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cHAPTER IN THIS CHAPTER 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Internet and its Components 1.3 World Wide Web (WWW) 1.12 HTML 1.13 Protocols 1.4. Internet Terminology 1.5 Web Server 1.6 Web Site 1.7 Web Pages 1.8 Web Browsers Scanned with CamScanner Internet Basics 1.14 Introduction Networks are everywhere : Any multiple things connecting together and enhancing reach form a network. You have heard about terms like network of roads, network of rails and network of computers around the globe, the internet. In this chapter, we shall talk about some technical basics related to networks especially Internet. 24 Internet and its Components As you all know that Internet is a computer-based worldwide information network. It can be assumed as an example of WAN (\Wide Area Network), The Internet is composed of a large number of smaller interconnected networks, These networks may link tens, hundreds, or thousands of computers, enabling them to share information with each other and to share Various resources, such as powerful supercomputers and databases (collection of data) of ‘nformation. The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to effectively and ‘expensively communicate with each other. Unlike traditional broad radio and television, the Internet is a decentralized system. Each connected individual can Sommunicate with anyone else on the Internet, can publish ideas, andl can sell products with a ‘minimum overhead cost Intene wh as ing, media, tis not ath offering com Ny Which you can touch and feel Ieis made up of many components Nations different types of services. Let us talk about these Internet components in 1 lines, ‘Scanned with CamScanner q wl 4 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. x 0 13 {World Wide Web (WWW) From the late 1960s to the early 1990s, the Internet was a communication and research t,, used almost exclusively for academic and military purposes. This changed radically with introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW) or Web in short in 19 he WWW is a set programs, standards and protocols governing the way in which multimedia files (rultimes files are the documents that contain a combination of text, photographs, graphics, video and audio) a: created and displayed on the Intemet. ) Before WWW, Internet was mainly” used for obtaining Gm textual information. But post-WWW, the Internet popularity Hafernet. is a computg grew tremendously because of graphicintensive nature of based world wide cop WWW. Therefore, we may attribute the explosion in use and munications network, whic Popularity of Internet to WWW only. is composed of large numby ‘of smaller interconnecy The World Wide Web (WWW) is also affectionately called rks, “The Web”. WWW was proposed between 1989-1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, Proposed in 1989, WWW became a reality with invention of HTML and a text browser in 1990. invention of text browser in THe 1.3.1 Difference between WWW and Internet The World Wide Wy, Most people think that WWW is Internet and vice versa, (WWW) Is +a seth fern cialaitat Programs, standards, 3\ which is protocols that allows ¢ A large part of the Internet is the ‘World Wide Web" multimedia and hyper files to be created, display WWW). This is made up of web sit ( )). This is made up of web sites that have one or more Brdiituked on the tee web pages. This is the part of the Internet that you probably use most of the time. But the Internet isn’t just the web pages that you use every day. It also consists of : ryt ‘© Forums where people can seek help and advice abouta 1989-1991 Se topic. ers-Lee. ® Research databases used by universities and large companies. ® USENET ~ discussion groups about a specific subject from the latest boy band favourite pets - for example, Google Groups. ‘ ® Email and Instant Messaging (IM) systems. {{'sreally important to understand that the Internet is not the same as the WWW. helt is to the World Wide Web is eal within the containas °° #8 Europes to Germany. One isthe container, the others" ‘The r ed W forms a large part" rot the Figure 1.1 WWW vs. Trtnen-+ Scanned with CamScanner synel Terminology 14 Aint efore we proceed further, it will be good if we briefly talk about Internet terminology. I following, lines, we are introducing some basic terms related to Internet. ~~ Any computer on the networks that requests services from another computer on the Internet. the ‘Any computer that receives requests from client computers, processes and sever output. Web Servers respond: to web related request. There can be other types of servers to handle different type of requests/actions, Wwebpoge— Any digital page/document hosted on Internet (ie, accessible via Internet.) \yeb Sie A collection of interconnected webpages, designed with a certain goal in mind. A web site or service that offers a broad array of resources such as e-mail, forums, Web Portal search-engines among others, e.,, sites like MSN, Yahoo, Indiatimes etc. Browser A program or software on a client computer, that retrieves information from the web. Examples. are : Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Netscape, Mosaic, Opera, Safari, Lynx etc. Web [web Client A web client is a program or a component on client side that requests and uses \ services provided by web server. Examples of web clients are web browser, a specific web page with components fetching information from web server, email programs, file sharing programs, chat programs etc:) ua Uniform Resource Loentor It is the unique address of a web page on Internet. eg Short for Web log, a blog is a web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individu. A blog is a frequently updated online personal journal or diary. Beqger The author of a blog is called blogger. A blogger is the one who regularly writes and updates entries in his/her blog. . Begging The action pf writing blog is called blogging. - ‘cweqroup Newsgroups are Internet discussion forums where groups of users with common interests gather to discuss on a common topic of interest. Short for electronic mail, email refers to messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network mostly Intemet ‘Mares: Every email network where e-mail can be sent ; this unique address has a unique electronic post-office-box with a unique address on a known as email address. h email address has three sections. Let’s look at the example below "ykduphccGEdupi arora. sumitaggnail com A eo x eX en of dosain name ae @ host or domain name Username @_—ihost of Follow ng sections talk about these in details. ii : Scanned with CamScanner q . 