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Internet of things




IoT Smart
Smart buildings
• Smart buildings use Internet of Things (IoT) devices—sensors, software, online connectivity—to monitor various building
characteristics, analyze the data, and generate insights around usage patterns and trends that can be used to optimize the
building’s environment and operations

• A smart building is any structure that uses automated processes to automatically control the building’s operations including
heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, security and other systems.

• A smart building uses sensors, actuators and microchips, in order to collect data and manage it according to a business’
functions and services.

• This infrastructure helps owners, operators and facility managers improve asset reliability and performance, which reduces
energy use, optimizes how space is used and minimizes the environmental impact of buildings.

Smart buildings

The creation of a smart building

• Making a smart building, or making a building smart, begins by linking core systems such as
lighting, power meters, water meters, pumps, heating, fire alarms and chiller plants with
sensors and control systems.

• At a more advanced stage, even elevators, access systems become part of the system. • Many
new building have “smart” technology, and are connected and responsive to a smart power

Components of a smart building

1. IoT Sensors

• Sensors are the devices that monitor their environment

record or send that information (data) to a computer processor.

• The sensors typically communicate with an access point placed

inside a building, which then communicates with a gateway.

Components of a smart building

1. IoT Sensors
• Some of the more common measurements for monitoring within a
building ecosystem are:

• Temperature

• Humidity

• Light
• Motion

• Vibration

• Air quality

• Location, and more. 7

Components of a smart building

2. Analytics Software

• A key smart building component is the software that will help you understand the data collected by the
sensors. Software extracts and analyzes the rich insights the data provides (“energy intelligence”), and helps
you determine how to transform those insights into action.

Components of a smart building

3. User Interface

• The user interface is simply the way you and the software interact—the computer screens, icons, displays, etc.

• It’s important that information is delivered to you in a way that’s easy to access and simple to understand; and since the
amount of data can be huge, it should also be able to process data efficiently.

Components of a smart building

4. Connectivity

• Finally, you need a way for your devices to communicate and connect to the Internet. Connectivity solutions include cellular
and Wi-Fi-based networking options.

• Cellular-based applications are a popular choice; they can operate over long ranges but are typically fairly expensive to use.

• Wi-Fi, on the other hand, is a local area network that provides good coverage throughout most buildings, but many IT
departments are hesitant to allow third-party IoT devices on their networks due to security concerns.

Advantages of smart buildings

• The main advantages of smart buildings include;
• Reducing energy consumption: With the implementation of new intelligent systems in buildings, you can reduce light consumption
and achieve greater efficiency and sustainability.

• Improve decision making: When a building has intelligent systems, valuable information can be captured to make the best decision
based on empirical data rather than guesswork.

• Save on operating costs: Intelligent systems in buildings make it possible to reduce building maintenance costs and identify resources
that are being paid for but not used.

• Comply with data protection: The use of technologies that respect the privacy of the building’s users, as well as thermal sensors,
allows data to be obtained without the need to capture images of staff or people wandering around the building.11

1. For automation

• The most fundamental feature of a smart building is that the core systems within it are linked.

• Connecting smart technology, such as real-time IoT occupancy sensors and building management
systems together, means you can share information that can be used to automate various processes,
including, but not limited to, heating, ventilation, lighting, air conditioning, and security.

• This is what makes a building “smart” – the ability of the systems within it to talk to one another. 14

2. To integrate with different building systems

• Sharing and integrating data between building systems enables the value of the combined smart building
to be greater than the sum of its parts.

• For example, integrating IoT occupancy sensor data into a desk or room booking system means that you
can enable efficient management processes and provide a smart environment for your employees with
assets that know when they are free, booked or occupied.


3. For space optimization
• Occupancy sensors may be integrated into the building to provide information that will help you understand whether
your facilities have the right types of spaces to meet your staff ’s requirements.

• Occupancy analytics can help you identify:

• whether you have the right size or amount of meeting rooms

• which communal areas are the most popular or unpopular

• whether the working spaces provided are sufficient


4. For preventative maintenance
• Using AI can help you identify if an asset needs maintenance, because it can learn abnormal usage patterns and alert
you when detected.

• By collecting accurate data from devices such as people sensors, you can get a more realistic picture of how often a
facility within your building is used, enabling you to take a more proactive approach to managing wear and tear,
cleaning and restocking, helping to prolong the life of equipment, furnishings and appliances.


