3 Learning Plan MAPEH Health 5 Q3

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The learners will independently use their understanding of gateway drugs to protect themselves and
their health by refusing to use and abuse these kinds of drugs.

The learner understands the nature and effects of the use and abuse of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol.

The learner demonstrates the ability to protect one’s health by refusing to use or abuse gateway drugs.

The students will understand that…

Lesson 1
When consumed for a long time, gateway drugs lead the user to taking harder and habit-forming
Lesson 2
Abusing gateway drugs affects the individual, the family and the community where the user belongs.
Keeping oneself away from gateway drugs needs resistance, decision-making, and assertiveness.

The students will know…

Lesson 1
Nature and Effects of Gateway Drugs
Lesson 2
Impact of Abuse of Gateway Drugs
Prevention and Control of Use and Abuse of Gateway Drugs

The students will be skilled at…

Lesson 1
explaining the concept of gateway drugs;
discussing the nature of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol use and abuse;
describing the general effects of the use and abuse of caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol;
Lesson 2
analyzing how abuse of gateway drugs can negatively impact the health of the individual, the family
and the community; and
demonstrating life skills in keeping healthy through the non-use of gateway drugs


Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Learning Competency Code

 explain the concept of gateway drugs H5SU-IIIa-7
 discuss the nature of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol use H5SU-IIIc-9
and abuse
 identify products with caffeine H5SU-IIIb-8

Show the class pictures of marijuana sticks, methamphetamine hydrochloride (shabu), cocaine and
ecstasy pills. Ask students to identify them. Continue by asking, “How does addiction to these substances
start?” Then pose the essential question.

Presentation of the Essential Question (EQ):

Pose the essential questions (allow the students to express their prior knowledge)

 How do gateway drugs lead to abuse of harder and habit-forming substances?

Development of the Lesson:

1. Prepare ahead an activity sheet which is an incomplete concept map of the nature of gateway drugs-coffee,
alcohol and nicotine.
2. Instruct the students to look for a partner to work with and have them seated together. Distribute to each
pair an activity sheet.
3. Using the book for reference, tell the pairs of students to complete the concept map accurately assigning a
colored pen per gateway drug.
4. Move around and assess the students’ work. Do Pause-Prompt-Praise.
5. Once the class is done with the concept map, do the following:
a. Call some pairs to explain what are gateway drugs based on their concept map.
b. Engage the students in a discussion of the nature of each gateway drug. Instruct them to refer to
their respective concept maps.
c. Do not forget to have the class identify which products they usually consume contain caffeine.
6. Check again understanding of the concepts discussed via Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down.

Valuing: Big things come from small beginnings. This is true of addiction to hardcore drugs which may start
from abusing gateway drugs. Moderation is an important defense against any kind of addiction.
Value Focus: Wisdom and Temperance

 Formative Assessment: The teacher constantly checks understanding along the way. Pause-Prompt-
Praise is also employed as formative tool.
 Summative Assessment: Tell the students to answer Letter A of I Achieve. Check answers with the
students. The Activity Sheet is graded under Written Work.
Ask the class to complete the following prompts: (1) I learn today that…, and (2) I have a question

Tell the class to study Effects of Abusing Gateway Drugs. Instruct also the students to answer Letter B
of I Achieve, and to bring the following: (1) crayons, (2) marker pens, (3) ruler, (4) adhesive tape, (5) pair of
scissors and (6) cartolina.

Furthermore, assign the class to accomplish the Activity in I Create. Require them first to submit the
members of their respective groups and make necessary changes, if needed. Tell them that the music video is
due on Day 10, but any time before the day of submission, you may require them to show you their partial

Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Learning Competency Code

 describes the general effects of the use and abuse of H5SU-IIIde-10
caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol

Form groups with four members each. From the materials they were assigned to bring, instruct the
class to draw coffee, alcohol and cigarette each on a piece of 5” x 4” cartolina. Instruct them to attach each
picture on one end of the ruler using the adhesive tape. Each group should have three pictures with handles.
Ask the students what they think will happen today, then pose the essential question again.

