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A walk into the "Glorious Past" ‘to re-establish the present EVQAEIIF Ie) Sens Sr Veil 2analtan bharal THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION The Land of Innovations, Discoveries, Spirituality and tee Accuracy ae Jeu {+150 million kilometers) ‘We offer our obeisance to the Rishis, who came earlier as our ancestors to show us the path of truth’ Eq Jor FAA Hl otatol Hed é, ficelet are Uda th wu af arene Eat ered or PT feeaTT | JANUARY 2023 Smee eat aces |) SOwadashi ‘STrayodashi Chaturdashi SPurima KPratipada Pet 5 re 6 wan Pornina Vat osas free KPratipada 8 KDwitiya 9 Pi 10" Chaturthi “1 —y— B. a 4 @c6a8 We sous a ee o6as ose | gece 5 ts. ine “ine — J Erie, ten 15 16 17 ES 1B memg LSD Ben Uttarayan, de tas Makar Sankranti | te aes lin o- Las aa se aras “ara a amas wa ‘SPratipada 22 SDwitiya 23 STritiya oh =o a4 6 ‘SShashti 07 SSaptami 28 BasanfFanchmi, Rath Saptamt ~ be a SaraswatiPuja, ee osas Wrosas ed ons Republic Day 2 6a 3 06:6, var was. 1739 Samo je 06as 1720) 2 = wan os wayne = 29 SNavami 30 SDashami 31 5 eeocis | otras "NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS UNIVERSE" ates wake THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION gE i week © Speed of Light Accu racy "AUT A Sa ASA ASA S & a SF Aho Var faord-asaeoraatseda- i" @RFAg 1.50.04) In Rigveda, a statement given by Maharshi Sayanacharya says, [O Sun] You traverse 2,202 yojanas in halfa nimesha. Yojana is about 9 miles as in the Arthashaastra (and Mahabharat Adiparva). The measures of time defined in the Puranas: 1 Day-Night = 30 Muhurta = 24 hours 1Muhurta =30Kala = 24/30 hours 1Kala =30Kastha = 24/900 hours =1.6 minutes 1Kastha =15 Nimesha = (1.6/15) min = 3.2 seconds 1Nimesha =3.2/15 = 0.21333... second A Nimesha is therefore equal to 0.21333 second Ifyou calculate, the value is y (2202 x9 miles)/(0.21333/2 sec) = 185793.75 miles/sec The current value of the speed " of light is 186282.397 miles per second © Distance between Sun and Earth Wea SSM Ue ATT | alfg AYR Get GIF Il -Hanuman Chalisa 1Juga = 12000 years 1Sahastra =1000 1Yojan =9 miles 1Mile = 1.6 km Juga x Sahastra x Yojan = perBhanu : 12000 x 1000 x 9 = 108,000,000 miles 108,000,000 miles x 1.6km = 172,800,ce0kmto Sun According to NASA, distance between Sun and Earth is 149,600,000 km which is approximately equal to Rishis calculations. “ 4 THE HIMALAYAN MEDITAUON f | aera quid afarg fersya: I ‘May the man protect the other in all aspects’ FS waft vecqait a arose cht een wel FEBRUARY 2023 SSC CIC ‘SDwadashi paeeal 2 STrayodishi 3 Chaturdashi 4 we | ie cca = i mras ‘SPurnima KPratipada Chaturthi es KPanchami Ann Orman G elt 2 06a oss 2 6:10 oo wna7 ohare | rs0 ee B |) K Dwadashi qo KTrayodashi Soran 17 Pradosh Vrat | Mahashivratri = |Baaf 20 Sahay 5 ama 22 ‘SChaturthi 93 os ‘SShashti 25 5H ose wat < ee Ros “eos Hose Woson Woon was 2s ase 21736 Scrat Sear os mse ‘SAshtami 27 ‘SNavami 28 2H e600 | bros sh oss9 | "THE FOOTPRINT OF YOUR EVERY ACT IS IRREVERSIBLE’ me THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION } 4, e Light of Moon ee Accuracy SUT ASAT TG ll RTS 1.84.15) The moving Moon always receives a ray of light from Sun. e Eclipses srg eNmten it arde40.5 O' Sun! When you are blocked by the one whom you gifted your own light (Moon), then earth gets scared by sudden darkness. When rest of the world was scared thinking Eclipses were caused by some sort of black magic, Rishis explained the science behind it. e Gravitational force