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1. Two coherent sources S1 and S 2 are kept on the edges of a step as S1

shown in the figure. An infinitely long screen is placed on the right
side of sources and lies along y - z plane. Calculate total no. of S2
maximas observed screen on the screen. PS1  8 and PS2  6 . Where
 is wavelength of light used.
(a) 18 (b) 16

(c) 14 (d) 12

2. A glass sphere of refractive index   2.4 has one half silvered. A point object O is placed in
front of the sphere at a distance d as shown in the figure. The value of d for which image of O
is coinciding with the object O itself is given by d = kR , then value of K will be? Consider
paraxial rays approximation to be valid.

d R

A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 8

3. Consider the arrangement of thin lenses as shown in the figure. An object O is placed at a
distance of mR from the system of thin lenses. From the lens system a plane mirror is placed
at an unknown distance as shown, for what value of m, image of O and object O will coincide
with each other. Consider paraxial rays approximation to be valid.
2 4


R 2R R

A) 1 B) 4/3 C) 3/4 D) 7
4. A ray of light is incident at the origin at an angle 60º with Y-axis as shown in figure. The
refractive index is a function of y according to the relation  . What is the value of H,
1  y2
shown in figure?

The path of the light
followed after successive
60º refraction is as shown

2 2
1 b)
c)  
3 1 d) None
5. A thin convex lens of focal length f = 50cm is surrounded by air. At a distance of 50cm on
either side of lens, two liquid layers of refractive index 1  2.0 and 2  1.8 are located as
shown. A real point object is at a distance of 150cm from the lens as shown. The final image is
at a distance.
1  2.0 1  1.8
O Lens 50cm

P1 P2

f  50cm

(A) 140 cm from lens (B) 100 cm from lens

(C) 50 cm from lens (D) 175 from lens

6. A cylinder is filled with a liquid of refractive index µ. The radius of the cylinder is decreasing at a
constant rate K. The volume of the liquid inside the container remains constant at V. The observer and
the object O are in a state of rest and at a distance L from each other. The apparent velocity of the
object as seen by the observer, (when radius of cylinder is r) –


(1  )2KV (1  )2KV
(A) 3
(r ) (Lr 2 )

(1  )2K (1  ) K
(C) (D)
 2

10L x
7. The reflecting surface is given by y = sin . Find the co-ordinates of the point P where
 5L
a horizontal ray becomes vertical after reflection.

√ √
(A) [ , ] (B) [ , ]

√ √
(C) [ , ] (D) [ , ]
8. Figure shows the path of a ray, passing through an equiangular prism ABC. It is incident on
AC at an angle just greater than the critical angle for total internal reflection. The angle of
emergence is α. Then the refractive index of the material of the prism is given by



(A) µ = (1 + sin + ) (B) µ = (1 + sin + )

√ √

(C) µ = (sin + ) (D) µ = (sin + )

√ √

9. There is a system of multiple medium interfaces S1, S2, S3 and S4 which are separating the
different mediums, Velocities of interfaces and refractive indices of mediums around are
shown in the figure, An object O is moving towards interface S1 with a velocity Vo and there is
an observer Beyond S4 is moving with velocity of 2Vo as shown. Choose the correct options
for the given situation at this instant.
 
( VI G  Velocity of image w.r.t. ground when observed from a point beyond S 4 , VI O 
Velocity of image w.r.t. observer)
S1 S2 S3 S4
2 0 3 0 0 2 0

O V0

x V0 2V0 3V0 V0

 22 ˆ 22 ˆ

A) VI G  V0i B) VI G  V0i
3 3
 16  16
C) VI O  V0ˆi D) VI O  V0ˆi
3 3

10. Two glass pices are joined together , A plane thin glass plate behaves as a lens when made
as shown in the figure -


 2

(A) For µ1 = µ2, it will behave as a glass slab

(B) For µ2 > µ1, it will behave as a divergent lens

(C) For µ2 < µ1, it will behave as a converging lens

(D) For any relations between µ1 and µ2 it is a lens

11. A thin film of index 1.6 is placed in air and white light reflected from it is viewed. The
wavelengths 432 nm, 540 nm and 120 nm are missing. Assume near normal incidence Then
choose the correct options
(A) the thickness of film is 675 nm
(B) only 617 nm will be maximum reflected wavelength lying in visible region
(C)if the order of 432 nm is 5, the order of 540 nm is 4
(D) order cannot be found from the given information
12. A parallel beam of light (λ= 5000 Å) is incident at an angle α = 30° with the normal to the slit
plane in a young’s double slit experiment. Assume that the intensity due to each slit at any
point on the screen is I0. Point O is equidistant from S1 & S2. The distance between slits is

S 
• S2


(A) the intensity at O is 4I0

(B) the intensity at O is zero
(C) the intensity at a point on the screen 4m from O is 4I0
(D) the intensity at a point on the screen 4m from O is zero
13. A source of light of wavelength 5000 A is placed in situation as shown in figure. Considering
interference of direct and reflected rays, Comments about the position of the region where the
fringes will be visible and total the number of fringes are given as the options. Choose the correct
options .