Smart street

• A smart street may use a number of smart city technologies that include smart street lights, smart traffic
lights, smart parking and other technologies that help to improve the flow of traffic, reduce commutes
times, make parking easier and ensure the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers.

• A smart street uses a variety of sensors and Internet of Things devices to collect a broad range of data
that can help smart cities better manage traffic flow, parking and public safety.



1. Connectivity Corridor

• A connectivity corridor is a substrate of network connectivity, power and associated hardware.

• Increased broadband speed and coverage is linked to a wide variety of direct and indirect socio
economic outcomes including reduced operational costs, increased GDP, increased jobs, retail
and tourism visitor satisfaction, and social inclusion.

• Many rural towns and streets feature legacy utility wiring and street furniture that may adversely
impact the visual identity of the street.


2. Smart Street Information Systems

• The ability to collect data on fixed and moving things through sensors, video and beacon data will enable rapid low-cost
analysis and testing interventions using scenario-based modelling thus avoiding the cost, inconvenience associated with live

• Furthermore, it will allow the granular real-time evaluation of the impact of the redevelopment and enable optimization or
remediation, as necessary.

• Finally, the vast amount of data generated from one street can stimulate both scientific and economic activity in the street
through entrepreneurial and research engagements with this open data.



3. Traffic and Transit Management

• A significant part of the general public experience on a street takes place on the footpath.

• Footpaths are a conduit for pedestrian movement and access to properties located on a
street, they enhance connectivity and promote walking

• A footpath may have a buffer zone or enhancement for optional elements including parking,
cycle racks, cycle-sharing stations, and kerbside cycle paths.



3. Traffic and Transit Management

• Additionally these footpaths can be fitted with a combination of

areas, footpath widening, automated street bollards, sensors
(including video
cameras for Automated License Plate Recognition - ALPR), and
or overhead lighting in roads and footpaths

• Together, these can be used to dynamically change the usage of a street at

different times of the day, week and year giving priority to different street
users depending on the time or weather conditions.23


3. Traffic and Transit Management

• For example, parts of or the whole street could be pedestrianized by raising automated retractable bollards at either end or the median
of the street.

• Different uses (at different times in the day and week) can be signaled using data-driven programmable LED lights in pavement tiling.

• Technologies that combine advanced video camera technology and deep learning, for example ALPR, can be used to provide access
and lower bollards, record infringements, identify stolen vehicles, and enforce regulations including fines and payment.

• In addition, adaptive smart traffic light systems can be implemented that identify and priorities pedestrians and cyclists.

• These can be integrated with smart furniture and pedestrian crossings.





3. Traffic and Transit Management

• Sensors in parking spaces can direct people to available parking spaces, signal availability for specific purposes
(e.g., Electric Vehicle - EV - parking and charging, accessibility or carsharing), record usage or signal pricing.

• Furthermore, parking spaces could be dynamically re-purposed and used for parklets, reservable, removable,
transient pop-up retail or social spaces.

• Such systems could also support dynamic pricing and prioritized parking for retail customers, the most
vulnerable, and EV owners (near charging points).




Mock electric car charging lane from Highways England Feasibility Study, July 2015


4. Accessibility, Security and Safety

• Accessibility and safety issues can result from blocked, narrow or lack of footpaths, lack of accessible crossing,
lack of protection when crossing streets particularly for those moving at slower paces, lack of cycle facilities,
poor intersection designs, and other surface hazards.
• Increasing accessibility has a number of outcomes including improving the quality of life of all citizens,
regardless of age, size and ability by providing a safe and inclusive environment.

• Furthermore, it increases mobility thereby contributing to public health outcomes.



5. Smart Street Furniture

• Street furniture is designed primarily for passive consumption.

• It typically includes benches, transit stops and other shelters, waste receptacles, and public toilets.

• Smart street furniture re-imagines street furniture as not only a passive object but an active part of the street experience
supporting different activities and behaviors to meet social, economic and public health outcomes.

• For example, in the current COVID19 pandemic, it is worth noting the smart kiosks that have been implemented as
part of variety of health initiatives to facilitate dialogue with health professionals and public health announcements


5. Smart Street Furniture

1. Smart Lamp Posts

2. Smart Kiosks

3. Smart Benches

4. Other Smart Furniture



5. Smart Street Furniture

1. Smart Lamp Posts

• Good quality lighting promotes safer and secure

environments by
making it easier for all stakeholders to see each other and
obstructions. Furthermore, it encourages greater mobility.