fercaunftr: after reiftrest arargiach seated | sorta aera afar qatar caren arora 1 Fa 1.35.9) The Sun moves in its own orbit but holds the Earth and other heavenly bodies in such a manner that they do not collide with each other through the force of attraction. e Centripetal force between Sun and other planets afaaraa: afaarargea | a ag afer ASA I (HFA 10.149.1) Sun has tied the Earth and other planets through its attraction and moves them around itself as if a trainer moves newly trained horses holding their reins. e Telegraphy in Vedas i SATs AaTaS Se hate ohare raed sige etal afta drat hee: I @RFag 1.19.10) With the help of bipolar forces (Aswins), you should employ telegraphic apparatus made of good conductor of electricity. It is necessary for efficient military operations but should be used with caution. Surprisingly today's modern science theories, concepts and values are equivalent to the inventions already mentioned in Vedas, written thousands of years ago. For eg, Value of Pi, Shape of Earth, Circumference of Earth, Estimated Length of Year and the list is long.. i 4 THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION f lenfael rata wafeaary| Follow the path of righteousness (Dharma) and do not go away from it’ Yat Bl ATALU HON WTEC | Lat HT ere welt tel aero fe MARCH 2023 Ms NIED ‘SDashami SDashami ‘Dwadashi Pradosh Wat Sikes Weossr wees ie osse Eine 40 | irae rat Scuiriatig Lo 7\ KPratipada 8 KDwitiya @9 KTritiya 10 “K Chaturthi ll Punta Vrat HATTRA | Sankashti Holika Dahan |) _ Chaturthi oO Holi Whosss oss Wossa + Wess ‘05:50 Boss Nas rhea me OB) ns one | Com KShasti B KSaptami 14\ KAshtami Bb nal ag \/ KDashami 1 =8 SSnrani Basoda i osar Weosas eos : |= 3 WE osu ; oars Saas ve ras Taras KDwadashi 9 KI 0: ‘Pratipada SDwitiya 3 | ae ‘Chaturthi some 19 |g) | ex" 1 | ar gD | Seead3 | 2h| "25 Sera e Gua Padwa, Gauri Poooja adi an " 2 sen Sosa 3509 ‘0538 toss 6: 0536 os war oo amas Sas sas Lomas 1749 Panchami Shashi $Saptami SAshtami SNavami SDashami Ss 6 Re a Yamuna Chhath s~ \ Parana 2 0535 | eeosse e053 Bosse 0531 ik siosas nas | irae 2s ars0 so 1780 sso ast "MEDITATION IS NOT FOR SLEEPING, ITS FOR AWAKENING" o (Makatsii Eaaingaae Mathematics Maharshi Baudhayana was an Indian mathematician. Even before Pi was given its official name and the Pythagorean theorem was first used, Maharshi Baudhayana had already referred it in his book 'Baudhyayana Sulbasutra’. In Sulbasutra various formulations for constructing Vedi (Altars) are mentioned. It contains valuable information about geometry. } LEST aS In Baudhayan theorem, A rope stretched along the length of the diagonal of a right ange triangle produces by itself the same area as produced by its both sides (i.e. height rs é \ width). © Maharshi Aryabhatta Maharshi Aryabhatta was a great Mathematician, Astronomer, Astrologer and Physicist. He wrote a book ‘The Aryabhatiya’ which is the collection of advance mathematical concepts that includes decimal system, number _ theory, geometry, trigonometry, algebra and astronomy. r ‘THe ARYABHATIVA coitiritisarantstie Ganita (Mathematics), Kala riya (Time Calculation), and Gola (Sphere) ‘Theworkis divided into three sections: _ InGanita, Aryabhatta named the first 10 decimal places and gave algorithms for obtaining square and cubic roots, using the Decimal Number System. Then he treated geometric measurements - employing 1 =3.1416 value which is very close to the modern value (3.14159). Mathematical series, quadratic equations, compound interest, proportions (ratios), and the solution of various linear equations are among the arithmetic and algebric topics included. : 5 ” With Kala-Iniya he turned to astronomy - in particular, treating Peanetany-meooctalnng eectpts (the great circle that is the apparent path of the Sun among the constellations in the course of a year) . The topics include definitions of various units of time, eccentric and epicyclic models of planetary motion. ane a ‘The bhatiya’ ends with spherical astronomy in Gola, where he a Sper ae trigonometry a herical geometry. Topics include fiction of solar and lunar ses and an explicit statement that _ the apparent westward motion of the stars is due to the i Earth’s rotation about its axis. Aryabhatta also correctly ascribed that s the luminosity ofthe Moonand Planets is due to reflected sunlight. eteeal nan. The Invention of 'Zero' was his most notable contribution _ UL Lj in the field of Mathematics. It lead him to calculate the i distance between Earth and Moon. , THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION | Sart a Gen aaa | ‘0 Man, always rise up, never fall down’ 2 AGS, TeeTel Hel Ieeliar El, Uetot ret APRIL 2023 COC aT ‘SDashami 30 | Hoses } = 05:28 “isn mst ‘Dwadashi a poe, 3 ‘STrayodashi 4 Co 5 oun a 7 K Dwitiya 8 | fanuman We osa7 2H osa6 We 055 Homes ‘vat si osaa We osaa “ans. “ans Das Sans “arse = 4 rea K Chaturthi 10 K Panchami ll KShasti 2 ten B = 4 KDashami Bb Chaturthi Solar Navvarsh Wasa | Wiesao | esas Hosa aheee © sar “Weosas “ase “arse loss "ass “ss “rs os6 Boa” 16 nw 17 ma 1B sare" 20°“ 21 ites 22 i = i ; ‘Suryagrahan eo t= i$e t= its t= és ts sim 93 Chaturthi 4 aT; S Shasht 26 — a\ = 28 SNavami 29 Saptamt Sita navami 2 05:09 Boss 305208 We 05:06 W os05 © osi0s oo ase S180 2) 18120 Sago 21801 Coikeo "GO BEYOND ALL LIMITATIONS’ THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION j cit o REEeusineeees Mathematics Maharshi Brahmagupta was an Ancient Indian Astronomer and Mathematician, whom we have to be thankful for discovering the properties of 'Zero' precisely. He was the director of Astronomical Observatory of Ujjain, The Center of Ancient Indian Mathematical Astronomy. He wrote four books about astronomy and mathematics, the most famous one is ‘Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta’. He mentioned the length ofa year as 365 days 6 hours 12 minutes 9 seconds. He also calculated that: Earth's circumference is around 36,000 km (22,500 miles). Maharshi | Brahmagupta established the rules for working with positive and negative numbers. \ J © Maharshi Bhaskaracharya II Maharshi Bhaskaracharya Il was an Indian Mathematician and an Astronomer who extended Brahmagupta's work on number systems. There are six well known works of Bhaskaracharya II. They are : © Lilavati— Mathematics - . Bijaganita— Algebra. fa, ya— Mathematical Astronomy — * Goladhyaya — Sphere . . Karnakutuhala - Calculation gfAscondmicsl Wonders Vasanabhasya — Bhaskara’s own commentary on Siddhanta | © Vivarana-Commentaryon ees i age ema : eet ftoeeaqecsa T Sa S = Inhis treaties La aa adc pisnessty PAE , Eclipses, Cosmography, ‘Mathematical Techniques and Astronomical _ 2 gee Equipments. Inthe Surya Siddhanta he highlighted the Force of Gravity. _ There are many more Great Rishis who had contributed immensely i in the field of Mathematics and Astronomy. ps - Marshi Bhadrabahu, Umasvati, Yavanesvara, Vasishtha Siddhanta, Yativrsabha Varahamihira, - Yativrsabha, Virahanka, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara