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Artifacts as Pathways and Remains of Organizational Life Pasquale Gagliardi 1 The Field of Analysis ‘he word atic ha eral meaning ~ the one we generally fad in Giconnis and fo hich we refer sn erent age ~ spd cones! eaning among stdene of ogaszaonl cle in the fiat sive the arta a) product of hun action whch xt fnepondety oft enor (tetas tat at slag ‘blo or atne 8 ends ©) perectoed Oy the sense, tat alowed with sown cororaty or pyseaity. Naar, Jependig on fheditionasen language car copes nich the Word of etre ie, the ates gen tne othe ote of the thee elements Tn He ‘Efniton wal change. ‘Stadnt of orgsnratons culture, fr thee prt (efor example: eben 19 Siar 1989) oon eso by artfcts all the visble expressions fe culture ining therewith ar wel 38 obec sod the physical [Seangement) puters of bbavoe och ritual) on th pe and, ad ‘nie lier, absrat productos or mental repeseitens (oh a ‘ois whe — hie bing am eutece independent oft eetars— Elton he powew of comprehension of th deste rather han on thee pouty to epee formal quale concretely tough te sense. Tats iuredurion sod in mrt 9f he essays whieh low aut i te spoken of the fit seme ven though no all he aft which ‘hme that beating have these “conereteeny "the sae peop Srpoctiy some (huldings and workplace, fr example) canbe ely fed ty tote than oe of our ase, oters fr instant. pS) Dy np on of them the rene of some a hndeance which a onl Be Ent of by violent and deostiveacton (ik toe seared tats hecho ofen put thi seal on cultura reveutins), othe Cingusic Tite, for eumple) ent thor cotinance fo a wien doctment cr face fo be memory of members the organization Obviously the dual distinction proposed (absractéoneete, product con) suble and ambiguos, The shifting oatae ofthe meshed ‘renee the wor of teary and dhe word OF objets setly shown 1) Gttoo-Small and Linstead in their essay, Rove, Oro and ‘SChmunann suet the dalestal interplay of agebey and concrete art facts Coan Joerg and Joes tell us at 2 word — apparently ‘yma and olatie ~ can weigh Ie sone and hat he deinton ‘ran objet can change physi fealty, moding ke loved or pant Satin spt, sens sel toe To n6s on the dal snction ‘ove foc tbe fowng rezone: (@) by dinguing Between proc ad Sion, we hate avalae'«grewou tol for the dachoni anal of| ‘reunion phenomena cn beter appre on the one and he ower ot aac to see and cane = ther being pat of ction Shdvon th other, th capac to witoes a and ref Social ad eur ‘namics their being romaie and markers of corporate he () by ‘Eeingunting Between mental and enrory experience, we can uncover ‘eves tensions la organizational paces and peraps open et Sh itresing wists for reach nd fr efecion on the aesthese ien Son of organiations Ube Moor/Sayde 1988, Stat 1990) Tay ot [eitoot tere fo note tal by sen, onthe one had the arc ‘areata product anon the ober, the wa i which nds sl fo ‘Stic Ina broad sense expec we come coe to wing he ‘Sen ntsc mola means (ar ar facta, nae). “The anata of rac most aves peste aaa of anda talatpoy of experience apuce Every bet posses pal boud Stich reumsctes ad's it of fom other obety a perepble Boundary wich mars were begins ad end (Hall 1939) Space d= eer wor tp to dling — the fens of smart, eens With Stes aac hae ting and ening Ont he: ae Pcepon of yas imaetably Hoke tothe perception of ngs” Thi tame i and dfn contours Thus, by taing te symbolism of Shrporate nets sr the objet of naa, our attention 1 pe inought to ber the stot of corporate apace they ae fe of tne and tbe tam cin tro complementary oles of intepeting the 2 Artifacts in Traditional Organization Theory and Research sebagai ere “Anca eS mee mre aes ‘ot buna fasta eatin we shoal tay SSeS ewer Senta nee eekoe saa to, The Rr, X “The primacy of reton in western thought and the cose safeguard the insumnal ronal of ation se the ublatin fms of aman ‘Stodlaton evident have apient roots This daogue between Soraes, tnd Glicon mo ot have bos tf plas om the cove fan) ones the works f the founding fates of the socalled “cane” theory of ‘ganz: And when Sorts clims that at foster of eons ‘uy bean lent nh orpaniaton ote tat ony whe tse {alto te sme of the nte (Coy we wou sa whe ls ropapada™ trostat at) Loa help akg ofthe anc efforts of thw teorists tho, one normal sreasaion had been dscovered and the inerible Tneftece of feclngs sm ratonally panne production procs, tied fd go om tying to ace back thee uneupected eoepes fhe loge a8 Seetcpucpres ofthe formal pia ne tks of the dominance (ie raonast and rdactiepaasipm n organization thes opto he ‘ Pagel Gaga cau of the 1970s, a document by Ouchi Wiking (1989, it shar & Surpaseto id thatthe stay ofthe psa nting sours of ens, {snot and sysbae expeensr har Rad an aMogetber arg ce ‘Boranaton theory. Stl (1079) obseved that Hawthore’s experiments ~ which rally simed a rudsog te eet of the eonmet om produce bebatoe ‘aht have opened interesting prospec for etch tat Seton ven {Tike research med woud fay beconedered geo td ps) butte siting dsovery of “proup worms te atetion tnd research ‘Mots ff on gute ances tick. ronaly, Sec note a Feexamieaon ‘of lawtore' inns reveals the flee ~ aight sod edad though itis bot ofthe ntracions of the workers made poste bythe change in seing Homans 190), and ofthe syabbe value at ht change bad taken oa for them in terms of “spat angage” Aer Hawthorne, the theory of the scoveshnval syrem way, fo peak, enor missed ‘pportnity te thet 0 th approach, ble reaping the inp dnc of the ppl ming, consented their pae onthe fit btw ‘Echnlogy and the socal suctre of oreanizatons, Seven on omar ‘Meson tothe qual. in Terms of alate and culture afte ork Dr slince at she entry “physical sting” ithe index of any txbook o8| ogatzaton analysts wilt you to theories of motaton i precast tor Masiow and Herserg. Masow (933) saw sting ae sued to The Ssusicton of primary. as opposed t hgh needs, and Heabeg et (G95) dred th seg a factor of ine o eta ator — 4 posible sours of dasntnt or naiferenen, but nok satiation — at These wotem have probaly hada sgicat role gene in inde frets to underste the ucnce ef the seling and to judge oot robiemsWorther of atestion Stele 1973, Sundstrom 1987) Independent tthe vate of these notions tee fo neon of qestonne them autace "te abel (Crates teres eres iti vole) to Seructre sjtem of meaning on the buss of abe and andering sumptions (primary and Maher eed, hype factors att mints) thehieachy ofan aeeds has bees ited ith eoreponding erry ‘fect theter which har nlenen te stance tnd chone of ld of "Ti failure ia the working ott of organization theory it matched bya inble ga in empl reser. From Senstonts (988) eens 3f 22) ‘uti emerges that rsarsh work eavitonmeate i dominated by [abortory experiments in wich the eve of santa ofthe nia ‘oka tad te hyptbeace to be checked denon the on han, wh he sfc on performance of factors ke aout, dation, ovroa, ‘oda, and. om te ober, withthe let ono stction fearon Seiideny, stuus and station: and one ole say adopts te ora “ational eel of analyst atempang to check