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Passport Automation System

1. Objective:

To develop the passport automation system software using UML language.

It is the interface between applicant and authority responsible for issue the passport. It
aims at improving efficiency and reducing complexities.

2. Scope:

The system provides the online interface to the user where we can fill their form and
personal detail with necessary proof.

The authority concerned with the issue of passport can use this system to reduce is
workload and process it speedy manner.

It provides communication platform between administrator and applicant.

To transfer the data between passport authority and local police verifying the applicant’s

3. Project description:

My project title is passport automation system. In this project we can develop the 5
modules such as login, fill the form with necessary proof, verifying the applicant’s
information, validity checking and issue the passport for that particular applicant.

In this login module, we can perform that that perform that enters into the login website
for the different actors, and then fill for the can be done by the primary and verification,
validation checking and issuing the passport can be done for the supporting actor.

4. Requirements:

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*Functional requirements:

It is defined as how they should react in the particular input and how the system should
react in the particular situations and what the system do not do.

In my project, login as functional requirement. In that functional requirement we may

check the user name and password is correct or not. After checking entity of login, we
can show the detail based on the type of actor.

➢ Analysis:
In this place, the project requirement is analyzed and availability of requirement is seen.

➢ Design:
Project manager makes the design of the project.

➢ Implementation:
The construction of project is done and coding is developed.

➢ Maintenance:
In this the software maintenance and the ways to avoid the drawback of software is

*Non-Functional requirements:

This system can load at the speed of 2.4GHz-3.6GHz. Memory 4GB RAM
Transferring data speed 50 Mbps in time.

It is high portability, reliability, accepting failure rates and user friendly.

➢ Hardware requirements:
Processor: Pentium –IV Hard drive: 320 GB RAM: 4GB
DVD-Drive: 1

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➢ Software requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP

Front-end: Rational Rose Enterprise Edition Back-end: Oracle 9i

5. Module description:

In this project consists of 5 modules, namely, login, fill the form, verifying applicant
details, validity check.

• Login:

In this module, we can perform operation such as enter the user name and password. If
the user name and password is correct then it can be entered into the specific web
page. Otherwise re-enter the user name and password at the particular time’s only.

• Fill the application:

When we are go to fill the application form before you can tell either apply for new
passport or renewal the old passport. We can fill the application form with
corresponding ID proof and address proof and then submit the form.

• Verification of the form:

After submission of the form, to the responsible authority are verified that given
information is true or not and they are forwarded to local police. Local police enquiry
that corresponding information is true or not. After collecting the information it will
forwarded to higher authority.

• Validation checking:
When the customer, go to apply for the airline ticket. The passport must be checked if it
is valid or not. Every passport as valid up to 5 years only. The applicant’s must renewal

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the passport for every five years.

• Issue the passport:

After verification and validation the passport can be issued to the applicant through the
post. Then the passport can be checked and signed the post record the accepted the

6. Domain model:

A domain is a visual representation of conceptual classes or real situation object in a


*In object-oriented analysis, the domain model is the most important.

*It illustrates the concept in the domain.

*It acts as a source of inspiration for designing some software objects.

In our project, when we are entered into the corresponding web page, we can perform
the operation such as status information, fill the form, verification is done in the web

8. Logical architecture:

The logical architecture is the large-scale organization of software classes into packages,
sub classes and layers. This is called logical architecture.

9. Risk architecture:

It defines that some process loss, or any problem can be faced while creating the project.
*Software risk:

If the software for passport automation, it is works very fast, after some times software
works very slowly because of virus attack. It can be rectified by the new way.

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*Hardware risk:

If the hardware component is suddenly burn or broke down due to over burden, while
creating the project.

*Non-function risk:

Due to failure of Hardware and software, then it can’t be completed with in the time
schedule and budget schedule.

10. Gantt chart:

It describes the time schedule for the planning to complete the core product and after
complete of core product, what is the time taken for the project action of core project.

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11. Pre-function and post-function:

Pre-function: enter the username and password. Post-function: Verify the username
and password.

*Application form:

Pre-function: Fill the form with details.

Post-function: Submit the form.


Pre-function: Taking the applicant form.

Post-function: Verify the information and enquiry to applicant.

*Validity checking:

Pre-function: Checking validity date. Post-function: Renewal the old passport.

*Issue the passport:

Pre-function: Send the passport to applicant address. Post-function: Receive the

passport form the postman.

12. UML package diagram:

An UML package diagram provides a way to group elements.

