Food Chain

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Food Chain

Sun →plants/tree→ zebra →lion

3 factors that the tree needs to make food : carbondioxide, sunlight, water

Vocabulary :

Producer : produsen

Prey : mangsas

Predator : pemangsa

Beetle : kumbang

Termites : rayap

Namib Dessert

Ant, beetle, termites eat seed and bits of dry grass that wind carries from the grass

-→ the ants eaten by ant lions, spider eat termites, scorpion eat beetle larva and spiders -→ sunspiders
eat scorpion , beetle and beetle larvae -→ lizards eat spiders, beetle and sunspiders→ the sidewinding
adder eat lizards

Predator : antlions, spider, scorpion, sidewinding adder, sunspider, lizards, beetle

Producer :seed , dry grass

3 predators eat plants : ant, beetle , termites

Water : rain and mist of the sea

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