Experimental Design Template

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Template: Experimental Design, Analysis & Conclusion (CER)

The following is a template only. Create your own document to represent your lab design, findings and
conclusion. If you choose to submit each section as a separate document; upload each file as a submission to
the drop box. Ensure the file format is D2L compatible.

Testable Question:
How does cell size affect the surface area to volume ratio of the cell?
Independent Variable Dependent Variable Control Variables
cube size (1cm, 2cm, 3cm) surface area to volume ratio 1. amount of acid
2. amount of time the cube is submerged
3. temperature of the acid

• Restate the testable question in the form of an If…..then…. statement.

If the cell is larger, then the cell will take longer to diffuse.

• Include graphs, data tables, or other graphics that capture the collected data.
On last page

Analysis & Conclusion

Consider the scientific principles, questions, findings, inferences and conclusions provided in the simulation. These
should be reflected as a summary following the CER format.

The larger the cube, the longer it will take to diffuse.
EVIDENCE According to the video, when all three cubes were placed in the acid, the smallest cube diffused the fastest. The table shown in the video proves that the higher the surface
area to volume ratio, the quicker it will diffuse. Diffusion is effective over a specific distance, and it becomes less efficient as the surface-to-volume ratio decreases.

REASONING If there is a larger surface area to volume ratio, then that proves that the object is smaller than one with a smaller surface area to volume ratio. If the object is smaller, there
is less distance between things inside the object. This is especially applicable in cells, as if the organelles in the cell are easier to access, cellular proceceess become more
efficient. Along with all of this, more surface area means that diffusion occurs, which is desired in cells.

WORK CITED Libretexts. (2022, June 9). 33.4: Animal form and function - limiting effects of diffusion on size and development. Biology LibreTexts. Retrieved December 19, 2022, from
(APA FORMAT) Function/33.04%3A_Animal_Form_and_Function_-_Limiting_Effects_of_Diffusion_on_Size_and_Development

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