• As such, they include LED-smart lights and built-in GPS,

telecommunications antennas and switchboards.

• Additional functionality includes CCTV, telemetry, and EV charging



5. Smart Street Furniture

2. Smart Kiosks

• Modern smart kiosks are a form of multifunctional street furniture that features hardware and software components for sensing
different environmental conditions, multi-modal interaction with users, and for capturing and transmitting data for
A kiosk refers to a small, temporary, stand-alone booth weather, route and wayfinding, town or city guide, and local events.
used in high-traffic areas for marketing purposes
analysis locally or in the cloud. • Transaction points e.g., bicycle sharing, voter registration, seasonal transactions, parking, transit
or other event tickets.

• Smart kiosks are increasingly adopted as part of smart city initiatives for a variety • Communication points e.g., emergency contact, public telephone access, and social interactions
of use cases including as: 34
through machine agents
• Information points e.g., public services and related announcements, transit information,


5. Smart Street Furniture

2. Smart Kiosks cont. …

• Connectivity points e.g., relaying or providing access to Wi-Fi.

• Device charging points e.g., EV or USB charging

• Sensing points e.g., collecting passive environmental, traffic or security data through sensors and cameras.

• Research points e.g., collecting active survey data from citizens.

• Advertising points e.g., displaying advertising for sponsors, local retailers and events or other advertisers.

• The City Bridge Link System has been rolled out in New York City and London, in conjunction with local authorities and utility providers providing
free Wi-Fi access with speeds up to 1Gb per second, funded through advertising 35







5. Smart Street Furniture

3. Smart Benches

• Modern smart street benches can include a wide range of functionality that encourage different street uses.

• For example, they can include additional functionality such as shelter, lighting, CCTV, USB and EV charging, bicycle parking
and air pressure, as well as video displays that can be used for information, advertising, and entertainment e.g., games and
other programming. Increasingly, smart benches can power themselves completely or partially using solar panels.

• Additionally, they can be located at convenient intervals between smart lampposts thereby boosting the coverage and strength
of wireless signals.




5. Smart Street Furniture

4. Other Smart Furniture

• Waste receptacles are a form of smart street furniture with a primary function. While necessary, they can adversely affect the visual identity of the
street, and introduce accessibility issues. Smart waste solutions can be autonomous and robot based or fixed.

• Sensors signal the need for collection, as well as recording data on volume, fill rate and collection activity for analysis and chargeback.

• The former include making standardized waste containers (organized by organic, recyclable and landfill material) available and having robots that
move these containers to centralized units for compaction and removal by type.


• Smart bins are an intelligent waste management

system. They have wireless ultrasonic fill-level
sensors embedded inside which detect how full the
bin is and then, through the IoT, this data is sent to a
cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform. On
the basis of this data, waste collection services can
optimize their routes and frequency.
• Intelligent safety sensors are also installed which stop
compaction if a hand is detected and, if fire is
detected, will alert the monitoring station and
automatically begin extinguishing the fire.





5. Smart Street Furniture

4. Other Smart Furniture

• The EU funded project, FP6-Dustbot, and subsequent

ROBOSWEEP projects, resulted in an autonomous street

cleaning robot

• Similarly, the Lumebot is used to sweep and vacuum


move snow, sweep and steam clean pavements, and

dispense salt,

sand and gravel .



6. Climate Protection, Environmental Monitoring, and Weather Mitigation

• Local climate conditions can discourage mobility and outdoor activities.

• Two achievable interventions include

(i) weather monitoring and prediction capabilities, and

(ii) support for a variety of weather mitigation strategies that can be triggered based on data, that block wind, and

provide shelter from precipitation, and shade from the sun


6. Climate Protection, Environmental Monitoring, and Weather Mitigation

• Smart street development provides the opportunity to embed sensors and other infrastructure systems for monitoring

• This includes footpaths, roadbeds, water pipes and electricity systems, providing operators with proactive and
predictive maintenance and management systems to ensure usage and costs are within expected ranges, potential and
actual anomalies, for example leaks, are detected and resolved, and that service levels are met through cleaning,
repair, augmentation and other interventions.



