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R.K Narayan
Fair Notebook Questions
I. Vocabulary

SI # New words meaning synonym

1 sceptical
2 catalogue
3 indiscreet
4 heretic
5 devoured

II. Multiple choice Questions- (Choose the best option)

1. The boys agreed to buy …………..

a) Two bats
b) Junior Willard bats
c) Two Vilord June-ear bats
2. Who wrote the Novel ‘ Maldgudi Days’?
a) Roald Dahl
b) Ruskin Bond
c) R.K. Narayan
III. Reference to Context
1. Bare courtesy made Rajam offer the authorship of the letter to Mani.
a) Which phrase can replace bare courtesy –mere politeness or true kindness?
b) What does this line say about Rajam’s opinion of Mani?
c) Do you think Rajam knew he would end up writing the letter himself? Why do you think so?
a) Mere politeness can replace the phrase bare courtesy.
b) Rajam did not think that Mani would be able to write a proper letter. He wanted to write the
letter himself.
c) Yes, Rajam knew he would end up writing the letter himself because he knew that Mani and
Swami Nathan would not write the letter well.
Level 2
Answer the following questions in about 3 – 4 sentences
1. Why did Rajam want to buy three bats? Who objected to it and why?
The answer focusses on the understanding of the topic
and related concepts
LEVEL-2 The description has appropriate and relevant
Sequencing the ideas/events
Short Giving pertinent points
Appropriate references and textual clues
Legible and neat handwriting with appropriate letter
and word spacing
Self- I was able to I need to improve


Level 3 Extrapolatory Question (120 words)

1. Do you enjoy thinking about the wonderful moments you’ve shared with your friends? Perhaps
you’ve enjoyed so many great experiences with your friends that it is almost impossible to
remember. Elaborate with textual evidences the activities enjoyed by Swami and friends in the
formation of MCC. (Answer in 2 paragraphs)
1st paragraph- give general introduction; add moments you enjoyed with your friends.
2nd paragraph—mention examples from the story

IV. Creative writing

Make a Comic strip showing the collaboration of Swami and his friends in the formation of
Malgudi Cricket Club. ( 6 to 9 panels).

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