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Spectral Razor

• Cost: variable magic points; 2 Sanity points

• Casting time: 1 round

Creates an invisible blade that can be used as an offensive weapon. The spell costs
2 magic points per round to maintain the effect. The immaterial knife is used with
the casters Fighting (Brawl) skill as if they were holding a real blade (i.e. the
caster makes cutting and stabbing motions with the hand in which they are “holding”
the immaterial knife). The magical blade inflicts 1D6 damage in successful attacks,
can impale (but receives no damage bonus), and can damage creatures only affected
by magical means. The spectral weapon cannot become stuck in the victim.
Should the caster go insane while wielding the spectral razor, the weapon takes on
a life of its own, spinning out of the caster’s hand and proceeding to fly about
the area, randomly attacking those nearby. Attempts to dodge the blade are made
with one penalty die; if the dodge is unsuccessful the blade automatically hits the
target. The weapon will carry on in this fashion for 1D4+1 rounds before vanishing.

Deeper magic: a variant allows the caster to use the spectral razor as a ranged
weapon; its reach being a number of yards equal to half of the caster’s POW. The
target must be visible. If the target is concealed behind obstacles or
obstructions, the damage is done to intervening objects until the Keeper believes
enough damage has been caused that the target is visible and vulnerable.

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