I, Shridhara, Virasena, Govindasviami, Prithudake, Saiikaranarayana, , Vatesvara, Mahavira, Jayadeva, Vijayanandi, Halayudha, Sripati, Abhayadeva, Brahmadeva, Pavuluri Mallana, Hemachandra, Bhaskara ll, Someshvara II and many more.. ae ee ere eee eee Length, Weigts, Geometry, Infinite series, Binary Code, Chakravala The Method Of Algorithamand Encoding. THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION ‘Earth is my mother and | am her son’ afer det amare site dt Tear U7 El MAY 2023 ESCs suet Dwadashi STrayodashi SChaturdashi gS Purnima ci 1 3 Nisimgha, 4 Yoishakh a Pradosh Vrat etn 9 nti Narada Jayanti Wosen | Hose (oso [a= on = | 2 cea in sas Sms SP Eistes eset Tsay? = 70 pee a 12 er 13 att House Beoess cise ese Nester o 51806 21896 ss ise7 ager “ager | ree 4 uh a K Dwadashi 16 roar |] [cna tee” 19 "99 \Vrishabha Sankranti st a a | | 59 04:56 * ons « 0455 3 ost 21809 "189 Bm ad agar oi 99° Chaturthi 23 Shecerla SShashti 25 | ‘Saptami 26 SSaptami 21 Sahara Pratap 2 ons wos WE ons 5 0453 eons Hossa Woase, 1ea2 5,2 ema op saa 2 S383 2S 1843, os sag op 3844 SAshtami 28 ‘SNavami oh) sot) snl 31 Ganga Dusshera Me | We ons, WE 04st WE ons (et pas asa 2 186 "WHEN YOU DESIRE NOTHING, UNIVERSE GIVES YOU EVERYTHING’ me THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION } week Science @ Acharya Sushruta Father of Indian Medicine Father of Cosmetic Surgery Sushruta Samhita, written by Sage Sushruta is the earliest medical encyclopedia known to the world, containing 184 chapters having etiology of 1,120 illnesses, 700 medicinal plants, 64 preparations from mineral sources and 57 preparations based on animal sources. You name a disease and it has a chapter on it. It also has instructions for performing scores of surgical procedures including three types of skin grafts and reconstruction of the nose. in © Maharshi Kanad_ Maharshi Kanad, an ancient Indian sage, scientist and philosopher propounded an Atomic Theory of Matter, to explain the creation and existence of the universe. Our Rishi first conceptualized the idea that matter consists of indivisible units which cannot be further divided into smaller particles. The smallest particle, ie. atom pervades the entire universe. It cannot be destroyed and it retains its original form under all situations. Maharshi Kanad penned down his explanations in his book 'Vaisheshika Sutra’ also termed as '‘Kanad Sutras’. This book is a blend of sciencé, philosophy and religion. Some of the major ancient scientific inventions are: Dentistry, Ayurveda, Ancient Flush Toilet System, Crucible Steel, Cataract Surgery, Wootz Steel, Smelting of Zinc, Plastic Surgery, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Production Technology, Ship Building and Navigation etc.. ‘THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION. | fat sacrea aTSAT | ‘The wise is propagator of the truth’ Bott ea th Hare ele el JUNE 2023 MCs eT Dwadashi STrayodashi 9 ‘Chaturdashi Fresgen et Yo Purina i Horst 137 SPurnima KPratipada 5 KDwitiya gm) KChaturthi KSaptami 10 rina Vat ail ken = | | | 2eoest “oss Poss \* Worst Posse ors a 8a “a8 “gay 1829 Tsa0 KAshtami KNavami KDashami Kage as KTrayod: | K Chaturdashi Nl 12 13 See ly rca Bi; te coat 7 ' a ithun Sankranti Sarat 3H ons 3 ons oes: Hors Bons: “He ons eons "1820 wat sat “gat a2 maa yeaa e"18 Serta 1) oer 20 1 S Chaturthi 99\="93 ‘SShashti b Ronse Worse 2 a sion Be cscs a) aan ole 823, <8 1823 O14 84 ‘SSaptami 25 ‘SAshtami 6 ‘SNavami 97° ‘SDashami 28 oma ]"| ‘Dwadashi 30 ‘SAshadhi Ekadashi