6 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS .X So 6 1.5 Web Server \ Web server is a computer that stores websites on ie (ame and delivers web pages to viewers upon request. A Web Server is Server that —stq,¢ My Web server is also called WWW server. ocumentes and ren, 7 are that wait the requests mage Web Servers are generally programs or softw: puenet the reaust meth for requests from the web browser. Some examples ot servers are : Apache, IIS, nginx, GWS, Netsite ete Request Bai AWeb Serveris a win, ap tat srs web doar i A responds tothe ronuest maa! Reply 7 by web browsers, Web server Figure 1.2 Working of a web server Difference between a Server and a Webserver Before we proceed further, itis important to understand the difference between a server an __Web Server Note Web servers are computers that deliver (serves up) Web pages. In technical terms, we can say that they handle A server is a computer or device on a network that manages network Fesources. A server serves requests A server is a computer has server software loi on it. Its main job Is toi mainly related to resources on the | HTTP requests. For example, if you resources for clients. On: ‘network such as for sharing a resource | enter the URL other hand, a web seiveri the printer or sharing storage etc. | tp://wm.edupillarcom/indexhtmt in specific protocol type There ‘are many different types of | your bowser, this sends a request to the server, looking oily see Such a8 a file server or a mail| web server whose domain name. ic ‘i sener or a webserver ete. You'll learn about various server types later in this chapter. 5. instead eedupillaccom. The server then fetches om re the page named index.html and sends Tesource requests it to your browser. sd 1.5.1 Services Provided by a Server As you already know that a server isa computer dedicated for mana ging network resoure 's responsible for handling the requests related to the resources oi mn network. Services provided by a server on a network include the fol 1 Equipment/Resource Sharing. High qualit designed to connect directly to a network and server is responsible for such lowing among many others 'Y printers and photocopiers are 0 all authorised users can share the equipmen a resource sharing request. 2. Centralised File Savin, home directories on the file computer 8 for Data Sharing, Servers help the user s server, workers can load thei ve files tol ir documents on any netwo" >. Centralised Virus Scanning, Most file servers run virus scanners constantly to¢ and take care of Viruse: Intreduced by any user on any computer 4. Centralised Backups, High-capacity tape devices in the file server back up all? work, usually every night. In ease of system failure (or worker failure), lost work recovered quickly and easil Scanned with CamScanner INTERNET Basics 7 1.5.1A _ Sewices Provided by Webservers Unlike a server, a web server is completely dedicated ir 7 to handl oF wel provides following major services : in Feawests for webpages. 1 the request of clients using the Hypertext Transfer Proto, HTML documents and any additional content th. 2. Running Gateway Programs (CG) requests received, the webservers need to help them fetch the required output as per the request made by the client. 3. Controlling Access to the Server. receiving content from clients. This fe uploading of files. ) and Returning Output. In order to process the run special programs called CGI programs which Afull implementation of HTTP also includes ways of ‘ature is used for submitting web forms, including 4. Monitoring and Logging all Access. The webservers ficte also ensure that only authenticated access takes place and cone Semen ee thus they keep running many monitoring programs and Rigiecticr, Asache Seen Keep logging all the activities Webserver ns, The Lighttpd 5. Server Side Scripting. Many generic web servers Server, Jigsaw web server, also support server-side scripting using Active Server Pages igunalava system|web server (ASP), PHP, or other scripting languages. ce 16 4 Web Site A web site is a collection of web pages which are digital files generally written using HyperText Markup Language (HTML). For a web site to be available to everyone in the world at all times, 1tmust be stored or “hosted” on a computer that is connected to the Internet round the clock. Such a computer is known as a Web server. The web pages of a website are linked together (through hyperlinks and hypertext) and share a common interface and design. The site might also contain additional documents and files such as images, videos or other digital assets. eee ee eae With Internet invading in every sphere, we see websites for on a web-server and are all kind of causes and purposes. So, we can also say that a linked together and share a website can also be thought of as a digital environment common interface and capable of delivering information and solutions and design. promoting interaction between people, places, and things to Support the goals of the organization it was created for. 1.6.1 Components of a Website As you know that a website is a collection of a related webpages hosted on a webserver. There are some components essential for making a website. These are being listed below. Webhost Hosting, is where a website is physically located. Group of linked webpage: be called a website only when hosted on a webserver. On a webserver, are a set of files that are transmitted to user computers when they sp of the web: Scanned with CamScanner qualify to somewhere, fy the address TER APPLICATION This ig the address of the website (also called URL of the site). When someos, aa ebuite, (ahhe needs to put this address into the web browser, and the. is delivered by the webserver. 174 is the fi that appears when , Every websi home page. Itis the first web page that » Every website has a home page ee ern mee jomepage s ‘a website. Home page of 2 websit : the website and directs viewers to the rest of the pages in the website Design It is the overall look and feel the website has a Note aH result of proper use and integration elements gil ac navigation menus, graphics, layout etc. nat Content All the webpages contained in the website together The Novigation Structure 1.6.2 make up the content of the website. The navigation structure of a website is the order of ee, Sanh the pages, the collection of what links to what. fat we ope Usually it is held together by at least one navigation pat wun menu. Website vs. Portal As you already know that a website is a collection of related web pages. It is hosted on2t!s one web server, accessible via a network through an Internet address known as 2[ (Uniform Resource Locator). A Portal or a web portal also has similar characteristics, but ference between a website and a portal, which you must know. a key ‘A Web portal is a launch pad to a host of web based services such as email, shopping, gaming, news, weather and so on whereas a website is concemed with providing information about a company cause only. For a user, a portal is the entry point for using these services. A website on the other hand provides some specific type of information. Following table lists the