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A UML package can group anything classes other package is very common.
A UML package is a general concept then simply a java package or .net name space
through a UML package can represent two and more forward allow from strew manage
to customer.


13. Technical service layer:

This shows the interaction between the actor and object in sequence diagram. The
forward arrow from system admin to authority it indicates verifies the applicant’s
details. The system admin verify the application details and then the authority issue the

14. Domain object layer:

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After composing the technical service layer from partial layer architecture.
Since we are going to generate the coding in java/VB the project domain is experienced
in java/VB using rational rose software.

15. User interface layer:

This layer shows the interface with sequence diagram by changing the sequence
symbol. The sequence symbol is replaced by an actor symbol, which shows interface
between use case and sequence diagram.

16. Use case diagram:

The UML provides the use case diagram notation to illustrates the name of the use case
actors and relationship between them.

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17. Class diagram:

The UML include the class diagram, to illustrate and their association. They are used for
static object modeling.

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18. Sequence diagram:

A sequence diagram illustrates in a kind of format in which each object interact via
messages. It is generalization between two or more specification diagram.

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19. Partial layer architecture:

Sequence diagram is an interaction over view diagram. It provides a big picture over
view of now a set of interaction is related in terms of logic and process flow.

This partial layer architecture shows the interface of a sequence diagram.

Here the administrator shows the inter face by displaying actor symbol.

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20. Collaboration diagram:

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It illustrates that object interaction in a graph or network format in which object can be
placed any where on the diagram.


In collaboration diagram the relationship between applicant, system admin and

authority. The people must fill the application form according to detailed furnished. The
system admin verifies the all details and forward details to authority. He is enquiry the
person and then issue the passport to applicant.

21. State chart diagram:

It illustrates the intrusting events and state of an object and behaviors of an object is
reaction to an event. Transaction shows as allows labeled with theirs event. It is
included with initial pseudo state and final end state.

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The state chart diagram of passport automation system that the service of authority,
who is issues the passport received by the applicant and getting the passport.

22. Activity diagram:

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Activity diagram shows sequential and parallel activities in a process. They are useful for
modeling business, workflows, the data flows and complex algorithm.

A UML activity diagram offers rich notation to flows a sequential of activities. It may be
including parallel activities. It may be applied to any purpose, but it is popular for

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visualization of business workflows and use case.

23. Component diagram:

A component represent a modular part of a system, that encapsulates it contents and
whose manifestation is replaced with in its environment. A component define its
behaviors in terms of provide and required interfaces.

Here the three components are applicant, system admin and authority.
The interface between people and system admin, from people to authority.

24. Deployment diagram:

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A deployment shows the assignment of concrete artifacts to computational nodes. It
shows the deployment of software elements to the physical architecture, and the
communication. Deployment diagrams are useful to communicate the physical and
deployment architecture.

In the deployment diagram the object reference in component diagram is also included
the deployment diagram. In this authority and system admin, interface through the

It is the process of installing the program.

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25. Implementation:

After completing the 8 diagrams we have to select the respective programming language
domain from the tool menu for each diagram we have to select main class and generate
code for respective diagram.

26. Testing:

After completing the code generation for each diagram. Select the tool menu under
quality architect performs unit testing and scenario testing for each code.

Testing activities are made several types of testing is carried on.

27. Conclusion:

Thus, the above project for passport automation system has been successfully executed
and codes are generated.

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To implement a software for software personnel management system

Scope Of the Project

Software system that will allow the human resource department to

manage its employee in a better way. When needed, it will take just a few second
to find out the background of an employee and his/her contribution to the
organization, it will also facilitate keeping all the records of employee, such as
their data of leaving. So all the information about an employee will be available in
a few seconds, it will also make it very easy to generate statistical data or custom
data, line finding a certain set of employee, overall it will make human resource
management an easier job that the human resource department

Project Description

Human Resource management system project involves new and/or system

upgrades of software of send to capture information relating to the hiring
termination payment and management of employee. He uses system to plan and
analyze all components and performance of metrics driven human resource
functions, including recruitment, attendance, compensation, benefits and
education. Human resources management systems should align for maximum
operating efficiency with financial accounting operations customer relationship
management, security and business lines as organization.


A requirement is defined as a condition or capability needed by a user to

solve a problem or achieve an objective Software System requirement are often
classified in

• Functional requirement
• Non-functional requirement
• Hardware requirement
• Software requirement

a) Functional Requirement

A functional requirement describes an interaction between its

Functional requirements describes the system function in details, its input and
output , exception etc

The functional requirement are as follows


In this phase, the project requirement is analyzed and the availability of the
requirement is seen.