the etn 0 a {Gite obvious o contadctorybeeaute ofthe nereat incpacty of the ‘logs wed te pck up the smote imenson i the observed phenom fa Not oe of the empiri tis inte eos organically examinee {he comecton teers Ue datectvecalire of the orgaiation ard Parola mention a ths tri survey shoul go o Sts work (1973) sxploring ie eprenie poten and symbole qualities of the physical ‘Sting, iin at OD (Organizational Development perspective ‘On the tase his oe ia etperene Stele crepuloayfemigs wo that he htm mang paling ha capa hn “Th terry ina eal and metaphorical ses) nels by students ‘of organization has ben and tage measure ste ~ the dona of ‘iene exports sn archtectsdeaners Starting rm Tao's oral Soncem with eco sf motion aod vial eek on worker litem ‘Sher have planned he psc tang acorn. semeal to gern) Sosrumentl eer, miugated bythe wilespend knowledge at the work ‘ivonmentsbould ao bea tuts marke. Arca deste or tir put have shows over fesent dosades a wideprend tendency inte ‘ans to "alerpe the ned of eontemporary soos, turang themselves [vo daipe thors andes which rem, sometimes i noha ‘nt ttn on Lode of uma aro sence, makes themsees ‘ropoventvnerpeter of fads rappoedyaniveral eet of socal ‘Soni planning ofthe work ewronment ("open plan" Ior example {Hatch in the presen volume). Summerson (989) tas sugested that ths tendency te asin prt to the arees endo vedeloe is Out [otcolonl ole afer wieceng he tcial component fhe sl and "pe puelypacnal sone ors vate bing undermine by members sf tow and lowering poston te engineers (198918) The rede. ttn by atch of te wm proesonl leery hab petbae been iced bythe marginal intent chown by sol eit inthe pyeal {Shing of ose, Att forte, what Hall (959) ls sem Darul tre apace Hk es here bt thas no easton fr ing 3 Artifacts in Organizational Cultural Literature sated wa dance mana er She ee ‘whe we speak of organizational cultura Bizrate, we refer to be net {hal prada of howe hols bo etd wih the eta and ‘tie paraiem which dominated onpaniationl ene up othe cd [like 197 ~ beean ooking at orrnations ar expresie fms ahd 3 Systems of meaning tbe anayeed pot merely in th strane, ‘onomi, ad mae aspets, But ao in tbat Henna ad sSmbolc fentures Forshee scholars orgulzaton re cutlets, characte by stint pcacgms, and the ices a oxporate Ke can nly be pared through the se of hols, eeepc. abd ntracive modes. Ths ie Ietual production, fom the en of tbe 197 onward, har oder ‘rponetual development snd corporate cle oda oe ofthe Mat ‘Shui ofergactstonal eesch (Bary #1988, “Caos enough even ths leatre shad le o sy aout corpo ‘ate arcs, the most evden, coacee and tng mation of oe ‘ature of an organiation, Reporing on 290 arcs and boks on corpo ‘tecture a rpaiestionl smo, Bers (987 found extremes fe ‘eer exptly and excasey devoted foarte, and I astounded y {hu nepacing of hess, by th lk of ateton fo te et xy hresed manietasons of eoeprate He. I we conte the dtinton of ‘Spmbor" most often quote! fe this Metre “Spats are obec st teaonahipe or Unputie Formations that walang fr 8 ‘mulply of meanings, evoke coun ad impel ceo tclon (Cohen 1514035) we an cape the condinon tat bets though they ‘ne what oe mont reniysuoente the sen ‘f Smeal with ave the Tn my review ofthe torture | have found t¥9 shining ceptions seserving special metoo (2) Piers (981) acu, ough summay, Ialyis of te sacturing of te space on 4 campus as expression a Felatowsips and as mio of confttetwen nsttions: (2) Mastin ‘tid Sch 194) sconstuctn of DeLorean eatempt to creates Counter ‘ature ide General Motor. The va subors ner wih peat sbety the couneroue clu ances the felipe ofthe seo at te lint of scepable deviance fm te formal aed syie qustes f paralr arias Turishings se ress peal). ‘Gancngn parla at the erature onthe code of orguizatons etnography, cae sro many author ising on the fportance ars ote interpretation clr, bl ver few who provide ssl ‘Stindcatonewnstane ho ndatons ne chy ad eat c= DeaiKenondy 912, 101-139, some shor mage eapaating ilies mctbods designe or he nas of other ours of location sth bar sf ter we thy ay fe Spey 1999, ‘Ses ws tnt he apn arta eso ay he fa Shc and psec cine incre witha oman Se mon ig too pty at pean asp ad es ‘Salle meanmg: Gee 987. Wakes 1630, Direct iypatiac to ame Sere hnked, can te pat forward to lt ts ccna npsnztona ctr Mest op ipsevce iShruftewe song thm stance. aballtoa thee ype thas flo ec hy comatute the prem ofthe hort elses ‘Sed nie prepa te in, vpanenionl cola acters are — an seman a, cen ‘nen th prs he nterpmary socal ents Wht ey (Teteuomed to deg and stat thy do Bat to etanite soc ‘Shane When ty std cut thr a ssnption sh betaor Jtmow importot ena! Consate of entre "A cutee Fresed (or come) ny by te cn an word is members ‘an Maanen 1h compass aed). When Beatie deties te purpose ‘YStel anopolog ete sy of ottoman! sol rato, be ‘hums thar "te only concrete nen ven athe soil ution are Deo be, cpa se) The snip fhe ete Prveze ob of atentn ony when they cose tee vue ‘Blain fais es shh ensly ony occ when we 0) {Sune hp ws clre we oom rough th ems iti ace ha is Coen An Jor the Ste See nd Tones 909 cha nth say ha eo rh ‘nije af safc ashe peste ak of aehetgy The rsh that {he socal scent finds hin eney at eae when tang writen ot ‘ral conmuneatony, ut ound in team ta pp tenga “Ts Tack of attention towards arises may also te due to the fact ‘tat italy from anhrpologte who sy cules remote om thrown = sade rants catares sare thse sob Ain refers the ume veal gui and call landscape” (an aanen 19833 and eve the nerpetation of arse, whch deine Neetu oan brel Lape tow common ee” ke Saar. ‘fr ober ban, he oranbatna tnczapber ras oclura anthropstgse forts ae mac care be eur fds lt eo wh pope intone fo he iseton of eb in funtion of thei, materi of hniques employed. often by meant tater whch nh rt the en an ane Toul be aie remark that the grt anbropologts ~ or simply the good ones made and make quite iflrent ive of wht they have “rea out" of mateal culture, bot it felt to orrow a ait for Imerpetation: ib many case competence irony acgred by working longa these who have but the yet aga made ciclo Impossible bythe demarcation disputes even ofan elope! ind, wich ‘eve to defend the tational sap ofthe vaous disciples. Te ecent ‘ears, for example, students of fllore have sown a eesing iret in ovganatons and ths might induc us to bop for he benef etts tt a eosefezaton ofthe to dseping. Buon the one Band he esac ats volume fam ey by assaf flr ke Dk Rasp Des re to optimis, cant, on the other and forget tbe stguent at owe atthe 1943 Sana Monica confeeace 0 ogpinatoal flor, ‘ibon the feds many concerned to seqund the adios wich [Bie spontancouly in worplacer were suis that tha sil mip epic by orbanizaonal soeetsn to uteee” i organizations 0 ‘erent te xpress node he workers “Another posible explanation forte nel of arifics cme 9 mind on rag what Lous has to sty ofthe vers lve of the proces Stheeby mains prodesl “The universal lve! rer t0 the broad st [Stobjecve or physi feb mening orleans of ech thing ‘Tye ase py constant are what Wek (1979) reed toa rans tteutn'= (3: sh) T wonder wheter the interes in soil fealty Of ‘renin! call rexeareers tho certaniy generally adopt 8 ‘Setactonnt perspectives ther vow of ay dose aot bey then Into conse oly soil eality as 2 soll constr re onsclenough and ering si. anol, Carer pyc ely ‘etme to rcedeinproperion as man’ symbole sti advan Tal strate land perape the moss nore) ress for ths separ of arts by analyang sal aac which is quel ery Frequraty inte hte, bth because ively stands for a despre stay of ooking at things abd bese ofthe auton fi author Bo 1a a Teadng fle inthe development ofthe eltural approach othe stay ‘torganizatons Tee to the able in which Sees stout the ve of ‘Sitar an ther ineracton. ‘What does this abe show ws? Thee rectangles joined by atows. The spat srengement of he acanges i he fie immediately and free Ty Supssts a herorchy of portance Whe we very eee eraoe ‘tore smportant the tgs we higher up he Sess inti ese Arc ae Paay and Rema of Oration ile " suggest tat what higher up is TRE Spertieal or apparent. whereas [Acyenoe veo sna i ower down is prtousd [5 ore Fundamental hue more worthy of | nana t fenton, This ie ently what (Sir ha ‘Schein sins, and many sdenss TD ‘forgunatonal cates whe ave neglected rafts may Bate bees teeiewet Sedo do so bythe nc af eben aoe sgument, What snrled me be ‘Busan wth many collegues the posits of orang 3 conte nce on arac as thal man OF epee thom rmambered Schoo sate ond [Recomm YN the horarchy suger bt [ Patra’ a {er dan ty cememtered te lope [awe aan ‘toi sponte came spore macmonie tan come, | orthetormal quae af tears [tenn act symmetry, eal, com peta may well have we ERS uel of meats Fe: The Le of Cae sd pescns, the mental experince Tati Spel by the "undersanding” af SO Sin 96 es and te apa of the form {operands may sven ave cverelmed the capacity of the substance to “Connnce "Tee tat thew proce re rape a kas intel ‘Sythe wed eoloying vial asin tbl each aed in eommaniat- ‘sand who ell witout chard, a poset, ora ceva umber ‘colored marker. [Avecond mesg of the able, more smportnt than the fist fr the point ofthe pra dcasion, the suggestion of «Pha one does Cor et to the unconscious astmption ithost pasiag te espoused “thet thee spo ening beyond the fro of uaconcous knoweepe ‘tout digging nto ord, tact Knowle cant be evoked es Urswn u tote lonet ofconsous hous From ht prpetive, Steins ‘Shen mpfr two bane seampons wich large mene fun through ermal ctrl erate: (1) he en that he nell ‘i toconesouines con Be tented the paten ofthe perchoanalc ‘Sfprouh inthe sume way athe affective unconsous and that Herve ‘turing the bes foo or aching the bul sumptions the Men 8 Piste Gated ‘hat the maps which oneat acon may be consious oF unconscious but thie ay Soe nd ht he wl of a own ‘tative wa dlerent om concious owe. “The fiat nea shred rely bythe scholts whose ear tung mas inthe tea onal aod socal phology, but tends to be Febuted those whose ising was largely anthropology Of i ‘Sthaowapbets fr sstance, Spray 19799) int that tac knowles {as always he exprened by an informant, bur mut heifer ‘Shsewation of Bebo frm the stay of racy an from tei | (Gren i as we nave ser, wear os hele abot the poste era of ‘nfrence) Om the other and, there no ach hing aan erate tthe can ring tothe infrsuatsconesowoess someting Me dcr not iow be knows, Ae Paget pte “the sujet Knows ef very Pal, Sine co exp is owe operations nd evento gimpesthe tact the) Imply would eqs him to econsuct& whole pst of which he as never eee sare, aot een in the moments he wat Going through the sane Sept everything Fea dcovered bout the sfstve uncnsso he inlet past fan neva even moe ukaowe Yo bn tha Be ‘ental pst (19671207 “The soon astmpion ~ ie. the ide that tat knowledge is of lect! kind ~ sens mote wily share, pc a ess uncon ‘cous assumptions ae sully comideed fo be copie prince, 3b. ‘Scat ena epeentaion, yao nd general carat ved to the peertion and orderna of xcades of progr les abc more ‘ala, concepts and mental operations Ths conviction seams comistent {ome wth the equally widespread en tat language constiates te ase tGolie tetanic at Hall 93) finds wo ht clare ist tughtin te same way as anguags, and tha univers of behavior ast Sill uoexploed, gently lgpored, od hardly. ose, which ‘SperatsWilout emerging into conssuanes and wich es alongside the vere of words and, sams ome tht out icapcity to explore this ternative universe is Ae eal reason why fundamental proces of orgniatona fe och as Secization sil "lck-bor for stoeats Sieh Marin 1988). Lous Inter imeresigesay of 1980 on he way whic duals in oegani. nal stings cope ith eat expences, paclary surpeses, tacts ‘tom the oberon, dacamentd inthe Merstar (Hughes 134), of he itera! proces through which iuiidals adap tothe pew sting ‘Never she expres admits that hee deseo o coping bat als fn the moe ational spect the role of eonsus tought in puree tar dnd concer by saying thatthe newcomer “eerng the rope 1 he sew eng remaie tadequsely explored, “Theemphais on etl rosa ad copnton is probably theo of our icant ope eons explain seh ete fant STonnantonal procs scat poten, and change (Cia SEN tie wlumo {spl peopl» concept tamewore for ‘tcpeing he cto sd aang of opel ses cnsnng iierek ofteessout cag ant tees aonaann ke pet ‘vas (Gahard 580. ht Loc un nt seas wach are {Scales tural lng” whch ta shee om ot wy ‘iain orca apn al wonder wes or wor asco ‘eet tinal lca mare doc psa ead sare ‘Stun cuir te epee of ake ptg ei the oan of these wo ptt ther ong ir mat ube cathe Ceram ta eng ones i hou 1 ofan tha cre pyc te ty of oganizatonal cultures ns bls in one fom my obseraton ta in Eeee o Sttns of tors ae Sone te somponent of cat: eit ed ‘Sis. lu certo he omlopel and epstenelogeal somone of Tale Clg) coneponding to cogs expen ~ ae to the Sil do Seonologea omponent Cabo) coepondng mor ‘Spence, Bu eects # third fngumenal componct fo hema {xpos “aton way We pte td fe ey and ope ‘SMe i'w ne a 2) The serous eapence ee Wii ths {Stuns} "ah ca ge me fags f con and repeion, Fleur and digi wee ad oy ao curly onion. (97) nem tthe emp ate "A eons thes ithe oe aac aa gay of he nr and Sec ie and'mod 1) et symone oxi ‘Sth hy sss th lor mode arr bran Tem the duocon teow es and por my he uefa Sth ‘Sng hc anton tos ngs dnovon and above bese IE fet tthe meson of anc on heb and te mes °F ceo ae emp cul oer ae ee he eSEpotnns of he eay and he bok ha arts can Froude hey ving pig the ory and este dine Se orpore iin be pe a flow Tol atmo Sxl © etn af my oe tare. epee nf oan ‘ZEttion ouluine! the ker sxaye it Do the pramane Ee ofan eet rac ond rnin Slow andi homens ines hat nd Row ma arts peak {Sen we se lg to ret he ake of a onzton). " Pg Gaghed 4 The Potency of Artifacts in the Structuring of Sensory Experience jcta mm at gt ie ‘whe at nang erent 2) ‘sour nous They a ed ‘ice ayo atege the ae nd soo one Se ‘Letie node this theme by recounting something that happened tome put oer ous fr Saf ius Bld tl my cmt Gita se wr) a eo yr es sinks adn ply a ‘Stradey meta ted tte formal ws more tora sical eto ian Ven he al