differences between these two. Website Collection of webpages offering a specialized conter pertaining to the need and goal of the organizato: ‘owning the website, Collection of launch webpages of array of web- services like email, search engine, weather, gaming, news ete | Web Portal (Portal) i j It is often the final destination to access and Us the provided specific information. It is normally an entry point or gateway for using the offered web-services, 1 | Generally linked to many ather websites that provide | A website is generally Linked to its own webpages | these web-service: ____— Caters to or delivers one specific type of applicati? or content as per the goal of the website. A complete environment for managing and inte- grating a large number of diverse applications,,, _ Examples + Google, Yahoo, Rediff, MSH, AOL etc Scanned with CamScanner 1.7 4 Web Pages ‘A webpage is a digital document that is linked to the World Wide Web and vi connected to the internet having a web browser. It can contain any type of information, such as text, colour, graphics, animation, video and sound etc. 1.7.1. What does it Contain ? (Components of o Webpoge) ‘As you already know that a webpage is a digital document containing information in digital form, still we are asking this question - What does it contain or What are its components ? Well, this question can be answered in more than one way © Components of a webpage, Content wise © Components of a webpage, Structure wise Content Wise - Content wise the components of a webpage are : Hypertext and Hyperli Hypertext refers to a digital text, which is more than just text as it can include information in various media formats such as : Hype combination of text, graphic ® text © images images, audio & video © graphics ® video tracks, and hyperlinks. A ® sound © hyperlinks ‘Hyperlink refers to a dynamic link upon clicking at which a new web page or Hyperlink refers to a link from a hypertext file to another REET ARE such file, A hyperlink can be in the form of a graphic or text, upon clicking where the linked document opens up. Following figure (Fig. 1.3) shows you hypertext and hyperlinks in a webpage \Hypertext comprises Ha] lo text, graphic, audio, ‘a aor nearest computer ee he ‘suse egucaesfor roage 5000 Fe pce corresponding page opens up. Figure 1.3. Hypertext and hyperlink, Scanned with CamScanner J Y 10 consputer apr 0 Structure Wise Structure wise the components of a web page are © Page Title ® Header ® Body of the web page ® Navigational Links ® Footer is a single line text which is displayed on the title bar of yo, Page Title displaying web page. (Fig. 1) or two line text (sometimes a graphies/im Header This is generally a or played at the top of the web the purpose of the w the address bar of the browser. (Fig, 14) ) page. Itis d Body of the This is the section below the header of the web pag; b page. (Fig. 1A) Web page actual content of the ¥ These are the hyperlinks placed on the web page using which you cn Navigational Links to the linked web pages/documents. (Fig. 1.4) Footer This is the bottom section of the web page. This is the section wheree the copy right notice, website contact information ete. is put. (Fig. 1 SA wenn ncen Ef apn J New Sepoemers— RIEDTATUnPe™ CCHS asont Teo trcn. Hyer nwt + Cove |. AISTORICAL BACKGROUND a aren, eave men subjected to personal nteroes, The paremmance paeonneapaectierse : os Smear rena edaton ein be its of a web page. Figure 1.4 Componen Scanned with CamScanner —— p sreener pasics 11 What makes a Webpage Work 2 \ webpage is viewed through a web browser on a computer ora mobile device, The working, ofa web page is successful only then a user can view il successfully. For a web page to work properly, it has to undergo following three states Creation of Webpage In this stage, a web page is created with proper coding, Depending upon its content type, it can be in pure HTML for static page or contain some scripts also for dynamic content, This stage also ensures that the code of the web page is error free. loading / Publishing the Webpage In this stage the code of the web page is loading on the web servers. In other words, the web page is published. Retrieval In this stage, the web page is delievered to user's computer in a web browser for viewing. (see gure 1.5 below) | Web server | hosting | now displays it Figure 1.5 Delivering of web page. In order to view a web page following process takes place The user types its URL in the address bar of the web browser. This web browser determines the domain name of the URL and sends the request to the web server hosting this domain name. 3. The web server now sends the code of the asked web page to the web browser on the lient computer. 4. The web browser on the client computer displays the web page using the received code. Difference between a Webpage and Website A website is composed of a group of webpages linked together. A website refers to a central Jocation on a webserver that contains more than one web page. A website may have just a home page, or it may have many other internal webpages in addition to the home page. Forexample, is considered a website, which contains many webpages. However, a single webpage on this site would be its hone page or AboutUs page and so on. The complete website contains many webpages like © Home page © Register pag © Content Demo p. © FAQ page About Us page © Contact Us page Each of the above mentioned are indi together these all m adutal webpages but ¢ the website Scanned with CamScanner { 12 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS-* fferent sites on the Net and disp), ou visit i es ot ve by supplying the Browser with anaggy' 0 1.8.4 web Browsers sor is & Prost reomputer. fam that | A web brow ses offerings on your own You URL. Jet you ac | browsers are intended le see dis ed earlier in this chapter- However, {file systems as well. rket e.g, Google Wes Browser a swsers available in the mat 4 Explorer, Safari, Qpera Navigator, that lets you visit dip Explorers sites on the Net and g their offerings on you" computer. cess resources on World Wide We, you can use a browser 4” % hypertest fi : other types of file s There are many bro Chrome, Mosaic, Netscape, Internet Maca etc, but only fev of them such as Netscape afox and Microsoft Internet Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and (AISIE) appear just about everywhere. Though, MOSAIC (developed by NCSA — National Centre for Supercomputing Application) was the first web browser to come into market, 1. Graphical Browser Text, images, audio, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Mozilla, for Windows, Apple, Linux and other operatin; pointing and clicking with a mouse on highlighte You can even download and install a graphical browser on your computer. For exany Internet Explorer is a part of the Windows operating system, and is also available ont Microsoft site : Firefox is