Speech Contest

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Assalamualaikum wr wb

Good evening everybody! Before I start my speech, I would like to say thank you to God and to
all the judges that have given me the opportunity to participate english speech contest.
Anyone in the audience, anyone who likes shopping? I personally really like shopping, yes this is
a natural thing for every woman. Some say if women are invited to go shopping the mood
changes will be much better, right ladies?. But.. do you prefer to use domestic or foreign
products?. There are many advantages to us loving and using domestic products. What are
So, I'm Nawwal Ainul Yakin from 12th grade social studies at wijayakusuma high school. Today I
want to tell you about loving domestic products.
Loving domestic products is a must. Otherwise, this nation will not be great. Without a love for
domestic products, domestic products cannot compete in the market. Love for domestic
products provides opportunities for entrepreneurs to market various products produced.
Our country is the fourth largest country in the world. But, why is our nation still inferior to
other developed countries? In terms of resources and potential, our country is not inferior to
other countries. The large population in Indonesia is a huge market potential. If this is not
managed properly, it will become a place for the entry of various foreign goods.
In this era of globalization, there is a lack of public awareness about the use of local products
because most Indonesians consume or use foreign products rather than domestic products. As
well as the luxurious style that occurs when using outdoor products. What happens in
Indonesia, when using external products looks elegant and luxurious because prices tend to be
higher and the promised quality is already good and spread all over the world.
Local products are now known to have good quality and quality, and are equipped with
attractive designs. Indonesia has a wealth of quality materials, for example, the one I use today,
namely batik. Batik is one of the local products that is quite popular, Batik is considered an
important cultural icon in Indonesia. Initially batik was only used for the upper classes, such as
the royal family and the royal environment. Along with the times, Indonesian people wear batik
as casual and formal clothes that can be used in various events. I am proud of batik from my
country. Many people are proud of Indonesia's cultural heritage.
By using products made in Indonesia, we can support local businesses. and we will also help
introduce Indonesian products to our society, to be proud of this country, and also to raise the
name of Indonesia through the international market.
In addition to supporting the country's economic growth, consuming or using local
products is a form of love for the homeland. In the end, it is the duty of all citizens to
protect each other with love and pride in domestic products.
Let's build a prosperous Indonesia together by choosing and improving the quality of
local products.
"That's all I can say, more or less I apologize if there are any wrong words, and for your
attention I thank you profusely.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh."

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