roup company the nsrs hepeopee Rirettfogeme al wy eel kh mre ets ‘Soin cre hee tee rom oe Ting as cry sc een hoop wae ey ny he tp ‘an ey pla on nh tower he eke sera we ieee “aor” no spiel a Cot te palo wee tae ‘Stow osu for th conse parpt noted ta hy ad eed het tht wi gurus hk ct in cme Ton Tow ete that's clar”fallowel by past ely cat down the aes al "NT he en oh etre thre ms 8 ek fo cals na ro9m ars frm the sa Wher ef etre at yn of ny a “Go TU te Enc ae pine deere A werent sewer ue oe Arc Paty Remi of Orn Life 1s Sie tie ates Sicereer eee a ‘Satis ewe at ae IE ‘This case in my view, iustrates ery cll the possibilty of wing space to sructireogsneaonl slaps, to dele and enforce behavior utero, ad to bancle soedcuonstizough lose couptng "We cin serv natuion: ey high value inde aed on respect for authoriy, shtber here! or academic. When authority speak, ‘hatte en abet to dasa, nor Is cone tat what hss cen becuse tat woud aca be fo "undermine When ‘hoy spate eng perms of oa certain visual raonships nd not olbes, ties pele tSpowetemscer such ay 8 pgs to acknowledge he stncton between Socal poups abd mt {Er staby (Gotta 195) enforss prt postures which peoduce the scary espero of deference Every deta ofthe sting emis tt phosealy Spd symbol, wh all the movonless and unmoveable Pests of objects what we at, what we mst do, what me eanot do ut ihe Navy known forthe Guay of toe fr ds capac to tran tem fen for ke penne to the outade wor and to pogo. (fe the Second World Why shor ly mot trough pen economic ‘etcopment, the Navy was on f the sures that indus de on for event) Taig in deta tages ees the partspation of ‘Molen ntoaction Between them and the teacher. the posto ‘scan an of veriying te sce ofthe earning proces Al ts st ‘erefre tke pte, and t doe take pace but elsewhere, na place which Inverts the inal station, offering. almost‘ aevorsmage of iit Sting which allows sugges, promotes ~ physi and symbolically — ‘Sethe thatthe dt setting denes. The Contacto i dealt ib ‘rough tempor and especialy pica loose coupling the to vase ie Gand nd teed fo at cent moments ad it een paces. ‘Bache hsarchlselasnoipbewoun the sw alr aust ot bee Invambiguiy, no tobe infeed solely fom the tenga sen tha bappersolrmard might be the more pote, ot What Happens rt "Te problem i solved trough a linguiicariact: the definition ofthe second ing oe “bllskdrome™ “Drone” the Sond leet in 6 Pau Gahan compound words ke hippodome and sutodome, and indicates spice ‘there aig (or pense rn competion ake place the cond clement the word ths ndees the message of able redom — esi to the leamingprooss. Bu what race or compete are by dfinton, lacks" Te heathy of ales reetabbehes,unmstakaby though agus att the etre of which expres the eatin of seating ‘he emotional tension which the definition of uaschy teween valet a bing about (Martin ta. 1988), hte the dcours rm he edu ‘neo opal congruence to he ering ane of the snusing prada 441 The Pathways of Action Anti are putea of action and conte a conerete element in the ‘Scala actors dl tate and vette the velty of tha oe ie and of ce muta elatonstipe wi bounds which seth et previous chats made by other aco or by tems t feet ‘moments (ae tbe conbutone m thie volume ty Rosn/Oikomsi) ‘SSimubmann and by Rasad). The mow mesa psc of thse founds isthe eld within which he ators nove, wheat hese te 1 pips and symbole ground the proper and contours which Set defined by arise 1 embodies inmuonal aang routes ogni ram, and imager, athe sete ptt Xpress ‘steht Ciboera and Canara cll the formative context, the dospseated Strctre which atacnee he fehawor ofthe aco ad whish acount forth silly te tern ofthe Teanga the unawareness of the ‘Sul prac (Ciborra/tanzrs, th ame p10) ‘very organization over tine cnsrcte row cara nt, and «he pron of intonation ha ban ths dein ae te propeave ‘nfm of values into am arangement only conte seorng 4 ‘uy trtruental loge (Selma 1957), Te mating of te ety, ‘ic she product of Htory and ercemtnce, become he mae it {the orgaieation (Sezsick 1948), an the set of values which up the ‘utr ent crcansrie he range of options sb for opi onal acon. The aernaties for gn and fr physical and symbolic ‘anpultion ofthe sen re smarty iit to» ange of opons whch Felt both the contertually operating Sse of astumpions (Gagad 1986) and the previous dean daiome ered in he corporat Nosh nd which shape fs utre eolton Kimbery 198, 198), "Teough what procemes do the phys tng td aris ies te eho fe scto? And throug what proses do te ators cope ssi pyle, Whee tha epeens = Tamar eton = ae happens with tse already “inside” the culture of an organization ~ or ‘ether it erecta ew and unexpced station ~ ae Bappens ith newcomers? Obviously, the two types of proces canbe eistingashed oly Snalyeeally— and to ted degree nace hey are neta ed nd the etstenor of one cansot be posal without the exten ofthe tthe it more jst thereto to consider them at two complementay Su ntraive spect ofa single prose the interns between he pyc ‘ngs the peace doling & srang wien ‘As we have alveady observed this iresuonsip his een tid only mainly th pei eard othe pyscal etn erally has teen ‘Stzaieanal seg. ewed as Socal abd clarl rely a aly Imply 4 “tangle phenomenon, On this em, the sniyeal avis employed fer, cl or indel to he cognitive eapacis of the store = indus Socal groups ~ and tothe sl of information ‘taboratdin the mind, When th ag passes rom he ee ofthe overt Information tansated bythe seg. and fom the rol of consous ‘ought in working Hout, to goon to inestgate less enlitapd sible procene the cori re eqn ennui othe erature ate ose of sexpt (Abelson 1976), schema, Bart 1932), frame (Bartek 1988), theooesin-ow (Arayr Schon 1970, ‘These constructs have bon “hoes of though” andar “ser of thiking pracice™ (Wek 197 {They fer generally uncomcion) mental roses ugh fometimes seed that tes mute ote smal By emotes © ‘Bann 1985) has ben aber tht cogive maps canbe eaodal within atria alan for etme tie cetaceans of ofee acto aing ‘Ratt imay be -puble sepesenttons of organizational teoryinie to ‘wich ndiocuas can tle," revealing pattems of commutation and ‘Sones (Argpichn 19%: 13, moe frequent, bowever, des of ‘Steams! ear have looked for scrips nial stat och tthe omer wich ae recounted and pase dow ofganiation sd ‘thick Stay engnte needs in embers apd the organcatons exes [toni Wie 183) These authors obo ave tnded ar me Bate wane epost material vats) bate mally concent the ‘mental epresenatins ach a he mis and sons} of ele and on ‘tbnvior patterns (uc atte “nual n odern burenscatie organ ‘Sone if hi interet i wool havior brags Oo her epatencopal int with sociological ~ rather than with anthropological ~ eno pty (Van Maen 1988), theatres in mena epeseatins bigs out Tick epatemslogal ants with the copie aproach. The wieprend fps placed om the deison of cuture ~ oF of the otpaneton 3s ® Pas Galant culty — in terms of "ystem of meaniogs” (Size 1988, 19808) Ieltanndaton of ths peneal ening. One may wall Wonder, however, ‘eter our seareh or "sense" we ate too hal immed one the senses" and