available for downloading from and Safari is available from and video are retrievable through a graphical software program sui, Opera and Chrome etc. These browsers are avai, ig systems, Navigation is accomplishes: d words and graphics i., on Hyper: 2. Text only Browser Lynx is a browser that provides access to the Web in text-only mode. Navigation accomplished by highlighting emphasized words in the screen with the arrow up and do keys, and then pressing the Enter key to follow the link. In these days of graphical browse* may be hard to believe that Lynx was once very popular. Names of various Web Browsers There are many web browsers in use today. The most common of these are : Mozilla Fire't3 Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, Torch, Maxthon, Sea Monkey, Avant Bro Deepnet Browser etc. E 1.9 € Blogs q E A blog is aki ebsite, The term “blog” fe a, 0g” ~ a diary or journal on the Web. The — prener of the blog writes on the blog and is known as A blog refers to an of] F logger or author of the blog. The activity of updating or journal where entries Jy . posted. The word blog | writing for blog is called bloggii a gging. been derived from weBl! Scanned with CamScanner The “blogger” (or author) writes periodically about a certain tuple of his or her choosing (personal experiences, thoughts, a -: hobbies, politi aspirations, at) The blogger can prove links FP To ic snl pevher websites that s/he thinks might interest the audience. —fpalntains_ a blog Is called The updates put on the blog by the blogger are called blog-posts. logger and art of writing a Blogs usually have a few features that are useful for the P18 !s called bloggtog- blogger and the readers. 1.9.1. Types of Blogs Web of today has millions upon millions of blogs. There are blogs maintained by individuals, there are blogs maintained by companies or organizations on the web, and then there are blogs dledicated to factual information like news, and so on. But, one thing is common ~ they tend to fall into these types of blogs 1. Personal blog. This is the most common type of blog. Maximum numbers of blogs on Internet belong to this category. After all, blogging started off as a way of creating an online diary. A typical blogger may be keen on posting stories about their interest such as fishing, or dancing or collecting something. 2, News and views. This type of blog contains factual stories about News, maintained by journalists. News and television companies such as the BBC have many professional journalists who post stories and views about the latest events. Visitors can add their own opinions as well. 3. Company blogs. Many companies run blogs to let their customers and clients know what is going on in the company that would interest clients or customers such as new products coming up or progress being made on some project. 4, Micro-blogs. This is a new type of blog where one can post very short comments that others can follow Twitter is the best example of a micro-blog where one can only post 140 characters with each entry called a Tweet’. The entries become a running commentary about one’s life and interests. 1.9.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogs Although blogs are proving to be very useful tool for individuals, companies, news makers lc, even micro blogging has become very popular in past few years, But there are some disadvantages also, associated with blogging. Following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of blogs and blogging. Table 1.1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogging | Advantages Disadvantages {esites you to write down your thoughts on|hatever you publish is available for everyone to see If you hing that tin anger you might regret later. fasy to set up: a ical knowledge. | fasy and quic nda 25y and quick to update or add new posts, Blogs can be time-consuming, Finding time to write regular updates can become a chore. If you want to rez . —--|- its. lea £2 (ead other peoples blogs tere are} hee are many very dul blogs around. You may have to look terally nilions to choose from. at many before you find some worth reading. Scanned with CamScanner 14 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS x 1.10 QWeb Address (URL) A location on a net server is called a web site, Bach web site has a unique acl, the web site of Microsoft has an address 4, (Uniform Resource Locator) 6g Lot us explore it further. The Internet structure of the World Wide Web is built on asct of rules called Hypertext Transfer location Protocol (HTTP) and a page description language called te Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) generally. HTTP ad a URL qe uses Internet addresses inva special format called a Uniform Bert Lacan Resource Locator or URL type://address/path ) URLs look like this : pecifies the type of server in which the file is located, address isthe where fyp server, and path (ells the location of file on the server. For example, in the following URL address of sorver http: //encycle.msn.con/getinfo/styles.asp pel 2 server path ofthe fle styl. asp The other examples of URLs are,, news://alt. tennis etc. ‘A URL is also referred to as Web Address sometimes, 1.10.1 Elements of a URL By now you have come to know that on Internet. Let us discuss the components or syntax elements of URLs. 'A file’s Internet address, or URL, is determined by the following a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is an addr ® ‘The type of server or protocol ® The name/address of the server on the Internet Note ‘The characters based 02 © The location of the file on the server (this location may ere sess be related as a “path” through the file hierarchy) is also kro “domain name system (2 Table 1.2 lists the types of servers you may encounter, along, with the protocol they use, and the type(s) of information they provide. In any typical URL eg. hitp://, the “http” identifies both the a server. (According to standard URL syntax, a col ‘ard slashes (//) 10" protocol/server.) similarly, in URL ftp:/h server. Here it is FTP type © oc Jon (:) and two forwé ntifies both the proto the “ftp” ide servers www, 1.2 for more types of f server. Refer to tabl Scanned with CamScanner INTERNET BA 15 2 Internet Sewers ond What they Provide Protocol =| “Information It Provides | sie Transfer Protocol Text and binary files that are organized in a hierarhical structure, much lke a family tee. Control Protocol/Intemet Text and binary files that are organized in a menu structure 1 (TCPAP) Hygertext Transfer Protocol Hypertext/hypermedia files (i.e., multimedia documents that contain links to images, sounds, or other multimedia documents on the World Wide Web). Office Protocol (POP) Version 3 and | Messages sent via electronic mail. Simple Mail Transfer Protacol (SMTP) Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) | Newsgroups that are organized in a hierarchical structure The next component of