Outline 2

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Thesis Statement: In the Underground Kingdom lived a fairy king and queen who ruled the realm.

I. The underground creatures have kingdom of their own.

A. They have power that no ordinary people possess.
1. They can mingle with ordinary human beings.
2. They couldn’t be seen by our naked eyes.
B. Their ways of living are very advanced than ours.
1. There are times when they show themselves to ordinary people and befriend them.
2. They do not have souls, when they die they do not have second life.
II. Underneath the Bubog tree is the Kingdom of those Underground creatures.
A. Some of those Underground creatures want to marry ordinary people.
1. They believed that if they do so, their children will have souls.
2. The queen became pregnant and the king and queen planned that if the baby is
born they will send the baby to the other world.
B. Mente was found dead, it was believed that his friend brought him to their kingdom.
1. It was believed that Mente had a fairy friend who gave him power to heal sick
2. His fairy friend told him that if he treats people, he shouldn’t receive payment for
his services but Mente did not heed to the advice of his friend.
III. In the Underground kingdom, the queen gave birth to a baby girl.
A. The king and queen wanted to give a nice name for their baby.
1. The king and queen decided to call all royal families in the different kingdom for a
2. They want members of the royal families to come and suggest what beautiful name
they would give the baby.
B. Among the guests who came was a couple with their four-year-old girl named Celina.
1. The queen asked Celina, what name she would give to her baby girl Celina answered
2. The queen thank her for giving a beautiful name to her baby.
IV. In the kingdom under the Bubog tree in Carit-an, king and queen were planning to send
Olayra to the outer world.
A. They want her to grow up with mortals or human beings.
1. When she is already a grown-up lady she would marry a human being.
2. She would have a possibility of bearing a child who would already have a soul.
B. The king and queen gave Olayra everything that she needs without the knowledge of
her foster parents.
1. They take Olayra to their Kingdom sometimes.
2. They give Olayra a ship made of gold.

There are creatures living in the same world as us. This underground creatures have kingdom of
their own. We can’t see them as they can see us humans. There are extraordinary things they
can do which we ordinary people can’t do. They can show themselves to ordinary people as
they want.

It was believed that underneath a tree called Bubog was the Kingdom of these underground
creatures. There are people that can see a fairy. A fairy can give his/her friend a power to heal
sick people, but there is a condition that you shouldn’t be paid for your services.

The underground kingdom was ruled by a king and queen. When the queen became pregnant
they planned to send their baby to the mortal world, to live with ordinary people. The queen
and king hope that their child Olayra can bear a baby that would have a soul. A fairy can punish
ordinary people or mortals that upset or done them wrong. There may be fairies living with us
that were not aware of.

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