7. Environmental Sustainability

• A number of the proposed interventions can make use of alternative energy sources e.g. solar power street furniture.

• To reinforce the sustainability of the street and proposed innovations, dedicated space on streets can be reserved for installing and
demonstrating pavement interventions that encourage physical activity and convert alternative energy into off grid electrical energy
to power lighting, kiosks, digital signage and other smart furniture.

• For example, even a relatively small strip of Pavegen tiles can generate 6 to 8 joules of offgrid electrical energy.

• Bluetooth beacons in the system connect to smartphones, rewarding users for their steps and generating permission-based analytics.
Furthermore, it can be integrated with other platforms using APIs



Smart street in India

New Town Mela Ground, Kolkata
• Feature of the smart street include; 565 CCTVs, wi-fi hotspots all along the Major Arterial Road, a plastic road near City Centre 2,
115 smart streetlights, smart benches and solar trees.

• Two bins have radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags on them in which their locations have been integrated. RFID is a tracking
system that uses smart barcodes in order to identify items.

• Electric vehicle charging station

• Five car parking bays on the street have been fitted with sensors and an electronic board connected to them displays how many
parking spaces are still free. One can also prebook parking space on an app called Newtown Smart Parking.

Solid waste bin with RFID tag Electric vehicle charging station Parking Sensor 49
Wifi Tree Water ATM Solar bench 50

Smart city
• A smart city uses a framework of information and communication technologies to create, deploy and promote
development practices to address urban challenges and create a joined-up technologically-enabled and
sustainable infrastructure.

• It is a system that makes optimal use of all the interconnected information available, to better understand and
control its operations and optimize the use of limited resources.

• Smart cities use a variety of software, user interface and communication networks alongside the Internet of
Things (IoT) to deliver connected solutions for the public. Of these, the IoT is the most important.


Smart city
• The IoT is a network of connected devices that communicate and exchange data.

• This can include anything from vehicles to home appliances and on-street sensors.
• Data collected from these devices is stored in the cloud or on servers to allow for improvements to be made to both public and
private sector efficiencies and deliver economic benefits and improvements to the lives of citizens.

• Many of the IoT devices use edge computing, which ensures that only the most relevant and important data is delivered over the
communication network.

• In addition, a security system is implemented to protect, monitor and control the transmission of data from the smart city network
and prevent unauthorized access to the IoT network of city’s data platform.


How Smart Cities Work

• Smart cities follow four steps to improve the quality of life and enable economic growth through a
network of connected IoT devices and other technologies. These steps are as follows: 1. Collection
– Smart sensors gather real-time data

2. Analysis – The data is analyzed to gain insights into the operation of city services and operation 3.
Communication – The results of the data analysis are communicated to decision makers

4. Action – Action is taken to improve operations, manage assets and improve the quality of city life for the


Smart City Features

• Combining automation, machine learning and the IoT is allowing for the adoption of smart city technologies
for a variety of applications. For example, smart parking can help drivers find a parking space and also allow
for digital payment.

• Another example would be smart traffic management to monitor traffic flows and optimize traffic lights to
reduce congestion, while ride-sharing services can also be managed by a smart city infrastructure.

• Smart city features can also include energy conservation and environmental efficiencies, such as streetlights
that dim when the roads are empty. Such smart grid technologies can improve everything from operations to
maintenance and planning to power supplies.

Smart City Features

• Smart city initiatives can also be used to combat climate change and air pollution as well as waste management and sanitation
via internet-enabled rubbish collection, bins and fleet management systems.

• Aside from services, smart cities allow for the provision of safety measures such as monitoring areas of high crime or using
sensors to enable an early warning for incidents like floods, landslides, hurricanes or droughts.

• Citizens can also access this system to notify officials of any problems, such as potholes, while sensors can also monitor
infrastructure problems such as leaks in water pipes.

• In addition, smart city technology can improve the efficiency of manufacturing, urban farming, energy use, and more. •
Smart cities can connect all manner of services to provide joined up solutions for citizens.


• The city state of Singapore is considered to be one of the
runners in the race to creating fully smart cities, with IoT
monitoring the cleanliness of public spaces, crowd density
and the
movement of registered vehicles.

• Singapore also has systems to monitor energy use, waste

management and water use in real time.

