Assignment 1

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Educational Media (course)

outline Educational Media
Assessment Quiz 1 Batch 2
Outline () Assignment not submitted Due date: 2022-09-12, 23:59 IST.
Assessment Quiz 1 Batch 2 on Lessons 1, 2, and 3
Media – 1) Due to fast changes in the technology, information 1 point
Need, explosion, the role of a teacher is changing from
a facilitator of learning to information provider.
a pure information provider to facilitator of learning.
a teacher to examinor.

a teacher to guide and career counsellor. 
and 2)The process of creating, converting and transmitting the 1 point
Development messages in different forms by the teacher is called
Decoding process.
Media ()
Embedding process.

Encoding process.

Designing process. 
and 3) Given below are two statements: 1 point
Assignment Statement 1- The teacher may use any medium which carries the
Statement 2- The learner extracts the meaning out of the
received message.
Quiz: In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate
Educational answer from the options
Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are incorrect.
Quiz 1
Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are correct.
Batch 2

Statement 1 is correct, but Statement 2 is incorrect.
Statement 1 is incorrect, but Statement 2 is correct. 

Quiz: 4) As per the Engineering Model of Communication, the 1 point

Educational receiver may get the message in a distorted form. The reason for
Media this may be…..

Quiz 2
Absence of communication channels.
Batch 2

Presence and effect of different communication barriers.

Incorrect encoding of the message by the receiver.

Incorrect decoding of the message by the sender. 
Educational 5) The learners receive and understand the message sent 1 point
Media by the teacher based on....

Quiz 3
their family background, mother tongue, and previous
Batch 2
(Lesson 7
and 8)

the type of message transmitted by the teacher.
their previous knowledge, language capabilities, and
name=46) intelligence.
the senses of perception. 

6) In case of classroom communication process, feedback 1 point

is very important because it...

helps teacher to change his/ her teaching strategy, style,
media as per the learning needs of students.

reduces the errors in the transmission of the message from
sender to the receiver.

provides a sound base for making changes or modifications
in the system.

facilitates all other three options. 

7) When the teacher speaks similar sounding words in the 1 point

class, different students understand them differently, this
communication barrier is called...



referent confusion.


8) Instructional media gain and sustain the attention level 1 point

of students because....

A. Media create continuous

change in stimulus.

B. Media stimulate more than one sense during the

learning process.
C. Media can show
tiny/ big objects, any event/ process at rest or
in motion.

D. Use of millions of colours in media brings realism.

Chose the correct option

(A), (B) and (C) Only.

(A), (B), (C) and (D).

(B), (C) and (D) Only.

(A) and (D) Only. 

9) In online instruction, the open source software used for 1 point

incidental content writing is....





10) Google Meet, MS Teams, WebEx, GoToWebinar or 1 point

such similar are the platforms of...

two-way video and audio communication in synchronous

two-way video and audio communication in asynchronous

two-way video communication in synchronous mode.

two-way audio communication in asynchronous mode. 

11) Students get direct purposeful experience which helps 1 point

them to learn effectively when teacher...

shows them photographs of the objects through the
multimedia projector.

uses real objects as well as specimens for demonstration in
a varied learning environment.

shows them 2D or 3D animations on the topic under

provides them numerical problems on the topic to solve. 
12) According to the split-brain theory, the analog brain or 1 point
right brain...

focuses on the activities of the corpus callosum.

performs tasks such as reading, writing, calculation and

focuses on visuals, imagination, holistic thinking, art, and

focuses on interaction between the left and right brain. 

13) Asper Dale’s Cone of Experience maximum learning 1 point

takes place in students when the teacher...

shows them a video related to the topic.

takes them for field trips/ visits.

facilitates students to work on their own on a task.

provides them print learning material to read at home. 

14) Given below are two statements: one is labelled as 1 point

Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R.

Assertion A: The video creates an illusion of motion when 25 still

frames are passed per second in front of the eyes.

Reason R: The human mind cannot sense the gap

between the

In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate

answer from the options.

Both A and R are correct, but R is NOT the correct
explanation of A.

Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct explanation
of A.

A is correct but R is not correct.

A is not correct but R is correct. 

15) Whenever there is an overload of information in any 1 point

media, it results in lower learning, this is as per....

Active processing assumption.

Temporal Contiguity principle .

Limited capacity assumption.

Dual-channel assumption. 
16) According
to the dual-channel assumption, for better 1 point
learning, any instructional media should have....

visual-pictorialmaterial only.

auditory-verbal material only.

text, video, visual, questions, animation, quizzes.

both auditory-verbal and visual-pictorial material. 

17) The
research finding “students may learn more deeply 1 point
from words and pictures than from words alone” was given by...

Pinsky and Wipf.

Dale H. Schunk. 

Nielsen and Rankin-Erickson.

Richard Mayer.

18) While
conducting any session, the teacher needs to 1 point
recall the previously learned content as well as scaffold the new
content based on already known content, this is as per the...

The Segmenting Principle

The Coherence Principle

The Signaling Principle

The Pretraining Principle

19) While
using visuals in a PowerPoint presentation, the 1 point
teacher needs to remove irrelevant parts from the visuals, this is
as per....

the Multimedia principle

the Spatial Contiguity principle

the Temporal Contiguity principle 

the Coherence principle

20) Video
is one of the forms of multimedia that 1 point

text in verbal form

Dynamic graphics in pictorial form and words in narration

Spoken text in pictorial form

Static graphics in pictorial form

21) The
property of media which allows to change the 1 point
speed of occurrence of an event or to remove or add any desired
content is...

Fixative property

Distributive property

Manipulative property

Audio-visual property

22) Exposition Media are those media which are... 1 point

by the learners in the laboratory to develop
psychomotor skills.

made available online and used by the learners for self-


used by the teacher for explaining the content in different
learning environments

developed by the curriculum developers and made available
to teachers

23) The
projector which is used to project non-transparent 1 point
material is called...

overhead projector

document camera

multimedia projector 

slide projector 

24) Given
below are two statements: one is labelled as 1 point
Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: Even though the chalkboard can be used for
incidental writing, it is less effective.
Reason R: Drawing diagrams on the board needs considerable
time and the diagram cannot be reused.
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate
answer from the options

Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct explanation
of A

Both A and R are correct, but R is NOT the correct
explanation of A

A is correct but R is not correct

A is not correct but R is correct

25) When learners are assigned to prepare a 3 dimensional 1 point

model, to assess their achievement of learning outcomes, such
media is called......

mediating media

inquisition media

criterion media 

exposition media

26) Pan movement of a video or PTZ camera means... 1 point

the camera forward or backwards, towards or away
from the object

moving the camera from left to right or from right to left like our

moving camera from the ground towards the sky or vice

carrying a camera to left or right along with a moving object.

27) When a digitally created three-dimensional content 1 point

overlays the user’s real-world environment, this interactive media
is called....

Virtual reality object.

Augmented reality.

Virtual game.


28) Media
which are used specifically for skill training 1 point
purposes and are replicas of real objects, such media are...




Static models

29) Themost suitable media for demonstrating and 1 point

developing cognitive, psychomotor as well as affective domain
skills is...

Real objects

Virtual reality

Video programmes

30) An open-source
software which may be used by the 1 point
teachers to record and edit their voice is...




Adobe Audition CC

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