The design of a project is made by the project manager


The construction of project is done and coding is developed


Testing activities are made several types of testing is carried on


In this the software maintenance and the ways to avoid the drawback of the software
is made.


IT is the process of installing and kick starting of the program

b) Non-functional Requirement

Non-functional requirement are requirements which are not directly

concerned with the specific functions delivered by the system. They relate to
emergent system properties such as reliability, response time and store occupancy.
They relate to the system as whole ather than to individual system features which
means that they are more critical than individual functional requirements

The non-functional requirement are as follows


This software designed as a high speed software


The size of this software is about 100MB


This software can be easily portable


The rate of failure of this software is very low

c) Hardware


Processor: Pentium

IV Harddisk:40GB


DVD drive:1

d) Software requirement

Operating System: Windows xp

Front end tool: Rational Rose Enterprise suit

Back end tool: Oracle 10

Module Description

The Modules of human resource management is described

as follows

Payroll Module:

The payroll module greatly reduces the workload of the HR department by

automating the payroll process, allowing HR to ensure the payroll functions are
completed on time and without errors.

Once the attendance data is fed into the system, the payroll module
automatically calculates payment amounts and various deductions such as
income tax before generating pay checks and employee tax reports

Recruitment Module:

Recruitment and selection refers to the chain and sequence of activities

pertaining to recruitment and selection of employable candidates and job seekers for
an organization. The human resources department of large organization, business
government offices and multilateral organization are generally vested with the
responsibilities of employee recruitment and selection

Training Module:

Training and development is one of the areas in which this is performed.

Consisting of educating and grooming talent when performed successfully,
training and development can lead to a happy and productive group of workers

A training and development department typically consist of the head of

training and development , a training manager, a training specialist and a training

Domain Module

The domain module is the representation of a real situation conceptual class

not software objects. The term does not mean set of diagrams describing software
class, the domain layer of software architecture or software object with

Human resource management(HRM) is the understanding and application of

the policy and procedure that directly affect the people working within the project
team and working group. These policies include recruitment retention, reward
personnel development training and career development. It include the activities of
human resources planning, recruitment, selection orientation, training
performance appraisal, compensation and safety.

Partially Layered Architecture

The HR update the salary, the employee in turn views the salary details
allotted, HR is responsible for training the employee and updates the training
details simultaneously. These details updates the time period of the training. The
employee gives this performance and salary increment is reviewed by Hr and given

Logical Architecture

The logical Architecture is large scale organization of the software class into
package subsystem and layers. It is called logical Architecture because ther is no
decision about how these elements are deployed across different operating system
processor or across physical computers in network

Risk Activities

Risk management is concerned with identifying risks and drawing up plans

to minimize their effects on a project

A risk is a probability that some adverse circumstance occur

• Project risk affect schedule or resources

• Project risks affect the quality or performance of or procuring the
Several stages:
• Risk Identification
• Risk Analysis
• Risk Planning
• Risk Monitoring

Human resource activities lead to four important implications for risk management

First, the activities are necessary to keep human resources in harmony with
the risk management tools adopted by the management team.

Second, human resource calamities, e.g. chronic illness, accidental death, can
hamper carefully made and appropriate risk management decisions

Third, no management team stays together indefinitely

Fourth, human resource performance evaluation should be tied to risk


Gantt chart
A Gantt chart is type of bar chart that illustrate a project schedule

Gantt chart illustrates the start and finish dates of terminal element and
summary element of the project.

Pre-function and Post-function in use cases



Verifies the designation of the employee

Post function

Credit the payment to the employee



Verifies the educational qualification and examines the knowledge of the


Post function

Issues appointment order to the employee


Allots training head for each team

Post function

Allows training to work in their desired designation Time and Employee



Analyze employee tie keeping information for the purpose of payroll

Post function

Issues memo is any employee found irregular Benefits



Keeps track of tlent of employee

Post function

Allows the employee to take part in the benefit program

HR management


Analysis of application data through to the basic demographic data of employee

Post function

Keeps track of training and development of employee

UML Package Diagram

Recruitment involves defining the employee salary and also motivates them.
Training improves the performance and time management of an employee. The
performance of an employee decides whether or not an employee should get an
salary increment.