• In addition, there is autonomous vehicle testing and a monitoring

system to ensure the health and wellbeing of senior citizens.

• Elsewhere, Kansas City has introduced smart streetlights, interactive kiosks and over 50 blocks of free
Wi-Fi. Parking space details, traffic flow measurement and pedestrian hotpots are also all available to
residents via the city's data visualization app.

• San Diego, meanwhile, has installed 3,200 smart sensors to optimize traffic flow and parking as well as
enhancing public safety and environmental awareness. Electric vehicles are supported by solar-to
electric charging stations and connected cameras monitor for traffic problems and crime.


• Traffic monitoring systems are also in place in Dubai, which has
telemedicine and smart healthcare solutions as well as smart
buildings, utilities, education and tourism options.

• Barcelona also has smart transportation systems with bus stops

offering free Wi-Fi and USB charging ports, along with a bike
sharing programme and a smart parking app including online
payment options. Temperature, pollution and noise are also
measured using sensors that also cover humidity and rainfall.
Smart City Challenges
• These include
• Government officials allowing widespread participation from citizens.
• There is also a need for the private and public sectors to align with residents so that everyone can
positively contribute to the community.

• Smart city projects need to be transparent and available to citizens via an open data portal or
mobile app. This allows residents to engage with the data and complete personal tasks like paying
bills, finding efficient transportation options and assessing energy consumption in the home.


Smart City Challenges

• The largest challenge is quite probably that of connectivity, with thousands or even millions of IoT
devices needing to connect and work in unison. This will allow services to be joined up and ongoing
improvements to be made as demand increases.

• Technology aside, smart cities also need to account for social factors that provide a cultural fabric that is
attractive to residents and offer a sense of place. This is particularly important for those cities that are
being created from the ground up and need to attract residents.


IoT in Civil
• The internet of things (IoT)is the inter-networking
engineering of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other
items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors,
actuators, and network connectivity that enable these objects—a.k.a.
"things"—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other
objects to collect and exchange data. technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with
other devices and systems over the Internet.

• The range of applications is vast. When you consider

the possibility of connecting any machine, any system, or 63
any site to the Internet to know at any time what’s
happening, it rapidly becomes clear that the only limit in
finding uses for IoT is our imagination.

The Internet of things describes the network of physical

IoT in Civil engineering

• The Internet of Things used in the construction industry to streamline processes, reduce waste, increase
safety, and ultimately save money and time. In the construction industry, IoT is sometimes referred to
as telematics.

• The IoT, or telematics, allows people to keep up to date on important assessment information about
their equipment such as the speed of idling, tire pressure, and GPS tracking.

• The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming every facet of the building – how we inhabit them, how
we manage them, and even how we build them.


IoT in Civil engineering

• As previously stated, if IoT is the connection of devices (including people), then this is already
happening in construction. Many construction sites have internet connectivity to enable a connected
job site.

• Connected devices on job sites provide a number of benefits to the project, the companies, and most of
all the employees.


Benefits of IoT in construction

• IoT enables real-time inspection of construction sites for easier control of operations

• IoT sensors used on construction equipment and vehicles help to locate and monitor them around the clock

• IoT can be used to generate equipment health data to guide maintenance operations for timely repairs and
prevention of breakdowns

• Using IoT, paperwork can be reduced through digital record maintenance and real-time reporting which can
save your business printing costs 66

Benefits of IoT in construction

• Using wearable tech improves labor health and safety

• IoT enables effective resource and asset management, which reduces the cost due to wastage of resources

• With the help of IoT devices on a construction site, the site inspector can track the workers on the site and respond
to emergency situations aptly and rapidly

• Locating and tracking materials and other resources using IoT will improve scheduling and coordination among
between different teams involved in construction projects

• IoT can increase revenue by driving cost-savings as well as enhancing overall construction quality 67
Application of IoT in construction


Applications of IoT in the construction

1. Site Monitoring

• At a construction site, keeping track of a massive volume and variety of data corresponding to different workers and tools is

• Since this cannot be handled manually, IoT can play a significant role by making this process automatic and precise. •

Through IoT devices and networks, the information from the machines and vehicles can be accessed on mobile devices.

• Thus, the construction manager can have real-time insights of employees and machines without keeping track of operationsmanually.


