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The environment is the set of physical, chemical and

What is the biological components of people or society as a whole;
environment? therefore, the environment is the conditioned area
for the life of different living beings where natural
and social elements are included, as well as natural
components, such as soil, water and air located in a
specific place and at a specific time.

ideas to take care of the environment

Collection of materials: The vast majority of
companies discard products that can be
recycled on a daily basis. You can offer the
service of collecting cardboard, glass,
plastic, paper, etc., and then take them to
companies that process these products so
that they can be reused.

2 Transportation: Believe it or not, transportation can also be a

green business idea. The use of bicycles instead of cars or
motorcycles, contribute to the improvement of the environment,
generate awareness in your neighborhood about the benefits of
using this means of transportation. If there are children in your
area who go to school, you can offer the service of school
transportation or to transport neighbors to work, depending on the
route they take.

Environmental education: If you are a

specialist in environmental issues, you can
start offering the service of talks in schools
and businesses so that they have an idea of
the importance of caring for the environment
and how simple it is to start at home.

Recycled goods: A recycled goods store can be a business opportunity. Either
you look for a distributor specialized in this type of products, or you make
them yourself. It is important that the quality of these products is good and
that they meet the needs of your customers.

Sale of organic products: More and more people are approaching the stores
whose products do not have any chemical process that may alter its natural
development such as fruits or vegetables. Similarly, the market for cosmetics
that are made with natural ingredients is growing. So look for distributors that
have this type of products that benefit your body.


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