Admin Assistant Exam

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IOM Yemen

Written test for CFCV2021.123 Marib Site Assistant (SNFI) H2

Time: 90 minutes Code no of the candidate:

Instruction: Please answer the below questions. Do not write your name in the answer sheet.

Question 1

What are the key steps in any SNFI intervention from the beginning to the end of the activity?

Answer Q1 :
1- Determining the needs of the vulnerable populations affected by conflict or natural disasters
"Needs Registration".

2- Determining the budget for the purchase of goods through purchase orders or tenders.

3- Training the staff to distribute goods correctly.

4-Planning for the safe distribution of tools, taking into account the appropriate distribution mechanism
for people with special needs.

5- Determine a place for distribution so that it is safe and away from places of conflict

6- Buying needed goods locally

7-Supplying goods to warehouses

8- Starting to distribute to the target groups


✔ Ensure the camp population figures are known and that the amount of commodities available is sufficient to cover the whole
group, be it a targeted or a general distribution.
✔ Ensure that information concerning the distribution, such as the items, quantities, target and procedure, is disseminated to the
population concerned.

✔ Ensure that plans are in place for assessment of groups with specific needs and resources are available to cater for them.
✔ Ensure that the appropriate security measures, such as crowd control and safety of commodities, are in place to ensure a
smooth distribution.
✔ Ensure that the required monitoring mechanisms are in place, such as on-site monitoring during distribution
of food-baskets, NFIs and cash and vouchers and post distribution monitoring.
✔ Put in place complaints mechanisms.

Distribution Process and Name Verification

✔ The ration card is verified to check the holder’s identity and whether s/he is on the list of names.
✔ The ration card is punched or otherwise appropriately marked upon entry to the distribution site or upon receiving food, NFI,
cash or vouchers.
✔ Agencies use computerized name lists where appropriate.
✔ All food distributors observe hygiene rules when handling food or other items.
✔ Family sizes remain constant during the food distribution cycle and any changes in family size are recorded by the distribution
✔ Loudspeakers are sometimes used to call out the names of the camp residents.

Time of the Distribution

✔ The distribution starts on time.
✔ The service provider arrives on time in order to make all
the set-up preparations.
✔ The items are off-loaded and handled in a proper and safe way.
✔ Staff of IOM and the service provider are present throughout the distribution process.

Question 2

What are the component of Shelter and NFI kits? By whom its value is evaluated?

The component of shelter and NFI kits is : tarpaulins, basic framing and tools, blanket , food plastic sheet,

buckets and other container for water cooking items , mattresses , mats , lamb , kitchen set , sleeping

mats, 1.5L water buckets

By whom its value is evaluated: by logistic and procurement officers “Depends on market prices”
Question 3

Who are the project stakeholders in the IOM targeted location? What are the tools that you use to collect

the necessary information from them?

Answer Q3:

Project stakeholders are the Refugees and internally displaced persons “IDPs”.

The tools used to collect information from them : Surveys and questionnaires, interviews , Observation , Registration

, focus group discussions , Documents and records , Oral histories.

Question 4

Mention a big challenge that faced you during a project implementation at the field level? And what was

the best practices to deal with the challenge.

"In one of my recent roles, we had a disgruntled customer who was unhappy with her purchase. I offered
to speak with her and took the time to listen to her concerns. Once she was calm, I offered her various
options to help resolve the issue. When she decided on the solution that best suited her, she thanked me
for my time and ended up making another purchase with us in the future. While I helped rectify this
situation, I also ensured we kept her as a customer."
Question 5

What kind of mechanisms can be put in place to collect beneficiaries’ feedback and complaints?

Individual interviews during the field, Beneficiary help desk, Letter boxes, Emails and websites , SMS,

Focus group discussions, Monitoring teams

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