Applications of IoT in the construction

2. Machine Control
• Areas involving heavy machine work is handled by heavy machines controlled by human operators. This process can be further
simplified through IoT-enabled machine control.

• IoT can make construction machines more effective and autonomous.

• IoT sensors can guide these machines to function with greater precision and minimal human involvement.

• These IoT systems can also constantly give the operators information on equipment health to prevent any unexpected breakdowns
and failure.

• Thus, construction processes can be completed in shorter times without compromising building quality.70

Applications of IoT in the construction

3. Construction Safety

• Safety is of utmost importance in the construction industry, and it is an area of concern for both the workers and the
managers leading them.
• Construction sites are equipped with various safety measures for ensuring a safe work environment.

• By using IoT, site safety can be further enhanced by using impactful tools and techniques.

• Wearable tech is increasingly being used in the construction industry to achieve a wide range of benefits, its biggest
gains come in the form of labor tracking and safety.

Applications of IoT in the construction

4. Fleet Management

• Unexpected weather conditions and road conditions are among the most critical problems for fleet managers.

• Project managers and site supervisors can track the status of materials in transit, helping them to plan and coordinate on-site
operations more effectively.

• IoT devices can show precisely where vehicles are and how fast they are traveling.
• Having accurate speed and location information can help in preventing delays and any changes in the schedule can be communicated
to the customer with the use of IoT data.

• IoT fleet management solutions can also be used for optimizing transit routes and maintaining vehicles.72

Applications of IoT in the construction

5. Project Management

• Budget plays an essential role in the construction department for any project manager, and completing a project within a limited budget is a key
performance indicator for project managers as well as construction companies.

• The use of IoT in construction can help contractors utilize the resources available to them in an efficient way.

• IoT devices can facilitate cost-cutting by using site monitoring techniques for monitoring vehicles, equipment, material utilization, thereby keeping the
project budget-friendly.

• IoT provides real-time reporting which reduces the cost of communication.

• This enables construction firms to offer better and faster services while reducing the workload for project managers. • It also helps in completing
the project at a faster rate. 73

IoT tools in construction

1. Wearables
How wearable technologies can improve construction:

• Warning the crew by making high-pitched noises when a worker is close to a dangerous zone;

• Track workers’ vitals and remind them to take a break when their bodies are close to exhaustion;

• Assist emergency workers by determining the real-time location of an injured worker;

• Offering workers real-time instruction on how to complete work tasks safely and efficiently.


IoT tools in construction


• Smart Cap — a wearable device that tracks brain waves to monitor worker fatigue;

• Triax — a device that tracks the number of workers on each building in real-time, assisting
project management;

• Hololens — a wearable allows construction workers to get real-time access to a 3D plan of a

property, thus improving the efficiency of their actions and smoothing the learning curve.


IoT tools in construction

2. Remote equipment management systems

How remote equipment management systems improve construction:

• Handle construction tasks in hard-to-access zones;

• Track the state of equipment remotely;

• Detect and prevent security, performance, and other issues.

• Hyundai Construction Equipment — this monitoring system gives project managers a full, 360-degree view of the site from
any angle of the machine — a lift, an excavator, etc.

• Remote Eye — a technical assistance system that helps track the performance of the equipment and instruct on-site workers 76
in real-time.

IoT tools in construction

3. Predictive maintenance systems
How predictive maintenance systems improve construction:
• Handle construction tasks in hard-to-access zones;

• Help prevent unscheduled maintenance expenses;

• Offer accurate machine performance data;

• Prevent machine downtime.


IoT tools in

construction Example:
• Bimba — this monitor offers site managers real-time data regarding the efficiency of construction

• VibrAlign — tracks the vibrations of on-site equipment both online and offline and provides insights
on a dedicated dashboard.


IoT tools in construction

4. Asset tracking tools
How asset tracking tools improve construction

• Improves on-site security, ensure the integrity of equipment;

• Helps business owners locate needed materials easier;

• Monitors the efficiency of material usage;

• Generates real-time reports.


IoT tools in

construction Example:
• Atmel — a GPS tracking platform that offers real-time location data on construction equipment and materials.

• Ayantra Asset Management — a product for monitoring lifts, excavators, and other heavyweight equipment.

• Blackberry Radar — a tool for real-time equipment monitoring and reporting 80

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