the address is the name of the server, in this case, Server names have multiple components. Commonly (but not always) a Web server's name will begin “www” for World Wide Web. The “com” suffix (called a domain indicator) indicates that Khoj is a commercial entity, as opposed to a nonprofit organization ("org"), a .du”), a branch of the government ("gov"), ete, The naming scheme by some most school or university (” which servers are identified is also known as the dowain name systen, Table 13H common domains. Table 1.3. Some Most Common Domains sasvoentn Affiliation | com Commercial for commercial firms rAaeiralla | edu Education for educational fms Canada | go Government for government organizations / Denmark | bodies Trance jit | ititary for Military India net | Hietwork resources | for 15Ps / networks Japan org | Usually non-profit | for NGOs and other no-profit New Zealand | ‘organizations ‘organizations United Kingdom | « Company {or listed companies United States tv Felevision for 1V channels andl companies on indicating the country name may be used &s: abbre Jn addition to it, a two lel bttp:// sn ly, the UBL it. is, based in India’ (in). Simil ere the Jast in suygests that alan (102). retanz suggests that it is based in New Zs 111 MensGroups age, reply 10a or posts il for slike av community budtetin board. You ean post a me When a user sends a message, the mews serve ow respond 10 YOUF Message A news group or forum is Re or just read mes yone to read. Other members of the news group cart 5 are huvown as trends. mess a Groups of related messi Scanned with CamScanner 16 COMPUTER APPUCATIONS x done online or by creating, software Examples of some newsgroups are : © alttennis © altastrology You can subscribe to various newsgroups. It can either be news account in a news-client evaciclle eWSEFOUP OF Fory online community in, board, where users can, messages, respond (0 j, messages, or just read Groups of related mess © comp language.ct+ ete. are known as Threads. In the coming section, we shall be illustrating the subscription to online newsgroups also known as clubs in This online worl Internet jargon. versation Is also cg 4 1.11.1 Using a Newsgroup usenet. Let us say, you want to join a group on HTML. So, you need to search for it first of all, what all groups are there and then subscribe to it (or join it). What we did to accomplish this task, M is being summarised below. Just follow it and you'll see are alsa og a in boar, sage boa yourself do the same. eu ta irds at times () To search for an HTML newsgroup (or club), we first opened club site of yahoo ie, we opened the page M and searched for tml in it [Fig. 1.6(0)| (i Now it displayed some results according to our search query (H# “tit” sex wherefrom we selected html-4-you [Fig. 1.6(0)]- of this club so that we can post our messages, we clicked a (iii) To become member owed the instructions given by the yahoo site. this club link and foll we could post our messages by clicking at Post the (iv) Once we became members, in the box provided for it and then by clicking at typing the desired message ‘Message. essage by clickt (v) A message can be read by clicking at its title, One can reply am Reply button. | ‘All these concepts will become more clear to you when you practice it online. eae moll inigitrin teers bnre Errotonap you wih a oltre | Hsitz ead yoaletohex 86" oe Beets yems 19% 1G ad BA prnenener 2 Spey what i | ~ na a vnont Gry? 1 bo arched Figure 1.6 (a) Searching html in yahoo.clubs. Figure 1.6 (4) Sele cafe hi at place bar Pon Seer a ow oats RENT cep ah kaon. ge IES Wee and noes beat [erm HTML coder vent ting desired club fom sent i Scanned with CamScanner B INTERNET BASICS 17 112 € HTML ‘The World Wide Web is an exciting new medium, bringing information, images, advertising and what not to every desktop. Do you know that everything that you see on the Web is documents written in a special language called HTML or Hypertext Markup Language. This language tells the browsers like Mosaic or Netscape or Innternet Explorer how to display text, pictures and links on the screen. HTML was invented in 1990s by Tim Berners-Lee. As you can make out from the full form of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) that it is a markup language for Hypertext. Let us understand the terms that make up HTML. Hypertext Hypertext is a special type of digital text that contains links to other text. Itis just the way Web operates. You find many links on a webpage, clicking on which takes you to other pages. Morkup, It refers to special symbols or instructioiis indicating the format, style or structure for an electronic dacument or webpage. — Morkup Language It is a set of standards, (well designed tags, structure etc.) to create an appropriate markup scheme for an electronic document such as a webpage. Consider the following figure that shows HTML markup and its final result. We are not going into details of HTML here as a later chapter is completely dedicated to HTML only. Figute 1.7 (a) HTML code with markup (b) Result of this HTML code on a web browser. ‘As you can see that part (a) of above figure shows the markup ie., something like cha ___. ‘These are various tags of HTML that det ine the markup, In details, you will learn about HITML ina coming, chapter, So, we rest our di cussion here only. Scanned with CamScanner Mk HTTPS thing is to be done. s that defines how sometl i ef eae n or standardized method for n different devices. * oe op stocol is usually an agreed-upo! mninology. a protoco d = communications betweer ta and/or establishing communic data a ° lines, we are discussing the most common protocols of wiry, In the following lines, w HTTP and HTTPS. Protocol) & trang, h Hypertext refers to special format of text that contains links to other texts, just the wy, eats webpage, which lead to other pages. To create such pages, hypertey created. ‘The hypertext transfer protocol is an access method (method to access web page, Internet. It is the primary access method for interacting with Internet. The http im works in combination with www. The Iittp is bone! for Note accessing hypertext documents on world wide wet ince trod wide Web is a system governing the use of multimedia ee et tk files on the net and the hypertext files support multimedia, the Protocol is mat http (hypertext transfer protocol) generally works in nm (Le., text, graphic, Ho” combination of wwro. sound, video etc, on When the first part of a URL denotes http, e.g., (World Wide Web) http: // it indicates the local software on your machine to expect a hiltp (hypertext transfer pe. file. (Hyperen Tansler retocl Secure) Gee) HTTPS is another text exchange protocol that has a full form HTTPS (Hypertext as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. In other words, Protocol Secure) isn: HITTPS protocol ensures the security of the text/information Bik oe of HTTP “ being transferred over