Overall Rules

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These rules apply ingame and in the discord server. Punishments will be delivered on the
platform that the offense was made. If you see a rule breaker use the /report command to report
them. All of these rules are to be enforced by staff and staff alone. Any non-staff member
attempting to enforce the rules will be banned. Any rules set out by the council ingame will not
be enforced by staff.

*Note: Staff have the final say in arguments. If a staff member punished you and you feel
that it was unjust then please make a ticket in discord to appeal it.

1. Racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, etc are all mutable offenses (These are
interchangeable, meaning if you have a 1st offense racism it counts as a first offense of
anything else on this list):
a. 1st offense: 7 day mute
b. 2nd offense: 30 day mute
c. 3rd offense: 60 day mute
d. 4th offense: 1 year mute
e. 5th offense: 30 day ban
f. 6th offense: IP Ban
2. Spamming, any message that is the same or similar sent 3 times concurrently:
a. 1st offense: Warn
b. 2nd offense: 1 hour mute
c. 3rd offense: 1 day mute
d. 4th offense: 7 day mute
e. 5th offense: 30 day mute
f. 6th offense: Staff Determination
3. Excessive Swearing (ex. You fucking bitch, shut the fuck up you piece of shit):
a. 1st offense: 3 hour mute
b. 2nd offense: 12 hour mute
c. 3rd offense: 1 day mute
d. 4th offense: 7 day mute
e. 5th offense: 14 day mute
f. 6th offense: Staff Determination
4. Inappropriate Content (Non severe):
a. 1st offense: 1 hour mute
b. 2nd offense: 3 hour mute
c. 3rd offense: 12 hour mute
d. 4th offense: 1 day mute
e. 5th offense: 7 day mute
f. 6th offense: Staff Determination
5. Inappropriate Content (Severe):
a. 1st offense: 7 day ban
b. 2nd offense: 30 day ban
c. 3rd offense: IP ban
6. Self Promotion/Advertising:
a. 1st offense: Warn
b. 2nd offense: 1 hour mute
c. 3rd offense: 1 day ban
d. 4th offense: IP ban
7. Staff Disrespect:
a. 1st offense: Warn
b. 2nd offense: Kick
c. 3rd offense: 1 day mute
d. 4th offense: 7 day mute
e. 5th offense: 1 day ban
f. 6th offense: Staff Determination
8. Bullying and Harassment:
a. 1st offense: Warn
b. 2st offense: 1 hour mute
c. 3nd offense: 12 hour mute
d. 4rd offense: 7 day mute
e. 5th offense: 1 day ban
f. 6th offense: Staff Determination (check with owner)
9. Toxicity:
a. 1st offense: Warn
b. 2nd offense: 1 hour mute
c. 3rd offense: 4 hour mute
d. 4th offense: 12 hour mute
e. 5th offense: 7 day mute
f. 6th offense: 7 day ban

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