Whee paying more ation tthe "tere whi ale impose on sesary expenence might no improve out understanding of ‘hl specie mental penton and bekanor pater. ‘Clearly the physeal sen iflaence the ebaor Bf the ators since the tt ting eds ito mt and structure thr eaocy expense. ‘Specie eng allows so do some things but ot ees Less we Pgscal bounds joa set sense ~ and gies to cei Sensations ln aot others The sete simul ~ vista ata latory. ate = Transmted by the bait crested bythe orgaszaton acestom Us more ‘ply perbap than wal thous x than we gues se sare) iouse our snes ina dferent way. 9 thatthe same chet cn be perceive st 19865). ‘The smboi potency elf of aici ~ thereat, a mba, 10 rouse ftngs a urge to ation sal te rete te moe the symbol Eagrdersensntions Representing vitor (Nike) as abel ballad ‘tome, the Gresks di nota at evoking inthe watts te ea of ‘Toman, but the senator of eats plese andthe asction of 2 Fantadfor ictory wih the ininctal Sse fr seal congue er Tht stn the mean fa ymbol molten “ints, at concousy Interpreted" (Geet 1973128), symbols ~ a produc of eee work ‘Shaped to vous snmalons and cons — have an inka rate Structure, abd thi stay party stay ia the sociology of act (Coben 1976: 30, Obvious the teadeney sel to associa pleasant or unpleasant ‘enmadons, aration or apis with specie mul Is not aera. “Aqaust a pearl backgroud, which has is feats fn the blopeal [tof lid, pters of socio and action ae srbetred Which Bethe ft of experence apa history, aa wah te teefore carly Gino The tse of Benny tl pos jt Be ate “heat wor these capaci. And oud of tee lnc re od ante = ony ip oto ecole tye ‘Sup ota eaten te eaperen tng in be mt cease ls oka ental la ep anda art ‘tw of abegss pares so fk At Soe eet rp ‘pe ade nthe sho (Gee 19818). Paraphrasing he famous assertion of Man Weber quoted by Gent (1973, tremay say tat peole ae prones aa oly of ses af nicnc, ba ‘Sho of abended webs of weston ty tamales have spun 42 Cognitive Maps, Sensory Maps, and Fourth-Level Controls ‘he mel of asocintve and esive capaci that people conta, thing in spss oeniaona clus probably cones an imports Dart what uy defied a act (olay 1968, Spady 19) Intra Hal 1939) knowlege, bas asp (She 183), or Me arin (neers 197) tetwees to fudamestl apts ofthe sijelo, ha toy ne oe bandh atom conducts) onthe ther the oulede ‘ic suet hime as ote at he ssa! gap eres Showidge acto” (Cera 199: 125-129" Wile pnp pyc {ep trite to tnpcon a Hoton wer extending fo te eo trea if he scent pgchlony of ston onde) bases Wl on {he prem fat coneowmiae tops lo be ceed onthe outcome of ‘ivy before teacher He meri, and tha corresponding tothe ‘hiv concouroc ef oncone thee av alos ft taconoues ‘Ste meshanoms Page 910“ el roms of trode formaton Shes not coms heron, of succts fate of comune ‘Sit Somay we mute toa ices of scr (oth ‘Sof acon and of operations) lary oud the ld of somour ean (Carat 988 127. “Te contns etwean he form of earng wich imps wooncious sent operations sd iat oe inte lag ae pobabiy ey SBaky and perhaps ao rely Sob Hal (1989 alae then se Proctcs when beens that wa iafoal Rood: const of 8 {st acttes at wihout he swarcaes of eaming and somata ‘Sgt to daly String ot fom hs conieations, we may propose cor toe eed “senrory mae = hang ar 100 oe a td Semen ‘Bet ofte prceoos of adaption tote cvronmest the po: biog ec wale remaining caay ontoned ~ rosrg te ‘Sm cote aye for owe ental schemata which may be cossious {Sr uoonoos Bt wh se -Esowabeo the et Chay ny ‘tap are notin the mind, oor een the body But come ino operation ite inacton tewceo the oer and clturally andlor poly ‘Sarr tig Pape hey corpo nat Van Masten (197) terms the mage of pce abd tine Which the newcomer csr Wen tharos args the impact of nw seine “epic conneon athe mp. Va, Matha speaks of was sagged fone byte Kantian ince beeen pave muon » Pug Gaphrs ‘neectal knowledge ntition coreponds othe “capi ot one te soaked though by the snip." ordering though the a pro fategves of space abd Une, before (Sd olen without) the inte ‘Salsring of uty on he data of cnaory experience trough concept The suggston sing made hae tat the sensory maps are suet in treo to primordia of srl and prior ie experens, ‘that they Gus) the simul fe seting slog he seasuratcerest $i, co which the paral inction/ightdefene/ tack ans corresponds The seeomers sense of Sesory overland can now be itp a the Irene fo adae maps atvated in pevousstetns oe am of ‘ening te cod nstetve ration prope and things according tothe posioaing in space and me apd of tic every he prepa Feature "ad te codes nso stil th plas npensant ese tows. The adaption ofthe corporal etema, ofthe peception se have ‘four body, may beat sample of the stivaion of ensry maps and Pesapsconstues ther ass: people sed to moving in a space tat can sem aod ise of obstacles, ining tenses ina dark place andlor ‘ih dient aractun sctoutds, ae fore to rap reine thet Shor schoma activating leen sees and leanne at peed = rom ‘fadapne reacton These ats ae probably ate eat ~ tal ‘Shen an portant part of what Berger and Lockman (196) term “Sensory mape which become tie ia the interaction between ou Senses eco termed the “Enowiedge by clue” which ser Ou of concrete dod emory experence and ree oo muetes not formateate and oles ine o capa of low tasty sv dant fos hgh atom low isan rented i ot neo ong eon em) — a a scifi tro nth omy an te te ‘Semicunn sks antl oan Other onal pes (aut a Students of organizational cure fen refer to Kuhn (1962) may be Stott to veal the Inprtace tha Ku ses on ctemplas Le {Be conveteslutonsto pote = athe spread of pardi exemplts See to ct tact kowdge, and tough hen one tas to st things ‘cordingly on the bass of prepa process over which we an exert ‘sp mental onto tns mir ve, Hal (99) came a he man sent ‘informal krosledge he satin of concrete meses which pea ue br wtch rales gover the thing oe eens Ths ew content, for tat uster, with the importance of imitation and of modelling in the ‘Emig of work sles tn organizations, documented Ye the erate (Bandar 1977, Wei 978). ‘As we Kom, Perow (1972) picked ot thre levels of organizational contr) conrl wich expreein deter (2) ono operating Indvoty throagh peosrammes and procedures: @) control cai BY pean on the slp prmass of ction. The preceding et of cons ‘oason ends one to beeve thatthe tee lee pcet out by Perow Should te increased fur thal exer by operating 0 he senery ‘Stndions and prem of aston, and for which Orennasona race ‘Sonstute he veil andthe expression ee In patular Witkin hie “elu “Am mieceing quetion ~ which would mest detailed exploration ~ i therattonsip betwen the octal faery poems and Cont) of ht ‘aus premacy which povere he eri, more oles expe on the Ds Sf wtih a thig i judged beaul crus From ths viewpoit the “isincion teen the oles of conta fet the tic between [feral aestets enperince he percept form) sod “spec” thee ferene, which ipicates Judgment of tate on seaory expec ‘Chul of sensory pomivs eahieved by operating on he consraion ‘Sed sacpultion fh etna contol fe ale premes oa enh Kini acioed by encouraping