WWW. Bente SL) (Secure Layer) certificate, ss! With regular HTTP protocol, the text/information being care of ensuting tht b= transferred flows from server to browser directly, without Goes securely over any encryption, which means it can be easily stolen, You can eae i understand encryption as t converted into some code the actual text/information is words using a specific type of technology called SSL. (secure sockets layer) certificate, Note The SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate helps createa secure BOM HTTP. and protocols are used tot and encrypted connection between the serve L < Tand the browser. hypertext documents ¢ This ensures that the information is encryption and connection World Wide Web (WW) is sah *o that hackers cannot steal your crucial/sensitive HTTPS is used fo information (such as login id and password for online {nformation shared payments etc.) Internet, such as tie data/information, pe details or bank detals Cogin id, password Scanned with CamScanner oo; ns the differe Foltowing Figure esph Client Client How to check if your connection is secure @ INTERNET Basics 19 nce between http and https protocols HTTP Unsecure connection ik @ Server HTTPS Secure connection ink 7 oy = = ) Server Figure 1.8, Before keying in any personal /financial information on any website, make sure that the URL starts with “HTTPS” and that there is your browser as shown below : a padlock sign [ [E] } on the navigation bar or footer of Decye > * ips enypted googie com Following table enlists the difference between HTTP and HTTPS protocols. “Table 1.4 Difference between HTTP and HITPS protocols HTTP * tis a system for transferring information over Internet without any security feature. Its useful fr sending non-sensitive information. It is generally used for blogs, entertainment information and general articles etc. It does not require any additional technology for data exchange /transfer, HTTPS It is a system of transferring information with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) that encrypts and sends information over a secure connection, making it hard to steal “® It is used for transferring/exchanging sensitive information. % It is used for exchanging information such as login details, bank details, payment details etc. * It requires additional SSL certificate for secure exchange of data/information through secure connection, Scanned with CamScanner 6 20 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS-* Internet is a network of many small networks that exist all over the world. The World Wide Web is a set of programs, standards and protocols that allows the muttime, fils to be created, displayed and linked on the Internet. “The hypertext isa combination of text, graphic images, audio and video tracks and hyper; ins Aserveris a compute that hos server softvare loaded on it. Its main job is to shave resources aliens. Ane sereris specifi protocol typeof serve, loking only for HTTP requests instead oj ry different types of resource requests ‘There can be many types of servers associated with networks, e.g., Login server, provy server, web server, mail serve, application server, Real time communication server, FTP server, prin, server, Telnet server, Database server, DNS server ete Auebsite ora site isa group of related web pages hosted on a webserver and are linked together and share @ common interface and design, A Web portal i also a type of website but it uiffers in content and services from a typical website that provides only specialized information, A document that uses HTTP is called a web page. * The top-level web page of a web site is called home page. A web portal is a web site offering variety of services at single point A set of rules is called protocol. The HTTP (Hypertext TicRfer Protocol) isan access method used on Internet toa The HTTPS is a secure HTTP protocol. cess hypertext fie A blog refers to an online journal where entries are posted. The word blag has been derived from WEB LoG, A Newsgroup or Forum is online community bulletin board, where users ean post messages, respond to posted messages, or just read them. Groups of related messages are known ag threads. HIML refers to Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a markup language (set of markup symbols, tag 8 oF codes) used to display information on a vnnw browser page. SECTION A : Objective Type Questions 1. A web-site is a collection of (a) HTML documents (¥) Graphic files (©) audio and (@) all the above 2. HTMLis an acronym for (0) Hyper Transfer Mail Language (0) High Tech Mail Language (©) Hyper Text Markup Language (@) Hyper Tech Mail Language leo files Scanned with CamScanner 3. The first page that you normally view at a web site is its (i) Home page (o) First page 1. The Internet is most often used for the and (b) Master page (@) Banner page exchange of When you visit a website, it will open the page sel as ‘of the wel (a) Web Site (b) Home page (©) Email (a) ISP? t page on a website that allows you to navigate to other pages via menu system or links, is known as (@) front page () home page (© main page Web pages on a site are linked together through a system of | 4 [CBSE Sample Paper Term I, 2011] 8. Online personal journal where one can post her entries to which others can post comments () primary page (2) first page is called __. (@) Blog (b) News group (0) Website (a) None of these 9. Which of the following protocols is used for www? (@) ftp (by http (0) w3c (@) none of these 10. The __ are documents that use HTTP. 11, Which protocol is used on most URL addresses ? (®) HTML () HIP (9 HTTP (@ HLINK 13, 4M, 15. 16. 7. 18, 21 INTERNET BASICS URL stands for («) Universal Resource Locator (b) Uniform Resource Location (0) Uniform Resource Locator (a) None of the above Which of these is not a part of URL ? (IP address (6) Port Number (9 Domain Name (4) None of these {CBSE Sample Paper Term 1, 2011] Which portion of the URL below records the directory or folder of the desired resource ? Inttp: ina sonestore. con/First#loor /shoes hte (a) http (b) firstfloor (6) shoes.htm (@) The address of location of the document on the world wide web is called its" [CBSE Sample Paper Term 1, 2011] In URL, hitp:/, which component identifies the protocol or type of the server ? oy bttp (6) www (©) /ptimainhtm —(d) none In URL,, which component identifies the web-site ? ( hup (b) (©) /primainhim — (d) none In URL,, which component identifies the path of a web page? (a) hutp ©) (8) com/primain.htm (i) none SECTION B : Theoretical Questions 1. What is Internet ? ns. Internet is a computer-based world wide information network. The Internet is composed of 4 large number of smaller interconnected networks. On Internet, each connected individual can communicate with anyone else on the Internet, can Publish ideas, and can sell products with a minimum overhead cost. Rae What do you understand by term URL ? Ans, URL. The full form of URL is Uniform Resource Locator. A URL refers to an address on the Internet. Billions of documents/nuiltimedia files can be accessed on Internet through their URLs. 3 What is a protocol 7 How do. protocols. afct Internet 2 Ans. A protocol is a set of rules governing an ation or application Scanned with CamScanner 22. