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Compass Office.
When: 10.01.22
Why: . learn about what we do
Who (developers): Compass volunteers and Reni
Who (target group):  volunteers.
How: By having non-formal daily life topic conversations
Our topic: New year holiday
We talked with Reni about what we did on vacation, where we visited and what we learned in those
countries. We all had different memories that happened to us :) Thanks to our friends who went to
other countries, we learned new information about those countries.

Where: Barbara’s home
When: 13.01.2022
Why: . meeting the volunteers with the mentor
Who (developers): Compass volunteers and mentor
Who (target group):  volunteers
How: By having non-formal daily life topic conversations

Topic: It was my first chance to meet our mentor, Barbara. He prepared for us
the dishes of his own country. We chatted and tasted the food. And then we
played a card game. Thanks to this game, I learned many words that I did not
know. It was a very enjoyable and enjoyable day.

Where: Compass Office
When: 20.01.2022
Why: . Learn hungarian
Who (developers): Compass volunteers and Demir
Who (target group): volunteers
How:He conveys his knowledge to us by writing on iron paper and by
expressing his pronunciation.

Topic: Demir is a Turkish volunteer who also lives here. He is trying to teach
Hungarian to volunteers. It was our first lesson. We started learning the
Hungarian alphabet and it was quite difficult. I learned that there are 44
alphabets. We all had a hard time because their pronunciation was quite
different from our language.
Where: Compass Office.
When: 24.01.2022
Why: Develop the speak English and learning also teaching to local people.
Who (developers): Compass volunteers and local volunteers.
Who (target group): Local people of Hungary.
How: By having non-formal daily life topic conversation

Topic: We taught Zeyty, one of our young students, the directions and compass.
We checked the homework given at school. And we did repetitions about the
words he had difficulty with, accompanied by a game. Really smart boy.

Where: Compass Office
When: 27.01.2022
Why: . Information about the half marathon
Who (developers): Compass volunteers and Atilla
Who (target group): Local people of Hungary
How: He showed us the plan he had drawn and told us what the marathon would
be like.

Topic: He told us at which points we will set up stands at first, and that there
will be apples, water, grape sugar and energy drinks at those points. He talked
about how to give water and energy drinks to runners. He gave information
about where the runners will come from and how many kilometers they will run.
I was very excited because I was going to attend an event for the first time since
I came here.

Where: Compass Office
When: 18 .01.2022
Why: . Information about the krizis ambulancia
Who (developers): Compass volunteers and Ida
Who (target group): Volunteer and Local people of Hungary
How: informed us by presenting

Topic: She explained that in 2018, the country's first crisis management
outpatient clinic was opened in Kaposvár, providing shelter and assistance to
victims of domestic violence. It is an honor to open such a polyclinic and to
have it in 9 different cities. It's a really important place. And the public needs to
know that such a place exists in the country. Because they do not know that
thousands of people have such a right. Therefore, it is a place that shows what
people can do when they experience conflicts and violence, and their legal
rights. A pointing place.

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