Technical Service Layer

This shows the interaction between the actors or object in the sequence
diagram, the forward arrow from the HR to employee indicates the training details
being updated. The employee during training and after training gives his
performance, based on which the HR decides on giving the employee a salary
Domain Object Layer

After composing the technical service layer from partial layer architecture .
Since we are going to generate the coding in Java/VB. The project domain is
experienced under Java/VB using Rational rose software.

User Interface Layer

This layer shows the interface with the sequence diagram by changing the
sequence symbol.
The sequence symbol is replaced by the actor symbol which shows the interface
between use case and sequence diagram.

Use- case Diagram

The HR of an organization involves recruitment training, monitoring and

motivation of an employee. The HR also involves gives salary as observed in the
payroll sheet. The employee undergoes training, receives the salary , gives the
expected performance and manages time in order to complete a given task within
the required period.

Class Diagram
The employee of an class consist of attributes such as training, salary, performance
and time management of his regular activites.

Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram is constructed for employee and HR regarding training

details and salary details of the employee. The HR will verify the details of the
employee and update the salary for each employee. The employee can view his
salary data. If employee needs to undego any training the he will be receiving the
training information and training period. After completion of the training period HR
wil issues salary

Employee HR Training details Salary Details

Update Salary Details

View Salary Details

Training Information

Training Update


Training Period

Salary Increment
Partial Layered Architecture

Employee : <Actor Name>

Update Salary Details

View Salary Details

Training Information

Training Update


Training Period

Salary Increment
Collaboration Diagram

The collaboration diagram is similar to the sequence but the series of activity are
numbered instead of timing sequence. The employee can view his salary and get
the training information from the HR . The HR will update the training, salary for
the employee.

State Transition Diagram

States of object are represented as rectangle with round corner, the

transaction between the different states. A transition is a relationship between
two state that indicates that when an event occur the object moves from the prior
state to the subsequent.
Activity Diagram

The activity diagram notation is an action, partition, fork join and object node.
Most of the notation is self explanatory, two subtle points

Once an action finished, there is an automatic outgoing transaction. The

diagram can show both control flow and data flow.

HR Login



Fixed Salary Salary


HR Logout

Component Diagram
The HR recruits, motivate and monitor the employee, HR also update the salary
details and training details for reference. The employee are those who are recruited
by HR and work for the company. The training details provide employees with
training details which is updated by HR

HR Human Resources
, monitoring of
Provides employees
Employee and HR
with the salary

provides Details
employees with
training details
which is updated
by HR
Employee employees are those
who are recurtited by
HR and work for the
respective company

Deployment Diagram
HR recruits employee for a company employee recruited by HR goes under
training before actually working. Training period is given to the employee with the
training details. The salary details for the employee are provided.

HR HR recurits the
employee for a given

Training Training Period is

provides Salary Details Deatails given to the
employee with employee with
salary details training period

Employee Employee recurited

by HR Undergoes
training before
actually working


After completing the eight diagram, we have to generate the code. For code
generation, go to tools and select the language in which you are going to generate
the code. We can use
languages such as Java/J2EE sub-options, select generate code. So that code will
be generated. We have to generate codes for each diagram individually.



//Source file:

Z:\\SACHIN\\ public

class HR extends Employee

private int

CurriculumVitae; private

int MonitorEmployees;

private int

ProvideSalaryIncrement; private

int Motivate;


@roseuid 4D5E0BDF005F


public HR()


@roseuid 4D2D35EE0105


public void Recruit()


@roseuid 4D2D36120008


public void Monitor()



@roseuid 4D2D361703C1


public void Increment()


@roseuid 4D2D362301BC


public void Motivation()


//Source file: Z:\\SACHIN\\

public class Employee

private int


private int


private int

Regularity; public

HR theHR;


@roseuid 4D5E0BE0006E


public Employee()


@roseuid 4D2D36DE0372


public void Training()


@roseuid 4D2D36F20370


public void Salary()


@roseuid 4D2D36F80062


public void Performance()


//Source file: Z:\\SACHIN\\

public class SalaryDetails extends HR

private int createBankAccountToDepositSalary;

@roseuid 4D5E0C0C036C


public SalaryDetails()


@roseuid 4D2FDFEC0109


public void salary()


After generating the code for each diagram we have to test it, for testing go to tolls
and then select quality architecture sub options such as unit test, scenario test will
be displayed we can perform testing operations using those


Thus above project for software personnel management system has been
successfully executed and codes are generated.

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