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From: Alejandro Manuel Pinales Pinales

To: Instituto tecnológico de Santo Domingo

In this essay you will find information about my great vocation and how I discovered it. In
addition to how I plan to prepare myself to be able to pursue the career of my dreams, a career
which I will study because since I was a little boy I have generated great interest in it. Since I
was a child, I have always focused my interests on civil engineering. This is why now I am
looking to work and study very hard to be able to obtain this title and be one of the best civil
engineers in the country.

Since childhood my dad has always been doing a lot of house modification jobs. I always
sneaked into these constructions to help the workers. That's where my love for construction was
born. Then in school I was always good at numbers and science and between one thing and the
other I always ended up directly involved in something about my career. For example, I once
helped the workers who were working in the backyard of the house carrying materials and
measuring the land.

I always describe myself as someone patient and focused, I always work hard at whatever I set
my mind to regardless of any obstacles. An example of this was when I was 12 and I spent the
whole day in the sun helping my dad and the workmen cleaning up the remains after finishing a
repair for a roof.

After achieving my goal of studying what I dreamed of since I was little, in this university I plan
to keep in touch with the engineers I already know to establish financial relationships in works to
get a job, from there to go on my own path of traveling the world doing what I like building with
my own knowledge everywhere, going to a global level of construction and that one day I can
say that many things around me were made by me. As for the economic part, it will go hand in
hand with that and I will be able to give back to my mother everything she worked for me. For
that, I chose this university as the one that would mark the beginning of my future self and in my
opinion, I will achieve that if I apply to this one.

So, follow your instincts no matter what. Since I was a child I was interested in this career and
despite people's comments that it is a very complicated engineering, I have always stood firm
before my decision because it is something that I am really passionate about.

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