(A) the width of the region on the screen where interference pattern is visible is nearly 5 mm.
(B) the width of the region on the screen where interference pattern is visible is nearly 10 mm.
(C) Total number of fringes which are visible on the screen are nearly 40
(D) Total number of fringes which are visible on the screen are nearly 50

14. A parallel beam of light falls from air on a surface enclosing a medium of refractive index
 as shown in the figure. Equation of surface is chosen in such a way that the
Cylindrical beam is brought to focus at a distance 10 cm from the point O.

Choose the correct options

(A) the equation of surface in r-x plane , if the beam is brought to focus at a distance 10 cm
from the point O is given by 9 + 5 60 = 0.

(B) the equation of surface in r-x plane , if the beam is brought to focus at a distance 10 cm
from the point O is given by 9 + 7 60 = 0 .
(C) the maximum radius of a beam that can be focused is √20 cm .
(D)the maximum radius of a beam that can be focused is √30 cm.
15. Identify the correct statement(s) -
(A) If the incident rays are diverging, we have a real object
(B) If the reflected rays are converging, we have a real image
(C) If the incident rays are diverging, we have a virtual object
(D) If the reflected rays are diverging, we have a virual image

16. Monochromatic light is incident on plane interface AB between two media of refractive
indices µ1 and µ2 (µ2 > µ1) at angle θ shown in figure. The angle θ is infinitesimally greater
than the critical angle for two media so that total internal reflection takes place. Now, if a
transparent slab DEFG of uniform thickness and having refractive index µ3 is introduced on
the interface as shown in the figure, which of the following statements is/are correct ?
Assume light rays coming out from DG and EF surfaces aren’t considered.
Medium I (1)
Medium III (3)

Medium II (2)

(A) If µ3 < µ1, total internal reflection will take place at face GF

(B) If µ3 > µ1, light will refract into the slab

(C) If µ3 > µ1, total internal reflection will take place at face DE

(D) Light can not be transmitted to medium µ1

17. There are two mediums (1) and (2) with refractive (A)

index 1 and  2 .  1  2  A light ray is entering from (B)

medium (1) to medium (2). Thickness of medium (2) is (1)

t. Two light rays A and B are forming interference t
2 r

pattern as shown in figure. Then minimum thickness 1

of medium (2) so that rays A and B are forming

maxima is of the form . Then value of B0
Bo 2 cos r
will be? Where r is angle of refraction for 1 and  2 .
where  is wavelength of light in air .

18. A transparent sphere of radius R has a cavity of radius as shown in figure. The refractive
a b
index of the sphere is  . If a parallel beam of light falling on left surface focuses at point
P, find the value of [bc-a].

19. Bottom of a glass beaker is made up of a thin equi-convex lens having bottom side silvered as
shown in the figure. Now water is filled in the beaker up to a height of h = 4m. The image of
the point object floating at the middle point of beaker on the surface of water coincides with
  g 3 w 4 
itself. Find the radius of curvature of the lens  a  ,a  
 2 3
20. A point object ‘O’ is placed in a medium of refractive index 1  1.4. S1 and S2 are two

concentric spherical surfaces of radii 1m and 2m. To the right of ‘O’ contains a medium of

refractive index  2  1.5 between the interfaces S1 and S 2 . Find the object distance of O

form S1 (in meter) so that an image of ‘O’ as seen by observer from air, coincides with O.

S1 S2

2 air

21. P1, P2 are transparent plates having equal thickness 20 m and refractive indices
1  1.55,  2  1.5 . S1, S2 are identical slits.The plate P1 transmits 100% whereas
P2 transmits 25% of energy incident. Without P1 and P2 , intensity at O is I. The intensity
at O after placing P1 and P2 is . Then 'N' is

22. A transparent sphere of radius R encloses an opaque sphere of radius R/2. Both are concentric.
The sphere is kept on ground and light rays are incident vertically on the sphere. Find the radius of
shadow of opaque sphere formed on the ground.

23. Consider the figure shown. A hemispherical cavity of radius R is carved

out from a sphere ( = 1.5) of radius 2R such that principal axis of cavity
coincides with that of sphere. One side of sphere is silvered as shown. Find
the value of x for which the image of an object at O is formed at O itself. If
value of X is of the form ( ). Where N and P are integers .
Then value of [ N+P] will be ?
24. A parallel beam of monochromatic light falls on a thin converging lens, whose material has
refractive index 1.5. After two internal reflections, one at each face of the lens, the light
emerges. Then the beam will meet the optial axis at a distance f/x from the lens, where f is
the focal length of the lens . then the value of x will be ?

25. Two coherent narrow slits emitting light of wavelength  in the same phase are placed
parallel to each other at a small separation of 2. The light is collected on a screen S which is
placed at a distance D(>>) from the slit S1 as shown in figure. Find the finite distance x such
that the intensity at P is equal to intensity at O. If the value of x is of the form √ , where K is
an integer . Then the value of K will be ?

