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Teaching Students Vocabulary Using Cognitive and Metacognitive

Strategy Through Instagram Application

Today, social media usage is on the rise. In the world of education, social media is an
approach that can be used as a medium for classroom teaching and learning. One social
media that can be used as a learning medium to improve students' Vocabulary skills is
Instagram. Instagram is a popular visual Social Media site. People share amazing images to
share their lives and stories (Anuar et al., 2020; Febria Lina & Setiyanto, 2021). Some people
use Instagram as a medium to share knowledge, motivation, and clever words in English and
learn about many things, including the English Language.
In contrast, others use their accounts as a place to share English skills like spelling,
pronunciation, and much more. Some accounts may even have Vocabulary that few people
know, such as English slang (Sari & Wahyudin, 2019b). Therefore, Instagram might be one
of the ways to learn English, especially English Vocabulary.

A. Strategy and Media used.

a) Strategy
Several strategies were used in this study, there are:
1) Cognitive strategy
Cognitive strategies are used in this study. These strategies involve the
learners manipulating and transforming the words of the target language and
do not involve mental manipulation. Cognitive strategies facilitate the learners
to find the word's meaning. In implementing this strategy, the learners must
do a rehearsal, interference, summarizing, paraphrasing, imagery, and
amplification of the words. Thus, the cognitive strategy involves verbal
repetition, writing down vocabulary in a notebook, employing vocabulary
units in a textbook, use word lists and flashcards (Schmitt, 1997).
Furthermore, Using the Guessing strategy is included in one of the cognitive
strategies. In the guessing strategy, students first guess the meaning of words
they do not know from what they get and look at in the Instagram post before
looking at the dictionary's correct meaning. If the guessing strategy does not
work or they want to confirm the exact meaning, they can look at the
dictionary and guess the word's meaning by word formation, speech parts,
sentence structure, and context from the word they found.

Then cognitive strategies also include note-taking. In the Note-Taking
strategy, students may note useful phrases or phrases related to a word, and
students will take notes when they find vocabulary they do not know. This
strategy can help students have a more profound impression of new words
they found (video, quote, or captions) in the Instagram application and
remember them because they take notes so that the newly discovered
vocabulary will be easier to remember and can even become long-term
Besides that, Looking to Dictionary is also included in the cognitive
strategy. In Using the Dictionary strategy, students use a dictionary to look up
the meaning of words they get from Instagram quotes, videos, or posts they
do not know. In addition, students not only look for new words they come
across to look for purposes but also look for some learned words for more
accurate usage or confirm knowledge about them. Therefore, those who do
not have a natural communication environment to learn vocabulary will solve
the problem (the word they do not know) by looking it up in the dictionary.
2) Metacognitive strategy
Metacognitive strategies refer to methods used to help students understand
how they learn (more independently) by reading and then remembering what
they get. According to (Schmitt, 1997), Metacognitive strategies are “used by
students to control and evaluate their learning, by having an overview of the
learning process in general.” The purpose of using metacognitive strategies is
to make learning new words successful and efficient. For example, learners
can use English media (songs, movies, magazines, radio, newspapers, and
television news programs), take vocabulary tests, skip unfamiliar and
complex words, write vocabulary lists in notepads, or learn new words
repeatedly. Metacognitive strategies, therefore, involve learners consciously
learning new words and making decisions about how best to plan, monitor, or
assess their target language vocabulary (Schmitt, 1997).
So, through this strategy, when students read the English quote, video, or
caption in Instagram media posts, then the student study independently, and
then memorize words that they get (e.g., vocabulary books), it will be a more
effective way for students to learn new words.

Using metacognitive strategies might positively impact students with learning
disabilities by helping them develop appropriate plans for learning
information, which can be memorized and ultimately routine. When students
become aware of their learning, they will use this process to acquire new
vocabulary efficiently.
3) Memory and repetition strategy
In addition to the two strategies above, one more strategy is considered to
make teaching targets more effective. The strategy named is the memory and
repetition strategy. In this strategy, students will memorize the vocabulary
they have acquired, search for and know its meaning, then after students
memorize it, they will repeat it as often as possible. Afterward, the teacher
will test students' memory of the vocabulary they have memorized within a
certain period (can be once or twice a week). This strategy is done in to hope
that the new vocabulary they acquire will always be remembered and can
become long-term memory, and the student may use them in real life.
b) Media
The media used in this study is Instagram. As we know, with the rapid
advancement of technology, everyone in the world uses social media every day,
and Instagram is no exception. Therefore, this should be used in an educational
approach that utilizes Instagram as a medium to increase vocabulary instead of
making it only for fun.
In addition, many accounts on Instagram contain English educational content that
students can easily access in the form of videos, quotes, and English texts.
Therefore, in this study, Instagram is used as a medium to teach students