Presentation of the Essential Question (EQ):

Pose the essential questions (allow the students to express their prior knowledge)

 How do gateway drugs lead to abuse of harder and habit-forming substances?

Development of the Lesson:

1. The class will have a contest about the effects of using and abusing gateway drugs. Instruct each group to
be seated together in circles.
2. Give one effect of abusing any gateway drug. The groups will raise the picture of the drug that most likely
results to the given effect when abused. The contest is not a race. All groups that raise the correct picture
get one point.
3. Continue calling effects of abusing gateway drugs until all effects have been given and matched correctly to
the drug that causes them.
4. The group with the highest points wins the contest.

Valuing: Big things come from small beginnings. This is true of addiction to hardcore drugs which may start
from abusing gateway drugs. Moderation is an important defense against any kind of addiction.
Value Focus: Wisdom and Temperance

 Summative Assessment: Check students’ answers to Letter B of I Achieve as assigned. The score of
each group is recorded as individual points of its members under Performance.

Call students to enumerate the effects of using and abusing each gateway drug.

Assign the class to read Lesson 2 on the Impact of Abusing Gateway Drugs. Instruct the students also
to answer Letter A of I Achieve. Furthermore, tell them to bring art materials and tools.


Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Learning Competency Code

 analyze how abuse of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol can H5SU-IIIfg-11
negatively impact the health of the individual, the family
and the community

Show the video on the Effects of Drug Addition on Adolescents. (Scan the code to access the video.)
Ask the students to list down the effects mentioned. What are they? Pose the essential question.


Presentation of the Essential Question (EQ):

Pose the essential questions (allow the students to express their prior knowledge)

 Why does abusing gateway drugs affect the community negatively in the end?

Development of the Lesson:

1. Together with the students, go over the impact of abusing gateway drugs to the family and the community.
2. Ask them which of the negative impacts bothers them the most. Why? Check understanding via direct
questioning. Clarify misconceptions and misinterpretations too.
3. Instruct the class to choose one impact of abusing gateway drugs (e.g. violence). Tell the students who
choose violence, for example, to show the negative effects of violence on the family and the community
through any of the following:
a. Song
b. Poem
c. Artwork
4. While the students work, move around and give feedback. Re-check understanding too.

Valuing: Our decisions do not only affect us. Because we belong to a family and the community, our actions
that result from our decisions have effect, whether good or bad, on them.
Value Focus: Wisdom, Empathy and Justice

 Formative Assessment: The teacher assesses understanding and checks misconceptions. Feedback is
also given after observing the students accomplish their respective tasks.
 Summative Assessment: Check answers to Letter A of I Achieve as assigned. The output of the Activity
is graded under Performance.

Ask some students to present or perform their respective works. If needed, ask the students to explain.

Tell the class to study the rest of Lesson 2 and answer Letter B of I Achieve. Instruct the students to
bring stationeries and envelope. Furthermore, tell them also to prepare for the dramatization in I Create.

Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Learning Competency Code

 demonstrate life skills in keeping healthy through the H5SU-IIIh-12
non-use of gateway drugs
 follow school policies and national laws related to the H5SU-IIIij-13
sale and use of tobacco and alcohol

Secure pictures depicting the four basic life skills to keep oneself away from gateway drugs. Ask the
students to create a piece of advice to a friend abusing gateway drugs based on each picture. Give feedback
and pose the essential question.

Presentation of the Essential Question (EQ):

Pose the essential questions (allow the students to express their prior knowledge)

 How does a person keep her-/himself away from gateway drugs?

Development of the Lesson:

1. Ask the students to prepare their stationeries for a writing exercise.
2. Instruct the students to write a letter to themselves. The letter for themselves should contain the following:
a. Advice to oneself on how to keep away from gateway drugs based on the suggested life skills
in the book.
b. Mention of at least three of the suggested basic life skills to keep away from gateway drugs.
c. Inclusion of the different policies and laws on the sale of cigarettes and alcohol to minors
3. Move around and confer with each student about the letter. Assess understanding of the concepts to
learn. Check misconceptions and misinterpretations.