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS- inet, various protocols play their roles ¢: network addressing on Internet, is based upon 2 protocol called Intemtet protocol. Similarly, 2 particular location on internet may be accessed using LITT (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) protocol 4. Inv ola ways is the World Wise Web diffrent from ‘other servers on the Internet ? ‘Ans. The World Wide Web is an Internet system i.e, a set of programs, standards, and protocols that allows the multimedia files to be created, displayed and linked on the Internet, Before WWW, Internet was mainly used for obtaining textual information. The other servers on Internet : ftp, gopher, mail, news etc. cater to textual information but WWW, which uses http server, caters to multimedia information. Thus, it enables the users to receive hypertext ie, multimedia information on their web-browsers. On Inte 5. Differentiate between a web browser and web server. Ans. A WWW client is called a web browser and a WWW server is called a web server. ‘A web browser navigates through the world ‘wide web and displays web pages. The web browser requests a page from a web server. The web server makes available the desired page to web browser. 6. Explain the following terms : (i) Web page Ans, (ii) home page. (@ Web page. A document using http and that resides on a web-site is known as a web page. (ii) Home page. It is the top-level web page of a web site, This is the page that gets displayed first of all when a web-site is opened. 7. Differentiate between a web site and a web portal. Ans. A web-site is a location on an Internet- server. 044 A web portal is a web site, w sites ie, a web site having hyp web sites, is called a web porta ich, eink For example, Yahoo! (1 yah, portal. 8. What is the significance of rtp, Ans. The hitp oF HTTP (type, Protocol) is an access method useq works in combination with Www j,,° Bl Web. The http is responsible for aces, documents on World Wide Web, 9. What is a blog ? What is blogger > Ans. A blog is a frequently yp. personal journal or diary. Blog isa shor, word weblog and the two words . interchangeably, A blog isa place for an author to exp the world. It is thought of as an online diary, although blogs are used for muche: like online journalism. A blogger is someone who blogs, ¢ content for a blog and Blogging is the acte'v post for a blog. 10. What is a post ? Ans. The entries or information in thet known as posts. 11. Identify domain name(s) and URLG) $ following list (@) (®) (0) www.doYogak veryday.comvold/index! (@ www-PerformingArts schools orgbackti: (© (f) httpy//ebse.nicin [CBSE Sample Paper Ter! Ans. (b) and (f) are domain names. (©) and (d) are URLs. SECTION C : Application Oriented Problems URL is the name URL is the ©? your — corresponiing to the ofa resource on the Internet, URL must be using your URL. An example of a URL i: 1) The following sentence describes the term Uniform Resource Locator (URL) used on thei! ©) adatress of a computer on te Scanned with CamScanner Ans. 1. text 2numericlP 3.webaddress— 4-unique 5. website 6. www abecom ED ekta, a class X student, has designed a website as part of her project. (a) Which of the following statements are true about web pages? (Tick (¥) all that apply) w Ans. (a) 0} are stored as HTML files Je the files that cannot be viewed without a not be emailed es can be created using a typeatiter oved on computers Ekta Which three of the following statements uses a web browser. Web browsers are used to write HTML code Web browsers can be used to view web pages Web browsers are search engines Web browsers allow users to visit web pages directly. using the URL The URL can be divectly the auldess bs Web pages are stored as HIM files Web pages are the files that cannot be viewed without a web browser Web pages cannot be emailed Web pages can be created using a typewriter Web pages are actually files stored on computers. Web browsers are used to write HTML code Web browsers can be used to view web pages Web browsers are search engines Web browsers allow users to visit web pages directly using the URL | The URL can be entered din web browsers ? __ Tick (2) Tek (7) Scanned with CamScanner a 24 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS-x cl Science and is a keen researcher ofPoitc, Os isa student of Political Science ani of IW a ho “A PH to share his research and his own opinion oy thes i \ Be th eet hea Wide Wek. He is also interested in collecting ve, Sofon ion hia beat related to his area of interest. He belongs t0 a middle ciase Jun, J coed website, Also being a non-technical person he can’t create q Ayame in a 4 3 ae ICBSE Sample pe day-to-day inputs, t pl obey (2) Suggest an ensy way for Shravan to achieve the same. ©) Also name to popularly used free services that can help Shravan in this ‘ns (@) Shravan should develop a blog or microblog, (by Google Blogger and y, iss eBarg, Witter Ans, Advantages (9) Latest Information available (ii) Internet has vast amounts of information (0) ‘Speed of search only Disadvantages Ui) Easier to produce neatly Presented if referring to use of search engine (9 Danger of accessing doubtful websites. () Can take long time to find required information (ii) Can access biased websites (2) Can access inaccurate websites (©) Lack of expertise leads to inefficient searching (i) Can get easily distracted Keywords | Blog Online journal Web site A location on a net server, WWW World Wide Web. An Internet system used for “Feating, displaying, linking hypertext o multimedia files, Scanned with CamScanner 10. 2 INTERNET BASICS Type A : Theoretical Questions What is WWW ? How does it function ? What is a server ? What is a web server ? Enlist some services provided by a server ona network. Enlist some services provided by a web server. Name some web server software prominently in use. Differentiate between a web page and a home page. How is a web site different from that of a web portal ? What are the components of a website ? What are the components of a webpage ? The first page on a website that allows you to navigate to other page via menu system or links, is known as (@) front page (0) home page (¢) main page (b) primary page (@) first page Discuss the functioning of a web browser and a web server. Also give some examples of web browsers and web servers. What is a web site ? How is it related to a web page and a home page ? 