a niche line of
work, therefore it has impacted a very specific group of individuals and its impact was never

Scientific advancements, however, impact the entire world and they do so at a much larger
scale. All people benefit from scientific achievements of one person. Despite it taking some
time science changes the quality of life of millions of people for the better. Products which were
once considered as revolutionary are now a commodity for the majority of the population.
Science has drastically changed the way we live and function on a daily basis. Furthermore,
most scientists have always been greatly repaid for their work, consequently have been able to
provide themselves and their families with great lives improving the general quality of life in

In conclusion, advancements in science have not only had a great impact on society, but also
have been able to provide a constant flow of revenue for the workers of that profession, for
that reason I tend to believe that the significance of scientific progress greatly outweighs the
impact of art.

322 words.

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