the spend so iriotzation of spec teste dscoune” The ever can be consistent, mutual) rorcine Set othr or nee ria hy cam svege nthe second ese he divergence San idiator of the kcal interplay of agency and sctre and ‘ef the diversity othe ait reaie power aspeatons and in the stg ofthe corporate actors 5 The Hermeneutic Dimension of Artifacts “This ection wile intodused by «ssn istration from my research specs wih nia fom. im ot go ee tte ‘fnopraphie uxourt hot Desa the alto dsgue he fia prevents ‘be fom png cern detail and becaue tbe ittogution to a cllion [Stexaye i peshape no the most stable place for ging «fl dscption ‘te pte oraniaonalealtare My aim sto pe the fener the Mor » ‘roan Capa ofan esince wich signicanty infeed my way of sung cultures Shd of wenine the een ‘he T1 a iad ou pong nme do ‘hyp arb rma pi workshop herd Oy the rete ho had ‘uted tits pope ry TL hl pay panded nd ad hed ‘Yakay on mato! trance’ One of te Sots ep wir marked ‘rac foram chal Seg, de he pe ideo he ‘tpl hcg fps ane a hath Se yon wey te hn ‘Sr Feo ef Se hn ers rd of te ‘ln tne tobe sae start ad's ter opto Tae fm, ‘ote tout 190 pel wa oats ia Serao a own of show 208 ‘ahttans ota ne feo pst a ores cong ach To ‘het eon tpn ovoling mer mas come tg) ‘pe emai for my sma em fs he managing dtr, wo eed ‘Bima rom chet td compton, tht te mui oe war only Sec die ears pn te a ny omcp ip at ros kh ne my ssn on sea thar pater {efor thane tobe tre! rom these, my aim eo ores tee ‘att moar speinen rod Sih pin td eran of Gate nds aks at suey peace No Sno eoasy Te ‘het opetauve scons the Feroendl departneat arly usted. ATow fart esa lly man wh acl po ee a ‘Nolan epg oe ree ni a ie aay ms eel cro ‘nig marow our ood sata he nner ‘fnetwe age cus inn wT ns ed weer very independent ty manus nba hd en many er wt th lm od wo on cae geet il scented ck wer fey hgh iy re wen SSS a We as sad Scud aly aig or evagh ee ee Sorte re ements: Poth porte ere siocentegriete ae Sere eee aes remo Sees Seca poet leas anton Su ecminaeiiree era eee ie eee eae Samet nant egenenoepascicaen ts an Serres soph ameter ne SoM ees ateenercene ween Se ane oboe ncaa Ct see caate WS ek hearer ie rea aenon antares ipacunas earner mares Bie Goa sonia cone Sc caarieerenes ace Sc ineeaamterae Feeder Pee kari veers Sn lela ee geet eg ergaemestaeas Teeter inal const) of he Ova stre. mao Pt Siar anaes ae SOS Gee irae aerate Ga’ mah se Oa ens che eer ge semnnrteee erccteteraniae st Sas oe Si iecnoeeaneyepeas is? spinners geeoutmateercamrcerts » Paneer dha no marl cl at ini he mai Stand" ap 0 fen happens ~ in the ows une, at othe real cura {iS at roe ye eg on ‘Serie hd you er bear eit» own sto ter comets he ‘Sry Tice | mea deol he er nt ie serng metaphor, Uke Soret inge hn pp eth alr uecnco, perp en ‘trough he popes one Cert cpr so exes pcp ‘xine eas. With er nds ree neptune cw ofthc oh rie thinks vette new ye ot snl aperar on tebe ‘Sheol cours wee acto am he cura and ely oy Sect ri sn pe In et dea ‘See adic age wb ata pal enue deer o aha Beda ah as gree os aoe ‘hetaeam wa the coe in oe, cing nrg te Stcte poe {Fpl pens. tins Bae of Chute tone the eer aty ea ‘Sra edo fen” pon th owes i tf ay al ‘Sen i nr de ee prince “he respones which »spoic ultue gies to nature are the garments sith which to clothe the tenance af man” (Di Ciara 186-39). and ‘ese ment are moven Ou of prepa! orms een before cooceians ‘Thest nay in which nan proses hs natural weakness by bung Sheter perhaps iis becase a thi ancestral imports of the shel tat {be conrrced sting eleratly or spontaneous used to recout the ‘od ss puoi tat the holder the Conscion af 8 onpunition {eer ol rap the mae wl ener ‘somorate generations trough the ngage ofthe snes, From tis point Ste, tbe comatrcted setting of an oration is "monamen and thereon oct 54 The Remains of Organizational Lite Sic and Mato (194) cli that cult forms — as agin the practices, foxmalsbove al bie consti the objet of ody of rao organ atonal rocach are le suscep to social Sasa bis ad toe att reveal “nated themes, opposed to “spouses” themes Inve mould ath ats andthe organization of space are The ‘thr ov eat ely to sce otha isk we ana rebeace forthe tne» ra hat no loger bas meng fe eco Sed out fae messages about on soniye cam pve anal imags of euses ting ecomersaton, tute cont ive fr too lng i an ara setiog inconsten wi ie “pathos of our cltore Ie a mater of perceptual ‘sonabe, soto speaks por ee os Beng copalive by dia of wearing {Strat “gamer” ne ead up by adaping our way of “ering” oH or Srety fo change cote em portant o note oe hat eating one {ote ariacte sonnet doe nt acosanly mean to enjoy On the totay, i powable that adaption spe sflering: te suleing fan be endo dtl by thew whe sawardly share that way of feding “"or fk a ineuctabie ~ by se who lack the power to make ‘he sling consent wth the ow lent way of Fling ‘Onc hypoth thes fe forse sugested (oe was ‘uat arucs cn functon 4 “apt” of the clletine usconsion, ‘revealing profound modes of fei ifeent fom or oppo tothe ‘Stonolaton tat the meer of he clue ff, nperet god ail (ren to tecve, My idea tat seganatinS, a liar forms of oman ssescaton copsirted and recostuted forthe achieving. of ‘ruin pc onl, tend to censor the expesion ofthe nee for pers ce and loa to themselves wh he have a eles, when ths ne ‘Shes wih the pceaty to fndapt to Geomancs the Heo es and Seam ete ap wou ait Soman he a oi role of erpanations in moder sce, «he festrmentaliy ‘yi siniabons do not sive way to instrament pals the sanson ‘rapuce Sordi f the bay coe areprofane™~ the fodamental {nis When Cone (Dep 8, are eh ice comers or underpe the eanson of ace acorn tothe atonal ‘ENins Sct y he eens practi ie (Dotter in this vole). "The polly that race evade comorssp depends on two Inns feature! poset in iflret seas inthe vas afc the tendeey, » sq Oph ‘rope 1 mate, 10 endure over tine ~ somthing not abays easy to Imaniplte ~ and ihe chirsctrstie they ave of Beng “orpamest >of ‘eng “innocent forms." apparently withen ence a the “smporant {Geng” chr al and done Thr hypothe hasten helped me 12 coer uteasious meng, opposed fo the sae cams and v0 {Bow fable fom bee) by nang, fr tame, the formal fsconmnaton otha pot he cy homey Dah Dbviousy a tew bulding can ret the cultural changes hope fo by the top management ber than te tadoaal vues othe oranizton oe design may contrat the sptations and conptions of workers shout what sto be undersood ss asfactorywovkang envionment (ce Hatch in ths volume, and tembes of the organization snatch every Ialleaiepossbity of the seting to expres the alas apd personal tmbtione eesti what Laren a Shut (nth ome) lar facts of sie" Thr simply means inne wih our argument, ht asats vine and eet social and ultra dais, our task Spl that of ‘hil decoding them a toes of erganztional te The pyoalsting iean arena in whch diverse sons aod interns, conte snd bargin. the tomtom, ina word pb bythe actor” conan temp o rete tnd recente social reality Become mae (ee ll te combos othe Ist par of tis volume, as alo the essay by Grafton ial und Linstead). But ithe