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application in writing on a form furnished by the

code Any construction of a part of an existing mechanical

enforcement agency for that purpose. Every system shall be issued a permit provideihe applicant
application shall:
has complied with Section 112.0'and the entiie plans
and specifications for the existing whole system
112.1.1 ldentify and describe the work to have
be approved occupancy permit and has adequate
covered by the permit.
information and detailed statements filed compiying
with all pertinent requirements of this code.
112.1.2lndicate the location where the proposed
No construction of a part of a mechanical system
work is to be done thru legal description of street
shall start before the entire plans and specifications
address, or similar description that will easily for the whole system have been ,rOritt"O
identify and definitely locate the proposed or
approved in compliance with Section 112.0.
building or work.
114.0 Permit Conditions
112.1.9 lndicate the use or occupancy of the
proposed work to be done.
114.1 Retention of plans. One (1) set of copy
approved plans, specifications, and computations
112.1.4 Submit plans, diagrams, computations,
shall be.retained by the Authority Having Jurisdiction
and specifications and other data as required in
until final approval of the work and occuiancy permit
Section 1.12.2.
is iss.ued,.Two (2) sets of copy of approved plans
specifications shall be returned to ihe applicant,
112.1.5 Signed by the applicant or an authorized and
shall be kept on the work authorized site ai ail times..
agent of the applicant
114.2-Validity of permit. Approved permit or ptans,
112.1.6 provide such other data and information
specifications, and computations shall not be
T may be required by the Authority Having Juris_
understood- to be a permit for, or an approval
of, any
violation of the provisions of this code or of other
ordinances of the jurisdiction. Any approved permits
1 1 2.2. P.lans and Specifications. plans,
engineerin g giving authority to violate or canc'el the provisions
calculations, diagrams, and other data shall b; of
this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction
submitted in one (1) or more sets with each applica_
shall not be valid and is considered as not approved.
tion. All plans, computations, and specifications shall
be prepared, designed and signed by a professional
The Authority Having Jurisdiclion shali not be
prevented from requiring the correction of
mechanical engineer licensed by ilre professional errors in
said approved plans, specifications, and other data
Regulation Commission to practice. or
from preventing building operations being carried on
'tlZ.i lnformation on plans and Specifications. when in violation of this code or of other oidinances
this jurisdiction.
Plans and specificationS shall be diawn to scale and
shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location,
114.3 Expiration. Every permit issued shall become
nature, and extent of the work proposed and show
in null and void if the work authorized by such permit is
detail that it will conform to the provisions of this code
not commenced withinone hundred dnO eighty
and relevant laws, ordinances, iules, and regulations. ltAOy
days from the date of such permit, or if the work
113.0 Permit lssuance.
authorized by such permit is suspended or
abandoned at any time after the work is commenced
for a period of one hundred and eighty (1g0) days. An
113.1 lssuance. The Authority Having Jurisdiction
expired permit can be recommenced,-provided a new
shall issue a permit to the applicant w-hen the work
permit shall be first obtained, and tnb fee therefore
described in an application foi a permit and the plans,
calculation, specifications, and olher data filed are in .be one-half (112) the amount required for a new
permit, provided no changes have been made
accordance with the requirements of this code and or will
be made in the original plans and specifications and
other pertinent laws and ordinances and that the provided that such suspension or abandonment
required fees specified in Section 115.0 have been t has
not exceeded one (1) year. No permit shall be
extended more than once. To renew a permit with
more than once after expiration, the permit applicant
When issuing a permit where plans are required, the
shall pay a new full permit fee.
Authority Having Jurisdiction shall endorse'in writing
or stamp the plans and specifications ,AppROVED.;
114.4 Extension. For good and satisfactory reason,
S.uch approved plans and specifications shall not a
be permittee with an unexpired permit shall be allowed
changed, modified, or altered without approval from to
apply for an extension before the expired date. Upon
the.Authority Having Jurisdiction. All worik regutated
by this code shall be done in accordance with the
written request showing the circumstances are
beyond control to execute the permit the Authority
approved plans.



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