Levelled Activity 1

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Unit 3: levels activity ( Are these his trousers?

A: Read and match:-

These are my trousers. This is my T-Shirt. These are my shorts. This is my dress.

B: Put ( T ) or ( F ) and correct the mistakes:-

1. This is my T-shirt. ___T__

2. These is my socks._________

3. These are my trousers.________

4. This are my dress.__________

C: Write correct sentences:-

1. These are my shorts.

2. ___________________________________ 1

3. ___________________________________ 3

4. ___________________________________
4 5
5. ___________________________________

T.Mrs.Amina Abbas Hilal C.O. Mrs. Meaad Ali S.P.Mrs.Dalal AlTameem

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