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Customer Analysis Who is your Customer? Current and potential customers (competitor's customer, non-customer of product category). Who buys, influences and consumers the product. Reference group, ‘Types of customer for your product- (Cognitive, passive, Impulsive, Economic, ‘Specific Factors of your Pat influencing CB (Cultural, Social, Personal) What customer buys (Need satisfying characteristic of your product) How customer buys ? AIDA model of your product. Buying decision making process [customer Involvement, habitual, dissonance, Post purchase behaviour. Where customer buy. B2B, B2C, Online, brick n mortar. Distribution policy: intensive or exclusive. When they buy. Timing of requirement. Customer life cycle, seasonal, festival etc. How they choose (Multi-attribute models, perceptual mapping, conjoint analysis) Why they prefer a Pdt? Competitive advantage. Value comparison. How do they respond to company’s marketing programs (Sensitivity test) Will they buy again? Satisfaction and delight"C RM method of your company. Emerging trends — Changes in customer Profile, cultural changes, and demographic shift. i, Competitor Analysis No. of players, Total Market size, relative share of players, Industry analysis nature of competition (Monopoly, oligopoly, perfect), Differentiation practiced by various players, Barriers in the industry (Entry ~ Exit) 5 forces of competition — Porters Modé! Analysis Emerging trends — PLC, rate of growth, Marketing Dynamics, Changes in need, innovation in technology, changes in regulatory environment. 7-Followér. Analyze your marketing strategy; Are you a leader, Challenger, Nicher, accordingly decide. Company Analysis - Type of firm, structure of the firm, capital structure - HR policy, organization chart - Financial performance. Total revenue, operating profit, Net profit, Total Asset, Marketing capitalization - Business Analysis - Basic objective — High sale low margin High margin low sale — High value pdt es Structure of company = Product details - Price - Place - Promotion r Customer segment - Positioning strategy - Branding strategy

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