13, M What is blogging ? What are its advantages and disadvantages ? What do you understand by a (i) Web browser (ii) Web server ? Each web page has its own unique address known as (a) Uniform Resource Locator (b) Universal Resource Location () Uniform Resource Location (a) Universal Resource Locator In the URL, htx//tvwwo.mycorp.compriiaster.htm, what is the iffy component ? In the URL, litp/, what is the component ? In the URL, itp//umanw mycorp.comiprimaster htm, what is the /pr/master.itm component ? What is a URL ? What are its components ? Examplify. What do you understand by protocols ? What roles do various protocols play on Internet ? Search for some sites that let you create blogs. . Go to or and try to create a blog for yourself. ‘Type B : Application Oriented Questions PJM Bank has a Head Office based in Banglore and a large number of branches nationwide. ‘The Head Office and branches communicate using Internet. Give two features of Internet, 1 Scanned with CamScanner 25 Ms 26 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS-x i 2. Chirpy Toys isa small company manufacturing soft toys. They have deg ed beneficial to the company to create a website, which would allow custome S04, (a) Explain how a customer who did not know the company’s website addy to the site, “Sy ee (0) Describe how Chitpy Toys would benefit from the introduction of a websiy a ee (0) Describe how the customers would benefit from the introduction of the webs site ee (@ Give three disadvantages of using the Internet to purchase goods. 1 2 3 3. Simon has a villa, which he rents to holidaymakers. He creates a website to adverts Simon chooses an ISP to host his website. | ‘The structure of his website is shown below. (@) State what Simon should have on his home page to help users navigate his website (6) Simon uploads his website files to the ISP host computer. (i) State what ISP means. (i) Name the Internet service that Simon uses to upload his website files. (iii) Name the type of data transmission that takes place when his website files are tras to the host computer from Simon's computer. (©) The URL for the Web page whi has a map is : http://w. in/simonsvilla/map. html (i) State the domain name for this Web page. (ii) Describe the function of the Domain Name Service. (d) Simon registers details of his website with a search engine company. State one reason why this will benefit Simon Scanned with CamScanner aeee INTERNET BASICS 27 |L. The Intemet is a series of interconnected computers throughout the world. (@ Name one of the services that is offered on the Internet, (@) When using the World Wide Web, a user can type in the web address of a page they wish to look at. Suggest one other way that a user could go to a web page. Shashwat accesses a web page which gives tips on how best to play the game. The URL is : hettp:// www. (a) What server is hosting this web page ? (b) What is the name of the file being accessed ? Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner land Mobile Technologies 2.1€ Introduction So, you know what Internet is. But do you know what do people really do on the Internet and how ? Well, they exchange messages or E-mails, participate in discussion groups (known as news groups), chat with many other people across the globe, retrieve data files, and access all sorts of information. The types of services available on Internet are as diverse as the people interested in it. You can retrieve or search the desired information, e-mail your friends, do video- conferencing, store or retrieve files, participate in a discussion forum etc. This chapter is dedicated to the practical application and use of Intemet. In this chapter, you'll be leaning about various services along with the practical guidance for the same. ieval PC to Internet, you are ready to Net. But for this, you need an Browser. A browser is a program (web) sites on the Net and display ter, aay Web Services are the software based services that take place when two elec tronic devices connected via network, communicate over WWW's HTTP Nam ul Exploring the web is known as Net Surfing. Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner INTERNET SERVICES AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES 59 ©) 3, Interactive involvement. Social networking, provides interactive involvement with other people. With social networking and the Internet in general, correspondence to virtually anyone from anywhere is possible. 4, Brings more awareness. Interactive involvement even reaches as far putting children and teens under the spotlight for discussing and participating in online and social networking forums for issues that concern them. It helps in improving the world awareness. Demerits of Social Networking With the boom in social networking, a few ill practices have seeped into the system and the users should be aware of these in order to avoid unnecessary pitfalls. Here is a list of common. misuses that users must be aware of : 1. Misusing the data/information posted by innocent users. Some people with ‘wrong intentions can misuse the personal information posted by innocent users such as date-of-birth, address, school address, phone numbers etc. Thus, you should be careful while posting such information and should avoid posting very personal information on your public profiles. 2. Credibility of Information. Some people with bad intentions use social networking sites for spreading baseless ‘facts’ resulting in a complete abuse of the “freedom of expression’. Thus, you should avoid being gullible and should practise discretion. 3, Fake Profiles. There are numerous fake user profiles in these sites. Orkut lost its credibility mainly due to a growing use of such profiles. 4, Bullying and Trolling. With growing use of social networking sites undesirable elements have crept up who resort to needless bullying, defamation, harmful commenting and pranks and persecute hapless, innocent victims and pages. Such practices cause emotional trauma both for the victim and the ‘bully’. 5, Peer Pressure. In order to fit under peer-pressure, often people lie or put exaggerated information about them. Experts say that a majority of the profiles on social networking sites are actually either less than or greater than, but never equal to what they portray. This leads to ‘consequences born out of jealousy and harmful reactions. Irresponsible Behaviour. Many users believe that they cannot be held responsible do or say on the social network. Out of this belief they often resort to of expression and free speech. They abuse others’ rights for the same. violations may not be strong enough, yet they are becoming stronger where severe penalties have been imposed on offenders are not Disorders and Addiction, Another disturbing, trend with the rise like Attention Seeking Disorder and Addition. will resort to any means and even fake serious illnesses. Networking Sites certain functionality (called features) that helps users e ways, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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