Task Two Plane Crash

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You were a passenger on a Greenway airline which has now

crashlanded on an Island in the Pacific Ocean. You are one of only
five survivors.

You must choose one of you to be the timekeeper as you only have
15 minutes to complete the task.

Each person must choose one item only.

The only items you have to choose from are:

• A ball of steel wool
• A small axe
• A loaded pistol
• Can of vegetable oil
• Newspapers (one per person)
• Cigarette lighter (without fluid)
• Extra shirt and pants for each survivor
• 20 x 20 ft. piece of heavy-duty canvas
• An air map made of plastic
• Some whiskey
• A compass
• Family-size chocolate bars (one per person)
 Box of matches
 1 parachute

Your task as a group is to choose from the list above one item each
and then put them in order of importance for your survival. List the
uses for each item. You will be required to come to agreement as a
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Discuss how the items will or can be used as there is a storm coming
and you need shelter, warmth and something to eat.

The discussion should now take place on the items that you have
chosen and how helpful or irrational were the choices the group

Every- one should be taking part in the discussion. The items that
were chosen should be marked in relation to their survival value.

Score your answers by, 1 being the most highest and 12 the lowest.
(Depends on how many people in each group)

Plan for survival: Group Plan

Item Team Team Team Team Team Average

member 1 member 2 member 3 member 4 member 5 Score

Group Plan for survival:

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The next part of the activity is to reflect by discussion, at the way

decisions were made, how you discussed those decisions and how
you felt about those decisions. You also need to be looking at how
you would have done it differently. You have 15 minutes to complete
this part of the exercise.

When completing your individual reflective account you need to

describe the type of team that you were part of. Was it formal,
informal, project based, inter-agency, multi –disciplinary?

 Attribute a group theory to explain and analyse the team


If you were to repeat the team building exercises within a team once
again how would you:

 Develop and evaluate the strategies / approaches you would

use to develop effective team working and improve the
outcomes for partnership working.

The team building survival exercise is about communication,

negotiating, decision making. Watch for participants who simply
agree just to avoid conflict.

The main aim is for discussions to take place and for each individual
to take part giving their views as part of the team. An important
outcome to be learnt from this exercise is to learn how to give and
take which is necessary to move forward when finding a solution to a
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