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To start a service: service httpd start

Newer method to do the same: systemctl start httpd
To stop service: systemctl stop httpd
Check status of service: systemctl status httpd
To configure service to start at startup: systemctl enable httpd
To configure service not to start at startup: systemctl disable httpd

To configure a program as a service, we must create a file inside /etc/systemd/system called like this: my_app.service .
Inside it, we can write something like this:

Description=My python web application

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/code/
# Executed before ExecStart
# Executed after ExecStart

# This allows the program to be executed on boot up

# so we can run systemctl enable my_app

Now we can say to systemctl that there is a new service: systemctl daemon-reload . Finally, we can start the service like this:
systemctl start my_app .

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