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Add the correct verb to the sentence.

1 Add the correct verb to the sentence. 2

was/were was/were

were was
We ________ playing nicely. I ______ only joking!

was were
There ________ a lot of people There ______ a small stain on
in the building. the carpet.

3 Add the correct verb to the sentence. 4 Add the correct verb to the sentence.
was/were was/were

was you late? She was
________ annoying me.

were were
There ________ consequences
There _______ a letter on the
floor. for her behaviour.

5 Add the correct verb to the sentence. 6 Add the correct verb to the sentence.
was/were was/were

My mum _______
was singing. You ______
was first in the line.

were There ______

were a bright light
There _______ an incident on
Tuesday. shining.
Rewrite these sentences so that the
1 Rewrite these sentences so that the 2 adverbial becomes a fronted adverbial.
adverbial becomes a fronted adverbial.
Remember to add your comma correctly. Remember to add your comma correctly

The cat screeched all of a sudden! She did a huge stretch in the morning.

In the morning,she did a huge stretch

All of a sudden,the cat screeched.

3 Rewrite these sentences so that the 4 Rewrite these sentences so that the
adverbial becomes a fronted adverbial. adverbial becomes a fronted adverbial.
Remember to add your comma correctly Remember to add your comma correctly

She tiptoed towards him as quiet as a Brush your teeth before you go to bed.

As quiet as a mouse, she tiptoed towards him. `Before you go to bed,brush your teeth.

5 Rewrite these sentences so that the 6 Rewrite these sentences so that the
adverbial becomes a fronted adverbial. adverbial becomes a fronted adverbial.
Remember to add your comma correctly Remember to add your comma correctly

The bird watch vigilantly at the

I felt sick immediately.
top of the tree.
Immediately, I felt sick. Vigilantly,the bird watch at the top at the tree
1 Rewrite the conversation using inverted 2 Rewrite the conversation using inverted
commas. commas.
My friend
What’s the pushed me
Do you want
No, my mum matter? over.
to go to the
won’t let me!
park? Miah Heather
Alvin Toby

Alvin asked "Do you want to go to the park",

Toby replied "no,my mum wont let me!". _________________________
Miah asked "what's the matter?

_________________________ _________________________
Heather replied "my friend pushed

_________________________ _________________________
me over".

_________________________ _________________________

3 Rewrite the conversation using inverted 4 Rewrite the conversation using inverted
commas. commas.

What’s the It’s ten past How much Just 2 slices,

time? four. cake do you please.
Ricky Sue
Derek Andrew

Dreek asked "what's the time? _________________________
Ricky asked "How much do you want"?
Andrew replied " its ten past four. _________________________
Sue replied "just 2 slices, please".

_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

5 Rewrite the conversation using inverted 6 Rewrite the conversation using inverted
commas. commas.

You’re coming I can’t wait! Can you help me Of course!

to my house with my
today! homework, please?

Sara asked "you're coming to my house _________________________
Jesicca asked "can you help me with

today!" _________________________
my homework, please?"
john replied "I can't wait!" _________________________
senna replied "of course!"

_________________________ _________________________
Put a tick in the correct column to show
1 Put a tick in the correct column to show 2 which words use an ‘s’ for plural and which
which words use an ‘s’ for plural and which
use an ‘s’ for possession. use an ‘s’ for possession.

word s to show plural s to show word s to show plural s to show

possession possession

sweets boy’s

friend’s hamsters

girls duck’s

3 Put a tick in the correct column to show 4 Put a tick in the correct column to show if
which words use an ‘s’ for plural and which the sentence has used an apostrophe
use an ‘s’ for possession. correctly or incorrectly.

word s to show plural s to show Sentence correct incorrect


books My sister’s pen fell on the fall.

queens My sister’s came to visit me!

king’s My sister’s keep annoying me.

5 Put a tick in the correct column to show if 6 Put a tick in the correct column to show if
the sentence has used an apostrophe the sentence has used an apostrophe
correctly or incorrectly. correctly or incorrectly.

Sentence correct incorrect Sentence correct incorrect

The elephant’s came rushing I have four friend’s.

towards me.
My friend’s essay is due in
The elephant’s ears were huge!
The elephant’s foot left an My friend’s and I are going to
enormous print. the cinema.
1 Circle the determiners in the sentence 2 Circle the determiners in the sentence
below. below.

I ordered three drinks. We went to the beach and

had a great time!

3 Circle the determiners in the sentence 4 Circle the determiners in the sentence
below. below.

Can I have those black shoes? There are only a few pieces left
to complete!

5 Circle the determiners in the sentence 6 Circle the determiners in the sentence
below. below.

You took the last piece of the There was an enormous dog!
cake. There had been several dogs in
the playground recently.

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