26. A system of thin lenses is given, refractive indices 2

of all the medium is as shown in figure. Radius of
 5
curvature of all the medium interfaces are shown in
figure. Focal length of the given system is of the
form 0 . The value of 0 0 will be? A0 and B0
B0 6
R 3R
are integers. 2R
27. In the diagram shown, a ray of light at angle of just less
than 900 on the outer surface of the sphere. The light ray is
refracted at critical angle. Trace the path of the light ray
using the details given.
Distribution of refractive index:
 = 1 for R1 < r
 = k for R2 < r < R1
 = k2 for R2 > r
It is also given that R2/R1 = 1/k. If the incoming light ray is along the unit vector and k = 2 then find
out the unit vector in the direction of the final emergent ray.

28. Some identical thin convex lenses are arranged at edge of a full circle of radius R, according to the
picture below. The lenses have equal angle spacing of θ (θ<<1). Each lens has aperture length of D


Find the longest focus distance, f, of the lenses so that it is possible to trap a ray of light inside
the circle!

29. A ray is incident on a glass sphere as shown. The opposite surface of the sphere is partially
silvered. If the net deviation of the ray transmitted at the partially silvered surface is rd of
the net deviation suffered by the ray reflected at the partially silvered surface (after emerging
out of the sphere), find the refractive index of the sphere.

60° silvered

30. Two plane mirrors, a source S of light, emitting monochromatic rays of wavelength and a
screen are arranged as shown in figure. If angle is very small, calculate fringe width β of
interference pattern formed on screen by reflected rays.

a b
31. An observer whose least distance of distinct vision is ‘d’, views his own face in a convex mirror of
radius of curvature ‘r’. Then find the maximum magnification produced ?

32. A man standing on the edge of a swimming pool looks at a stone lying on the bottom. The depth
of the swimming pool is h. At what distance from the surface of water is the image of the stone
formed if the line of vision makes an angle  with the normal to the surface? Assume refractive
index of water is .

33. A ray of light enters into a glass slab from air as shown in figure. If refractive index of glass slab is
given by  = A – Bt where A and B are constants and t is the thickness of slab measured from
the top surface. Find the maximum depth travelled by ray in the slab. Assume thickness of slab to
be sufficiently large.

34. A material having an index of refraction  is surrounded by vacuum and is in the shape of a
quarter circle of radius R.A light ray parallel to the base of the material is incident from the left at
a distance of L above the base and emerges out of the material at an angle . Determine an
expression for 

35. Fig. shows an isosceles, right-angled triangular glass prism which has a cavity inside it is placed
in a gravity free space . Cavity has shape of a thin equi-concave lens whose surfaces have radius
of curvature R = 20 cm. In the figure, S is a point isotropic source and Σ is an opaque sheet having
small hole such that source and hole both lie on x-axis. If refracting index of glass is µ = 1.5, Then
coordinates of final image of the source



10cm 30cm 60cm

36. A beam of light is incident vertically on a glass hemisphere of radius R lying with its plane
side on a table. The axis of the beam coincides with the vertical axis passing through the
centre of the base of the hemisphere and the radius r0 of the cross section of the beam is
smaller than R. Find the radius of the luminous spot formed on the table.

Passage : I (Q.No. 37 to 39 )

The figure shows time varying θ can be given by equations is : θ = (2 + 6t2). The mirror is
rotating about a horizontal axis in clockwise direction.

(at rest)

(–2, 0) (0, 0)

37. Locus of the image is –

(A) x2 + y2 = 52

(B) (x + 2)2 + y2 = 52

(C) (x – 2)2 + y2 = 52

(D) x2 + (y – 2)2 = 52

38. Angular velocity of the image at t = 2 s -

(A) 12 rad/s (B) 24 rad/s

(C) 36 rad/s (D) 48 rad/s

39. Acceleration of the image at t = 1 s -

(A) 100.2 m/s2 (B) 120 m/s2

(C) 131.4 m/s2 (D) 144.4 m/s2

Passage : II (Q.No. 40 to 42)

The figure shows, an object having initial velocity vO  2î  6ˆj and constant acceleration
 
a  2î  3 ĵ . The mirror is also moving with initial velocity v M  5î and acceleration

a M  2 ĵ . Calculate -

aM = 2 ˆj

 vM
vO  2î  6ˆj


40. Acceleration of the image is -

(A)  2î  3 ĵ (B)  2î  3 ĵ

(C)  2î  2 ĵ (D) – 2î  5ˆj

41. Acceleration of the image with respect to mirror is -

(A)  2î  3 ĵ (B)  2î  ĵ

(C)  2î  ˆj (D)  2î  5ˆj

42. Velocity of the image with respect to mirror at

t = 1 sec -

(A) î  3ˆj (B) î  4 ĵ

(C) î  5 ĵ (D) î  7 ĵ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
4 7 5 1 4 0 7 7 3 5

29. √
( 2a  b) 
30. β=
31. r
d  d 2  r2
2 3
32.  h cos 
(   sin  )3 / 2
2 2

33. 1  A  3 
 
B 2 
34.   2 2 
L  2   L   1   L   
  sin1 
R  R   R   
  
35. (30,-50)
36. r0R 2
 n R
2 2
 r02  R 2  r02    r02
 

37 38 39 40 41 42

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