Science Folio Form 1 (Acid Rain)

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Presented by Group 6

What is acid rain?

Acid rain is any form of
precipitation with high
levels of nitric and sulfuric
acids. It can occur in the form of snow, fog, and
evendry materials that settle to earth. Acid rain is a
geohazard thatusually occurs in the industrial area.
The impacts of acid rain on humans is it can directly
cause health problems, partticularly, lung issues.
How does acid rain occurs?
Most acid rain is caused by human activities. When
people burn fossil fuels, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen
oxides are released into the atmosphere. These gases
react with water, oxygen, and
other substances to form
sulfuric and nitric acid.
How does acid rain harms nature?
Winds may spread these acidic solutions over hundreds of
miles. After it falls to earth, acid rain enters water systems
as runoff and sinks into the ground. Acid rain also harms
forests by damaging trees'
leaves, robbing the soil of
essential nutriens, and making
it hard for trees to take up
How do we reduce acid rain?
By designing cleaner power
plants, and using fewer fossil
fuels, we can reduce the
number of pollutants that
create acid rain.

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