B. Meaning, types, function, strengths, weakness, how to teach, and how to

a) What is vocabulary means?
According to Hubbard (1983), vocabulary is a powerful carrier of meaning.
Vocabulary can be defined as the words that must be known to communicate
effectively; words in speaking (expressive vocabulary) and words in listening
(receptive vocabulary) (Aminatun & Oktaviani, 2019; Novanti & Suprayogi,
2021). However, other authors define complex definitions of vocabulary. Nation
(2001) states that vocabulary knowledge implies knowing a word in the spoken
form of the word, and the spoken form can be recognized and understood in and
out of context rather than guessed. Additionally, Henriksen (1996) states that
vocabulary knowledge is often defined as precise comprehension, operationalized
as the ability to translate the lexical items into L1, the ability to find the proper
definition in a multiple-choice task, or the ability to give a target language
paraphrase. Vocabulary is a list or collection of words that have meanings. It
contains more than one. Words listed/collected have to be one by one in a
vocabulary so that one vocabulary consists of more than one word. Vocabulary is
central to language.
b) The types of vocabulary
According to Mawardin, 2022. The vocabulary is divided into some types, they
1) Alphabetic Vocabulary
An alphabetical vocabulary is a list or collection of words, possibly ordered
from A to Z. A to Z are letters of the alphabet. A word must have at least
one letter. Then it can be classified by analyzing in combination with word
classes. After having several words or words in this problem, we can
alphabetize them to form a collection of alphabetically ordered words.
2) Numeral Vocabulary
A numeral vocabulary is a list or collection of words organized by numbers.
It consists of Cardinal vocabulary and ordinal number vocabulary. They can
be ordered from zero or one (for cardinality) or first (for ordinal) to the end,
or vice versa from last to zero or one or first. So, it is in numbers/numerals.
3) Natural Vocabulary
A natural vocabulary is a list or collection of words arranged as real-world
entities in a bottom-up or top-down arrangement.
Example: Top-down: head, hands, and foot. Bottom-up: food, hand, head.
Alphabetically: hand, head, food. The natural vocabulary consists of
Bottom-up and top-down vocabulary.
4) Academic Vocabulary
Academic vocabulary includes words used in academic conversations and
texts. It does not have words that students use in common conversation, but
academic vocabulary refers to other familiar words. For example, rather than
using the simple verb watch, an academic term would be observed.
Academic vocabulary helps students to understand oral and classroom
instructions and texts in various fields.

c) The function of vocabulary

Vocabulary is the key to being able to communicate and make sentences.
Vocabulary is a language component that constructs sentences for disseminating
knowledge and realizing skills. Language components consist of Pronunciation,
Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, and Meaning.
Pronunciation can be detailly learned in Phonology (as a grammar dealing with
sound system) (even Phonetics as a grammar of language sounds with sound
system) (even Phonetics as a grammar or language sounds). Vocabulary is
accurately learned in Morphology (as grammar in connection with word
formation). Sentence Structure is covered by Syntax (as a grammar dealing with
sentence structure). Semantics and Pragmatics cover meanings. Since there are
three kinds of meanings, i.e., Word Meaning, Sentence-Meaning, and Utterance
Meaning, the first and the second are covered by Semantics, whereas the third is
covered by Pragmatics. Thus, Phonology (even Phonetice), Morphology, Syntax,
Semantics, and Pragmatics are covered by grammar (as a prescriptive and
scientific study of language). (Mawardin, 2021). We cannot make sentences
without vocabulary. We may do diction (word choice). Vocabulary for subject and
predicate must be if we want to make an English sentence. Thus, vocabulary is
used to create a sentence that contains more than one word. In the end, Vocabulary
has an essential function in every aspect and element of the language component.
d) How to teach
1) Introduce each new word, or let the student read the word individually. And
then, say the word out loud and ask the student to repeat the word.
Alternatively, use visual aids to show the word and its definition for students
to see.
2) Say the word carefully. Pronunciation is essential for students to make strong
connections between written and spoken language and make each part of the
word easier to pronounce.

