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Theme 4.

Workshop on "Marriage and family as a social institution"

Task 1: Use a new The table contains key concepts and their definitions. Set which concept on
the left corresponds to the definition on the right, specifying the desired number.

Concept № Definition

Marriage 1. Association of people, based on a creative kinship,

marriage or adoption, is connected by the common
life and mutual responsibility for
upbringing of children.
Neolocal homeland 2. The family in which the newlyweds live separately
Civil marriage 3. The form of marriage concluded between one
age and one woman.
Promiskuitet 4. A family in which one of the spouses is absent.
Patriarchal family 5. The form of relationship between a man and a
establishes their rights and obligations in respect of
to each other, children and society.
Monogamy 6. Marriage, issued in the relevant authorities of
government without the participation of the church.
Indogamy 7. The type of family whose members have the same
rights and responsibilities.
Part-time family 8. The type of family in which power belongs to a
Homeland 9. The period in the life of society when there was no
prohibitions on sexual relations, and any
society's husband could enter into sexual
bottoms with any woman of this society.
Yegalytarna rodina 10. Form of marriage in which the marriage partner
is selected only within this kind, the game-
Pi, clan.

Task 2: Answer "yes" or "no" to the questions posed.

№ Question Answer
So No
1 A nuclear family made up of parents and children?
2 Is family a marriage relationship between a man and a woman?
3 Is group marriage the marriage of one woman and several men?
4 Is monogamy the marriage of one man and several women?
5 Is the traditional family characterized by egalitarian power structure?
6 Increasing the number of people living in a free marriage is one of the
trends in the development of a modern family?
7 In an exotic marriage, is a wife's choice possible only within their group?
8 Is the traditional model of the family characteristic of agrarian society?
9 The essence of the spiritual function of the family is its members
receiving psychological protection, emotional support, meeting the
needs for good luck and love?
10 Is a part-time family a family with one child?
Task 3: In accordance with the scorecard you have chosen (not less than 5), describe the types
of family:
1. Your grandparents.
2. Your parents.
3. Model of your future family.

Task 4: In today's society, significant changes occur in the institution of family and marriage. begin to
see in them not the winners and owners, but equal: friends, partners, spiritually close people.
What do you think? Will appreciate the positive and negative aspects of civil marriage. (among
residents of megacities or small towns and villages; among immigrants from wealthy or poor families;
among thosewith or without higher education).

Task 5: Use a task Many sociologists (Durkheim,Spencer, etc.) emphasized the fundame's role in the
life ofsociety. optimistic predictions of family development inthe 21st century as a free union
based on love, cooperation and joint management of the economy.
What do you think? What is the future of the family in Ukrainian society?

Task 6: Today, the idea that divorce does not deny the institution of marriage begins to prevail among
scientists. Divorce plays a fundamental role in the life of society.
Try to formulate on your own the negative and positive consequences of divorce for society as
a whole, divorced spouses and their children. Argue your position by bringing statistics, results
of sociological surveys, personal observations. Write down the answers in the table.

Consequences For society For spouses who For children

Divorce is diluted
Negative 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

Positive 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

Task 7: Fill in thescheme of social factors impact on family in today's society:

Destabilizing factors
Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3 family dysfunction – family breakdown

Factor 4

Factor 5

Factors that strengthen the family

Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3 family life satisfaction – strengthening the family

Factor 4

Factor 5

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