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ANSWER KEY (Set – 1)

1. (i)
2. (iv)
3. (ii)
4. (ii)
5. (i)
6. (iv)
7. (iii)
8. (iii)
9. (iii)
10. (i)
11. (i)
12. (iv)
13. (iv)
14. (ii)
15. (i)
16. (a)
17. (a)
18. (b)

19. The name of radiations is ultraviolet radiation. Its frequency range is 10 15 to 1017 Hz.

20. (i) A diamagnetic specimen would move towards the weaker region of the field; while a
paramagnetic specimen would move towards the stronger region.

(ii) A diamagnetic specimen is repelled by a magnet while a paramagnetic specimen moves

towards the magnet.

(iii) The paramagnetic gets aligned along the field and the diamagnetic perpendicular to the

21. 1. Nuclear forces are strongest forces in nature.

2. Nuclear forces are charge independent
Since proton and neutron are conserved in a nuclear reaction, the total rest mass of
neutrons and protons is the same on either side of the nuclear reaction. But total binding
energy of nuclei on the left side need not be the same as that on the right hand side. The
difference in binding energy causes a release of energy in the reaction.

22. We know that λred > λ violet, therefore µred < µ violet and hence δ red < δ violet.
When incident violet light is replaced with red light, the angle of minimum deviation of a
glass decreases.
As soon as a p-n junction is formed, the majority charge carriers begin to diffuse from the
regions of higher concentration to the regions of lower concentrations. Thus the electrons
from the n-region diffuse into the p-region and where they combine with the holes and get
neutralised. Similarly, the holes from the p-region diffuse into the n-region where they
combine with the electrons and get neutralised. This process is called electron-hole


25. The resultant dipole moment of the combi-nation is

pR = √(p2+p2+2p2 cos1200)=p
since cos 120° = -1/2
This will make an angle of 30° with the X-axis, therefore torque acting on it is
τ=PE sin 30° = pE/2 (Along Z-direction)
26. (a) derivation
(b) 0.2 ohm

27. (a) When the Separation between the coils is increased, the flux linked with the secondary coils
decreases. Therefore, the mutual induction decreases.

(b) As mutual inductance, M=μ0N1N2A/l, Therefore, when N1 and N2 increases, the mutual
induction also increases.

(c) As mutual inductance, M ∝ μr (Relative permeability of material).Therefore, mutual induction

will increase.

28. derivation

When dc source is connected, the condenser is charged but no current flows in the circuit, therefore,
the lamp does not glow. No change occurs even when capacitance of capacitor is increased.

When ac source is connected, the capacitor offers capacitive reactance Xc=1/ωC. The current flows
in the circuit and the lamp glows. On increasing capacitance, X c decreases. Therefore, glow pf the
bulb increases



For proton and deuteron, charge (q) is the same, while the mass of deuteron is more than that of

Here q and V are the same for both,

∴ Proton will be associated with greater value of de-Broglie wavelength.

30. (i) Cut-off voltage : The value of the retarding potential at which the photo electric current
becomes zero is called cut-off or stopping potential for the given frequency of the incident radiation.
(ii) Threshold frequency : The minimum value of the frequency of incident radiation below which the
photoelectric emission stops altogether is called threshold frequency.
According to Eisntein’s photo electric equation,

31. (a) Properties of equipotential surfaces:

(i) No work is done in moving a test charge over an equipotential surface.
(ii) No two equipotential surfaces can inter-sect each other.
(iii) Equipotential surface due to an isolated point charge is spherical.
(iv) The electric field at every point is normal to the equipotential surface passing through that point.
(any two)
For the same charge in the value, V, i.e., when dV = constant,
we have dr ∝1/E
Hence, equipotential surface gets closer as the distance between the equipotential surface and the
source charge decreases.

Equipotential surface due to an isolated charge.

(b) derivation.

(a) Derivation

32. derivation


(a) Statement
(b) Derivation

33. (a) labelled diagram


The magnifying power of a compound microscope is given by

Angular magnification (m0) of objective will be large when u0 is slightly greater
than f0. Since microscope is used for viewing very close objects, so u0 is
small. Consequently f0 has to be small.
Moreover, the angular magnification (me) of the eyepiece will be large if f0 is

(i) The interference pattern has a number of equally spaced bright and dark bands. The
diffraction pattern has a central bright maximum which is twice as wide as the other maxima.
The intensity falls as we go to successive maxima away from the centre, on either side.

(ii) We calculate the interference pattern by superposing two waves originating from the two
narrow slits. The diffraction pattern is a superposition of a continuous family of waves
originating from each point on a single slit.
(a) 2.12x108 m/s
(b) 21.50

34. 1. Short aperture and short wavelength

2. Due to large magnifying power of compound microscope

3. 140

4. Inverted and highly magnified.

35. 1. By adding pentavalent impurity

2. Diffusion & drift

3. Electrons

4. Due to concentration gradient

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