3) Write the word. There is a strong correlation between word spelling and
vocabulary. For students to access vocabulary in both passive and active
contexts, they must be able to spell new vocabulary.
4) Provide students with easy-to-understand definitions. Give some relevant
examples. Use words in phrases and contexts that are meaningful to the
students. Nevertheless, do not stop at one; provide many examples to help the
student connect and relate to the language.
5) Ask for student examples. It is helpful for students to try to clarify their word
examples in context. Including this at the explicit stage of instruction is a way
to clarify understanding and address misunderstandings when words have
multiple meanings.
e) How to maintain the vocabulary retention
Maintain learning through repeated practice and revision.
1) Do reflection. Make students think about what they know or don't know about
words that students get, as the class may come into class with varying
vocabulary levels. Some students may be familiar with some words. Other
students may not know. This is an excellent opportunity for students to work on
different words using flexible groupings.
2) Ask students to repeat the word they read and get from the Instagram
application. Remind students of the definition of the word when a word has
multiple meanings (if it needs and exists).
3) Reinforce the meaning of new words using easy and fun activities, for example,
doing games or fun things.
4) Play word games. Play word games like Vocabulary Bingo, Vocabulary
Pictionary, and Charades for a week to practice new words. Add and reinforce
previously taught words.
5) Encourage students to use new words. The student can use their new
vocabulary in various situations, whether at home, during recess, or after
f) Motivate
Students should understand the benefits of having a rich vocabulary. As in any
class, some students are naturally curious, while others need persuasion. The
things that might do are:
1) Take the time to show the value of extensive vocabulary knowledge.
2) Making word searches an integral part of classroom culture creates a friendly
3) Find puns, jokes, and other comedic gimmicks to make learning words more
interesting. Find one that exchanges multiple meanings, especially humorously.
4) Designate the word of the week in a challenge to use it creatively in the week's

g) The strengths
Several strengths are:
First, Take advantage of technological advances.
As we know, With the rapid advancement of technology, everyone in this world
uses social media every day, with no exception for the use of Instagram.
Therefore, we must take advantage of that with one teaching approach with
applied Instagram as a media for Improving vocabulary skills.
Second, create a fun learning atmosphere and keep up with the time. Sheldon
(2015) said that actually, using learning by using social media in class is fun. That
way, it will make students more enthusiastic and enjoy learning; in this study,
vocabulary learning. They can explore the tools on Instagram like Insta-story,
posts, or Instagram live that provide or share about English. In these tools, they
indirectly learn new vocabulary when they watch the video or tutorials, read the
caption or see the posts from someone’s account.
Third, knowing and directing context is more effective than only memorizing.
Students will learn vocabulary more easily when directly confronted with the
context of the use of the word compared to deliberately memorizing a vocabulary
that later may be very difficult to remember. A variety of short messages or
captions on various subjects can be read. Therefore, students are exposed to
reading new words, facing turns of phrase, and jargon, which all help build and
expand the English vocabulary (Borman et al., 2018; Sari & Wahyudin, 2019a;
Wahyudin & Sari, 2018).
Those strengths are that social media, like Instagram, can clearly and concretely
improve students' knowledge. Moreover, Instagram can be used as media to help
students increase their vocabulary skills.
h) The weakness
The weakness of using Instagram as a medium to improve students' vocabulary
skills is that in addition to providing a pleasant learning atmosphere, it can also be
the other way around. Namely, students will become too busy and excessively
using Instagram to become out of control, or worse; they will abuse learning
opportunities through Instagram to play and have fun, not to learn and improve
their vocabulary skills. Another weakness that needs to be considered is that, due
to the limitations of the teacher in supervising and paying attention to each student
one by one, extra attention from the teacher is needed here in guiding (controlling)
each student to focus on their goals for learning goals.

Vocabulary learning does not only refer to mastering a certain number of words or phrases
but also to the ability to use vocabulary correctly. Vocabulary learning is a long-term task,
and correct vocabulary learning strategies allow students to learn vocabulary effectively
regardless of the teacher. Furthermore, Vocabulary is constantly changing and developing,
and proper vocabulary learning strategies can enable students to learn vocabulary effectively.
Sufficient every time. Hopefully, through the use of social media in this technological era, it
can bring benefits, mainly social media Instagram, which is not only a communication
medium but also for improving students' vocabulary skills.

Dr. Mawardin M. Said, M. H. (2021). English Vocabulary. Bandung-Jawa Barat: CV. Media
Sains Indonesia.
Bai, Z. (July 2018). An Analysis of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies. Journal of
Language Teaching and Researach, Vol 9, No. 4, 849-855.
Putri, E. (2022). An Impact of the Use Instagram Application Towards Students Vocabulary.
Pustaka Volume 2 (2), 4, 1-10.
Kamal, A. (2019). Learning English Vocabulary Through Instagram.


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