Ingame Rules

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These rules apply ingame and in the discord server. Punishments will be delivered on the
platform that the offense was made. If you see a rule breaker use the /report command to report
them. All of these rules are to be enforced by staff and staff alone. Any non-staff member
attempting to enforce the rules will be banned. Any rules set out by the council ingame will not
be enforced by staff.

*Note: Staff have the final say in arguments. If a staff member punished you and you feel
that it was unjust then please make a ticket in discord to appeal it.

1. Stealing:
a. You are not permitted to steal from shops under any circumstances. Shops are
designed to be the backbone of the economy and to give people some more
opportunities to have fun.
b. Stealing from bases is allowed but if you do it excessively you will be banned.
Act with integrity. If you don’t then we see no reason that you should be allowed
to play on the server.
c. 1st offense shop: 30 day ban
d. 2nd offense shop: 60 day ban
e. 3rd offense shop: IP ban
2. Griefing:
a. You are permitted to grief however we expect you to act with integrity again here.
If a base looks like it is being built or it was worked hard on, don’t grief it.
Griefing excessively will result in a ban.
b. 1st offense: 30 day ban
c. 2nd offense: 60 day ban
d. 3rd offense: IP ban
3. X-Raying:
a. 1st offense: 1 day ban and clear of items x-rayed
b. 2nd offense: 7 day ban and clear of items in e-chest and x-rayed
c. 3rd offense: 30 day ban and clear of all items
d. 4th offense: IP ban

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