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= anew version of the Product it’s additive to all previ Every Product Increment needs to be usable iS ee Se eee without needing any additional work. Increments from all previous Sprints —anen BS =, && 4 oO & YF ——_owaity DOES ~WWuiaT 20S, —> (DEFINITION OF DONE Quality standards of the organization need to be followed at a minimum. Jack & Mary's minimum requirements: ee OF DONE| = commitment for the Increment Each Sprint will create at least tone Product Increment that needs to adhere to the Definition of Done. co re ce fh THE PRODUCT INCREMENT If a Product Backlog Item in the Sprint does nat follow the Defi =e of Done, it will not be included in the Product Increment. ‘how many | au Backlog Items Planning meeting Cee eeriricay > (EFINITION OF DONE} OF THE SCRUM TEAM ——> (DEFINITION OF DONE: MORE STRICT CRITERIA FOR HIGHER QUALITY DEFINITION OF DONE (Sean nernosecorne| ay ee’ SPRINT RETROSPECTIVE) ——> « ‘QUALITY an [ provuct Backtocrrem} BACKLOG ITEM ( ow NEW PRODUCT DEFINITION OF DONE . INCREMENT The "Definition of Done" for Jack & Mary Organic Farm e- commerce platform Before a Product Backlog Item is considered "done" or "complete", it must respect the following criteria: ‘The Acceptance Criteria described in the item are met. Testing and code quality Code was reviewed by two independent developers who did not work on the respective code. Technical documentation was written and peer-reviewed. Unit Tests are written and passing. Acceptance Tests are written and passing, Desktop cross-browser testing is done on the last three versions of the following browsers: * Google Chrome + Mozilla Firefox Mobile device testing is done on the following mobile devices: + iPhone X, iPhone 11 + Samsung's Galaxy $11 & S12 * Google's Pixel 4 Accessi y testing using performed. Continuous Integration (Ci) pipeline passing. Non-functional requirements (NFRs) Performance: Each transaction should complete within 2 seconds Availability: At peak times, the platform should support 5000 concurrent transactions. Security: All the external code libraries used in the application must go through a security testing tool that ensures there are no known security vulnerabilities. ‘The Scrum Guide does NOT mention when to create tthe Definition of Done. ANYTIME © Youneeda Definition of Done. DEFINITION OF DONE! bacartece is not final 1 ‘There must bea 4 Not everything has to happen The best opportunity to adapt yore tne of the Scrum events. the Definition of Done is during ae tthe SPRINT RETROSPECTIVE meeting. Display one product e@ae~ Too + er a te Accor fta (the Pratt pogo +The frocust sa sto cely oe ormere mages + TheProuctzage stele a FA econ wth Some ctrsundinfematin ‘Te Stanbery um sth es ling pedi tek say OgicFam andaetl imei The "Definition of Done" for Jack & Mary Organic Farm e-commerce platform Before Product Backlog em is considered “done” or “complete must respect the following eters ‘The Acceptance Criteria described inthe tem are met Testing and code quality Code was reviewed by two independent dovolopers who dd not work onthe respective code. Technical documentation was witton and peer-eviowed. Unit Tests ar writen and passing Acceptance Tests ae written snd passing, Desktop cross-browser testing is done onthe lst the versions ofthe follwing browsers: + Google Chrome + MezilaFeefox + Microsoft doe DEFINITION OF DONE vs. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA plies to a single PBI. ~ Applies to every PBI & the Increment ~ Created by the Scrum Team, ~ Created by the Product Owner. = Commitment for the Increment: ~ Part of a PBL = Mandatory in Scrum. = Optional in Scrum. if they were defined, AND the DEFINITION OF DONE. The INCREMENT created for one or more PBIs also needs to meet the DEFINITION OF DONE. @ For releasing one PBI to the users, it needs to meet the ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA, The Scrum Guide —————_ Does not fit in a Sprint \____ significant size Is this an EPIC? EPIC we YES / Large amount of work ‘The Scrum Guide does NOT mention that does not fit into a Sprint. EPICS or USER STORIES. User Stories Recap Scrum Artifacts COMMITHENT ba NEVER COMPLETE DEFINITION OF DONE FORECAST - — new version COMMITMENT a > of the it le it Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Increment X Nata contract Transparency Inspection Adaptation

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