Valuing: Actions based on our decisions today will haunt us in the future. Therefore, it is prudent to think
twice about our decisions so there will be no regrets in the future.
Value Focus: Wisdom, Prudence and Temperance

 Formative Assessment: While the students write the letter, the teacher confers with each one to assess
understanding and to give feedback.
 Summative Assessment: Check answers to Letter B of I Achieve on your free time, as assigned. Call
some students, though, to give sample answer to each question. The letter is graded under

Ask few students to read their respective letters to class, unless they decline for purposes of privacy.

Instruct the class to prepare for the dramatization in I Create as assigned the previous day. If possible,
the presentation should be based on the letter of one of the members of the group.

Objective: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

Learning Competency Code

 demonstrate life skills in keeping healthy through the H5SU-IIIh-12
non-use of gateway drugs
 follow school policies and national laws related to the H5SU-IIIij-13
sale and use of tobacco and alcohol

Tell the students that they are going to do some acting today. Ask them to form groups for the final
practice before presentation. Based on their respective presentations, ask some group members to answer the
essential question.

Presentation of the Essential Question (EQ):

Pose the essential questions (allow the students to express their prior knowledge)

 How does a person keep her-/himself away from gateway drugs?

Development of the Lesson:

1. Before the presentation, remind the students of the following:
a. requirement of the dramatization
b. time limit of three minutes
c. punctuality on the start
2. Call groups to present their respective dramatizations.
3. Give feedback after every performance. If needed, check misconceptions and misinterpretations.

Valuing: Actions based on our decisions today will haunt us in the future. Therefore, it is prudent to think
twice about our decisions so there will be no regrets in the future.
Value Focus: Wisdom, Prudence and Temperance

 Formative Assessment: The teacher checks misconceptions and misinterpretations after every
 Summative Assessment: The dramatization is graded under Performance.

Ask students to summarize in one sentence their realizations about basic life skills to keep one away
from gateway drugs.

Tell the class to prepare for the Unit Test.

Unit Test: This is a Summative Assessment for Chapter 3. Administer the test for 30 minutes. Check the test
with the students. Clarify misconceptions and misinterpretations.


Consultation Day: Require the music video groups in I Create in Lesson 1 to bring a copy of their respective
videos for critiquing. Confer with each group and provide feedback of its output.

DAY 8-9

Performance Task: A photocopy of the performance task should have been distributed to each student on
Day 1. In addition, the task should have been explained and clarified with the class
before engaging the different lessons with the students.


Members of the Young Health Crusaders have realized that smoking and drinking alcohol
among teenagers are not uncommon. You want to help curve this problem and the best way you
think of is to create a realistic plan of action to be submitted to the legislative council as one of the
bases for a local ordinance that will complement national laws. The plan of the Crusaders is to work
in pairs and come up with realistic and doable action plan. The suggested format is shown below.
Your group, the Young Health Crusaders, will decide which Action Plan is to be presented to
the local legislative council. The decision of the best action Plan is based on the following criteria:

CRITERIA / POINTS 19-25 points 12-18 points 5-11 points

Accurate understanding of Accurate understanding of
Understanding the nature Inaccurate understanding
the nature and effects of the nature and effects of
and effects of alcohol and of the nature and effects
alcohol and nicotine only one of the two
nicotine abuse of both substances
abuse substances
Analyses of the negative Lists negative impact to Lists negative impact to Lists negative impact of
impact of alcohol and the user, the family and the user and the family, the gateway drugs to
nicotine abuse the community none to the community the user only
Suggestions of life skills Suggests all 4 of the basic Suggests only 3 basic life Suggests less than 3 basic
to keep away from life skills to keep away skills to keep away from life skills to keep away
alcohol and nicotine from gateway drugs gateway drugs from gateway drugs
The action plan is specific, The action plan is specific,
Quality of the Action Plan The action plan is not
measurable, achievable, measurable, realistic
(SMART) SMART at all.
realistic and timely. and timely.

DAY 10

Submission Day (Music Video): Collect the music video today from each group and grade it
under Performance.

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