a damnact von, this wil be ahflyrefetedy tbe nate "The eerie just now related and al Ue eas in the tid part ‘hs Hook suppst more than anything the posi That arts eves Foot metaphor explnatory af the lara order an talon Ho ‘rgoncattnl order It the explanation of steer vaabty I tea Se in orgaization theory ths post feu ws Yo rexamine the ‘oppose secondary and anlar carci fants the erin ‘libs since etree ultra and ersctaal~ of a9 orgniation Sod aiute a iflerent epstemologieal ats to the anaes 9 arate 5.2 Root-Metaphors, Concrete Images, and Orgenizational Order A rot metaphor, acorn o Pepper (1942), i the area of commonsense face which mankind ses 3 4 babe analogy ie eng To understand tte world To Peper viewthereexsts acon esion betwee common sete and fied aoa, Staring fom common ses, the prion who {ows hme the problem of responsible cognition secs toed ht ‘othr tvouph tnomain gpesof corroboration mulipeatve and sect {at conoboraton, "Muliphetvecoroboration cons atesing tthe Tepetion othe idea erm of eigenen any erent stances ‘Sratural corrsbratn conte i te convergence of guatates ic Teen tems of evidence a suport of sige em (1942 108105). But [Erutralcorroboraon rues ery or hypotess forte conection ‘tthe varour ems of dese abd ths theory er hypothe also dav from common seas, Mogan (198) clams that orpiniaton toot it tics fret desl enpere Hoowiedpe on cxganaion. tie the Se Provedurc and tht tery theoretical iw they workout is fact {etpbor a repretenison of oraszational fait To terms af a suaion Sta thang nce mon Th they ‘eopt no ia an enpct ad conious way et themes the pris [i indetnsing and exining the Word te theses cauBS nthe ineoctble civic which hs exper knowledge to como sere foro’ iv be not diferent Tora human group whove prot at that of Proving el and thes with sytem el conepaal formulated bcory bat wbowe mn Gonctn Io suvie ad to at Tae of the ‘robles hy the envionment Forti enon Seems plate that [tebe derpest evel of ctu the hero et oe normal knoe, ‘hn are be found re const ager star han pblosops “The sates adopted y esenrhers in thar forts to ve 8 boli inerpetation fo clue tn to fio to main es of argument, dst fsb at htton bythe wo deg epiemologsmetoned section {Fito Sone sn soy he Gre jer of ela the osophies and copnite penapler whch underpin the etal oder, {aot he tna mb and arcs conimtin f he tact comeptons governing won lor example Sa 198, ener) Sinwautanr 1984 ShvstavaSehnede 1984) For thoe who adopt this Sppeach (which we may term "neo-pltonc™apposch), the esence or puri of cre ies motem of ltetrated Meas. Other sadets [Ehcd sek to nerpet the cultural nd on the basis of» dominant ive (Gens 1938) orm sterauing theme (Bary 198, Opler 145) which ‘Snvbe sored im syateainy symbols (Gers 197. “Te ypothes put forward here ~ of cooeete form which enables us to gre 2 holateinerreaon ofan efanztiona culture aed which [Sve Tor tothe clare m tt ie a0 ogatvaon. lly bas ore Eta withthe approach of student ofthe second eam aber fan the firs tn ve hypottess, the hase sumptions understood a general (endear to te things apd to ac i spi ways deve frm mould" which define ht branch aad repeal rlabonsips. What * Page Gags rricalazes the specie opaizational culture desolate is ot Sais” of “elesuiceny.” but tbe sis abd Fteeptul cote ‘hich we have deserted nthe nage ofthe frase Ti sbuld be ote that te once age ot neces presen tne minds of thon who adopt besvior pater homolog ith End aosortd though setsoy experence without the subjet comsaous) ‘king hime about ther sacar. as important oss hat a Sng the word “image” we are here making referee fhe mo mmo ‘tayo pecesing 3 sensory form, that nb way ofthe eer there Sort eqns fo the image pane on he ret: the gota perception ‘St fom may be tact ar withthe Sind), olfactory (ood as that en {5 Prout by his "madeene) or sural (ach 2 merce fom a sc empstion or in any case trough hearing) And Tbeeve it to is tulbsessor) vlecy tat we can abate be “conte age" capaty {ormutanenusyacuatesltonlstent associative and renee pateas ‘Red's im vitor of this mulseoory value thatthe conte tage sien sractre experienc can be incorporated and tapamited By the ‘Tie tng ofaraface td no exlnavly or eon Oy the onber iy ofan organo. "The a that cocete fom can seneprae mental and vale structures at Benard by various wets steno pnb, it stots 1d nnhropetosng, Bolognin, wih Casein tidy has came thal "be losalopace of gore is nati itseres to onde things and as salve only ar lope conaivon of hr order. Mytheal pace aye XC ie teeta gatos tinge and even aad whith ake On thor atologealfentres. ‘Thu fs why fea caer of wloen, he very ‘penton ofthe wayein whch salves are dstded and shared” (1986 9). Douglas and Ieherwood (979) ca that goods ers abd amaze Stra categories Caksanimbsiye and Rockiors Halton (981) ave ‘plored the latoesip betwen objets, the home, ad the development ‘tthe see Others have instante te stuctura eorespondeaces betwee Seren foal and concept! orders of ail ea erat (196), fo lesan, es inte stroetring of space and nthe pot orgaiation| ‘tape Greece the umpant ofthe same hab, Panay (198) has Shaneod te rationshin bemeen Gothic arhtcrare and scholar, omens iti Gers (983) who, in my mew grup the eb of he gastos ‘thom nbs eay on art ara eltaral ym be ee hats ate ‘ot ecssey ilsteations of concepttons aed i fre, bat equally ‘Primary documents (oldwter 1975) which materia a way of expenene ‘ng and o ine ‘The rclasonsip between artifacts and inal knowles abies cout tnd probably of sero! strdepenence. Perhaps We shall Beer Arc Paty nd Remain of Oren! Life » know whether concrete forms are the product oferta eas, whether the Ie we esve re atinaiations of wa of elng or wheter te eas Wwe ead of rom forme are ony or way of step tem For this feign, if | weet claim tha the specific metaphor used by resacter tovapan the sractre and te tei pater ofa paren organiza tt doy i we ae crt tat correspond tote conerete ape lpn the sonst of te member T would contact eveything T it ao far Te meine ne atch onto may team es or oma, ‘tatonaation we re forced ta adopt bythe pees of communicating {oven wat we bate fnuted shout another culture is hers vale fs soy ine paula am veal enteron of nteetaton of al tre ve chur and devebed. Ths oberon takes ts on to the Jrobien of the methods avi forthe sady of organizational cates Throop ci aula wich we al verte aU flowing econ 6 The Study of Artifacts Berke cone te we es See sagan ceaes Meme Sie eat aya cane tt Sane Rama mae oman ees Sarin ee aa ee as sei Sc ind nn ta 9) ro minster onlin ar cars mean soem ienaet mas ea ater tte section Semone ec ec ete sa aeaie ee i ie cE Ee oe ier res ier roma erate a coe ae pe ccetaesee eaters ee eee es ea nr Sere se os Sea mrp Rn Eames (even Untemnen Friese see oreo » sq Gaphr uti form ood a meaning io a exp celaonhip om the bass of & ‘stm of elt recognized convention (3) a Iuneion epresie of ‘Seciicvaues and ideologies, manfleed anally and forth mot {urn an pt way, exaping inal coserounee The esning of Snot a tgn scons Unked tothe yee of ape expects Sd babs which