se ouss | Weonss oss 2H ona Pas 95 ons 18:24, | p1824 1 1824 oo 8a 37 1824 1 1825 "START YOUR JOURNEY FROM ZERO TO INFINITY’ me THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION j cit Magnificence Theiconic'Stone Chariot. This magnificent chariot is inside the Vittala Temple Complex, Hampi. inmind Moon. Once erent ye of Kartika Poornima' the Moon appears exactly in the middle of Swarga Mandap. The 'MurudeshwarTemple’ , a onthe Kanduka Hillis surrounded S55 bythe arabian Seaonthree sides. —c constructed on top ofthe temple. It ‘Brihadishvara z i is24o feet tall and is considered as standing strong with Zero the Tallest Gopura inthe World. DegreeInclination even after loooyears and 6major THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION, earthquakes. ‘Great people never delay their duties’ FENSY Oot Heel Heat A facies otel wed el JULY 2023 RSTn a Somat | ante Pradosh Vrat reas jaar ea iy ea Shot 6 | a 3 7 a Gur Purnima, a i We o4s6 We oas7 | Mons? 2 o4s7 ons a owas esas ‘ions ov anas | anas KSaptami i KDashami 7 ee tee ee c— 13 rammed ea 15 ae Se Ss lest ae aoe = i an Pratipada 18 ‘SDwitiya 19 STritiya 20: STritiya 1 seria ¢ oso2 oso. Wi osso2 We oses Weosos ose "1823 ies 2 18:23 Saga 21822, 21822, eee ‘SShashti 24 ‘SSaptami 25 ‘SAshtami 26 ‘SNavami 27 ‘SDashami 28 ic 29 Wh oson i oss Wess 2H 0506 ser sa9 a9 | agar “1820 18:20 "THE KEY WHICH LOCKS THE DOOR, CAN ONLY UNLOCK IT’ aes THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION } week Precision em Half-Turned Foot Inthe stone observe how the sculptor has brought out the details (vein) in stone of Hoyasaleshwar Mandir, Halebidu, Karnataka. Ancient technology that leaves you speechless! Just imagine drillingo.smmholein granite about 4comm long. Try ittodaytoseeifitis possible. The Stone chain in Kanchipuram Varadaraja Perumal Templeis a single-stone carved chain made without any joints. Our ancient temples are places for Dharma, Artha, ¢ FOO AM, Kamaand M Terrific Ugra Narasimha Killing Ourancestors builtinfinite, unthinkable, unbelievable _Hiranyakashipu, Belure, Karnataka. stone stories and wonderful architecture. » Intricate detailslike dragging out ‘We urge all Indians to regularly visit our ancient free hanging Intestines on stone is : mind blowing’ THE HIMALAYAN MEDITAUION f eae esec eerora ata ‘Think little for yourself and more and more for the mankind’ PATHS Ie Jor Alora HEAT wh HUT Hea goT3! | AUGUST 2023 SN CNA TTT KShashti KSaptami #6 oso KTrayodash a st 14 2 0543 _ 1899 5 reel 9 Chaturthi 20 = Ws 2 ps tom r <7 nls | He osas | ars "UNIVERSE TREATS EVERYONE EQUALLY’ KPratipada KDwitiya KTritiya K Chaturthi Renta] Sankt | ose “ #0109 | 2 05109) : (ear a6 |e sas : KAshtami gy |) Kiavami KDashami 99 Karama 8. 9 10 Tl ee? 12 | | a °@ sat * Osa % 5:2 Neos a 18. SS saa 18a erent | SPratipada SDwitiya STritiya Amavsya ‘Simha Sankré pe 5} mon 16 4] 18 x2 We osas : sag Peosas esa aie erect | 3B eas 2 063s 2 6a 2 6a #635 2% o6as 169 F s9 str00 2 sar20 iret AV ire "MEDITATION TECHNIQUES AS A PRACTICE RAISES YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS LEVEL AND ELEVATES YOUR MIND TO HIGHER LEVEL OF PEACE AND TRANQUILITY" me THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION } week You must be wondering by now How it was possible for Rishis to discover the facts, theories and principles of Science, Physics, Mathematics, Medicines, Cosmology, Astronomy, ma ae a a 2? aA8 ~ MEDITATION. THE HIMALAYAN MEDITATION

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