ela deliv Ws ue om ths pote the sete {oats approach i very well, AS Symbol, howeer the objet at Be Interpreten the basis ofthese corespondenss between i syste ‘odaliter = Le ws formal partcuaries and tee tht produces {Ce are ao longer nthe ld of senior Bot of pneal sete, Ubderstood a gear thor of ens “The cays in ths volume exploring the possibility of using arifats ax ara ineators forthe moe part ploy approche which ae more indoctne and guaitate, postuling, more oss inp, the reeach Fs ideation withthe station being ivestaatd ee in parla, the tepingg of Seiwa’ essay and the methodologeal proposal in arse and Schultz). To te reader his retrene ough o appear coms atte empha we have pu oa theaters bing the expresses ‘m otgalzvon’s pei way of olin (paths). Rose (98) bas dusted the speci epseroloialy based probes sing out ofthe fact tht In orpanvatioal reser the studied spd the ‘atier mos fen nha he aero At est erga the sal fof autets andthe snsry dimetsion of organizational es seams to te that ths poston ffs opportunites fresco the airoplonst tidying olsted and exotic Gmmucioe iis tltely, im effec tha a Scant of shzation far femoved frm bis own mung t= fede the skin of te nates apd Geert’ ascerton (1983 emus tive ‘te cam newt apprehend another people's ar another ped’ stagnation reat, arihough f mre our own” Bt al thon of te who sto fora Contenporatyorsunizatons may belong (or even do elon se Seve (Sip) te opinions undorertgnon: The way of ecg of he [ural orgunation we ae studying ~ sould ave a disinet cul fre is diferet fom our own if we tong footer ctrl charac ‘ered orpaniations, But we can quickly fea of i the Same Wa 35 ‘he orgamation me ae radyng le ela pst caes ean ssp fot invert nsttional coves (ee the esay by Borg and Kreiner fa ths este, bt jose Bena ofthis they tend to be stated relation Co ‘hose nateatioal coder spend thouphout the society 1 wh both he Sse ny expeiace af TL have fen wonderad whether we would’ come move adept at gaping the language of arti me wee forced 1o se sho lone Tor serpin cure f we mee inthe postion of TRetchesogst 1 have thus adopted te habit ~ whenever pote of vont ee se pit oe sop at te cen ran Saath Gy Serancur aster Saori reee renee Engine ee enero aes Sat ain oamro az sae amare aerrate Eee eo eeok Sine miiintaniesnemaaragacra Sia miearngencnemeenee Siceee tices eamae Si ret paiccaee eee ieprceetenoeretememes cnieay ion memiomanmeety rhiencammnoesearnme (Fetaciee mere more ceo Si speet neem » equal Gates fining in ber Feld work 19 be writen up in whateee way she fet ‘erp them te. She wot a sry and we decide to acto it ‘ie verch report The ear had teen corms bythe maging {Treoro th gaan we ad bere saying, 2 tcnt pointe orm ‘ute Inprswsting the repo we spake to bar sient about ble “tes and Molopes and he des wb for, without reat sce {Solow ou reasoning Then, when the nyse was end oa be anced Sd snd “Atlas Now Um with ou!” 7 Towards a Theory of Corporate Artifacts ‘Oar sarin pois, in hs ntodcton, war the efnion ofthe aifact Satna! prodct of human ston prep tough the see Shelve tae surveyed he marginal role ged bythe iyo the ysl Shing ar asoute ofsemnry andemobnal expenene im orgniaion {theory and oeganiationa ule research “Katong the posable reasons for thir neglect parila ataton was ‘ase to the cadency fo employ a cognitive paradigm even ia the stay of the mbolc apse of the oranztion.Werhen gael that organize onal etre be sted not ust by picking out the oatlopeal cement {Ge lope) andthe deootlopeal met ihe ethos), Bu ao the sensory Sod sestheu een (he pos), forling the types that corpo- fate afuctstopesea and ave the vehicle the pathos of corporate I ning te rama inension of att — tei ee he ther bing emai of corporate i efecing ts socal fd cultural dynes ~a shin of liked sens has been ote, which Tha aow byron tough forth sake of the reader “Ardatsconstiwe a conc ements the Soil Suet and ae son ined percep of alte pyscal and sybelc bods iin ‘hich the ets move tnd which ty uv to moa and manpulate “Ine phecalsetng aoc the behavior ofthe actors beease ik sets ers and sorts ther sensory exper “Tae weuth of aucatve apd reactive capuces ch jeope construc vine in ses stg ran ipontan part of scale ac or ioral oaledge "Tas wel ete ransated ato sesory mae” which become aed ine dynam nterscton betwee the eter anda peti yacosU rc at Paty a Reming fOr Life » seting, and which cn be dings rom unconscious mental schemata “Seonry map asthe stim a eng slong te reassurance threat ssc to wil the pra snacton/iphlence/stack ane corerpondt “Adapio oa ne ein impleates the rtesintion of codes of astioe- sive rection o people and things ~ according to tht forma quai Sd of ends astocating sss oplenanuaplesant sensations "Te posbity therefore xr of fourth eel of erganzatonal contol (at azaine the tres inetd by Peo whch I exerted by operating ‘i te semory conditions and premss of action, and of whch arts Sethe vehi and expeson ‘Orszatnal sutures end i the bai astamption and pare tat may of elim patos) athe setng contacted by the oresiaon ‘Materia rics and the oraizton of spac ate Is sucepble10 social desirably be than other eltaral forms abd more ap 0 reveal ‘Meena clr themes and tbe ens inp by the ator cosant Hore o seat aod recreate sail) in porn arias cn eva the r0o¢ metaphor wich explains the call orders etna in the oranoatona der "The root mtapbor incorporated snd ranaated byt acta sting ‘endef ben conte mlesesory image tick simultaneous atvates ‘eltconnen pater of asocaton nnd ection ‘rac ashe eres of a orgazatons way of fling patos). can bene! by eons af indie and unitate approshes whch ‘ovulate eaetcer encaon wih hesitation unde ives ‘faton und fir or her sspacgy a these tbe ~ Ho refs on the ‘maton he or heel TReoring ou what the Vetercer has picked up ofthe patos of an corpatation seus the tre of ceatee imagination and of Was af ‘Scmmnunsatig Consoeat with the arte ate of the experince fo be The des set out above mere developed ou ofthe erature, ot of my esearch eeoeice bu ove af espns oma om he ss Inthe volume. From 2 eartaiapoat of ew, it would have been moce Appropriate have pac this ste ofa theoy at been of te book. ‘Nero, {have adopt ae my oom Wicks tess (987.121) Ut “yeas ain the ae fom wht they alos to seep organizations. Evocative eas eel to fe clued by torts roa te begining ‘nus tele nor thepicim, precede sereaton~ It ble lets ‘Song aod af theones ze saint beefs hat aft what we ws, then ‘eons shouldbe adopted oreo maine Wat nee tam fo sms u Pagan Gahan rit what we have sled sen” I hope ta this tempt at toring wll ep he ees mor in hens ch iw iat rn Notes 2 ia ERE Ope ha A Ride G9 Dh Men of Monn 4 Tote the sheets of his sino wo ap eachange of as with Fuio ‘Camps One tentevrnhntcera pee yo ey ‘a Asta hanya Forma bs" Toho try Sorel hha ea i cit ce of we Ss Sel eb Sn i ly ire raf aay ‘Sig frame cee too ne te nce cece, mama ny Gin etn sone or NEO. Epi rhemin nom el twa 1 References An 96) Sige Proce Aude Ferman a8 Deco Making “ovis Sel Bean 13 Cael. W. 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