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SESSION 2022-23

1. Based on the lesson ‘Deep Water’ , make a podcast of ‘Creating a Culture of Emotional Wellbeing’, aligned with SDG goal-Good Health and

2. Your school is organizing a seminar to create awareness of the importance of ‘Clean Water and Sanitation-SDG Goal. Do the following for the same:

(a) Draft an invitation to invite the environment minister to inaugurate the seminar

(b) Write a report in 200 words on the same.

(c) Make a poster to create awareness.

(d) Draft a notice to inform the students of the seminar.

(e) Draft a reply on behalf of the environment minister, expressing his acceptance.


1. Math worksheet will be given from the chapters Matrices, Determinants, Relations
& functions and Inverse Trigonometric functions,
2. Activities to be done in Maths practical file.
(Name of the activity) (Practical number)
(a) Relations and functions (1.1)
(b) Equivalence Relation (1.2)
(c) One - one but not onto function (1.4)
(d) continuity and Discontinuity of a function at a point. (2.1)
(e) Differentiability of a function at a point (2.2)

3. Your school is organizing a seminar to create awareness of the importance of

‘Clean Water and Sanitation- SDG Goal. Do the following for the same:

(a) (Roll no: 1 to 15) Collect samples of water from at least 5 different locations, check out their TDS level and present this information in the
form of a Matrix.

(b) (Roll no: 16 to 30) Collect the information about the ground water level in these 5 locations and compare this data with the water level 5
years ago and 10 years ago. Suggest some measures to increase the water level. Prepare a bar graph based on this and also represent this information
through a matrix.
(c) (Roll no: ≥ 31 ) Collect information about the gross food production in our country and the state to which you belong too. Is it sufficient to
cater the needs of the whole state? Suggest some measures to stop the wastage of food. Prepare a matrix to represent this data.

Share the topics/ brief synopsis of investigatory project into a soft copy .
Solve the worksheets ofCh2 Capacitor and Ch 3 Current Electricity in the homework notebook.
Write the following experiments in the practical file

(a) Ohm’s law Exp -1

(b) Meter bridge Exp 2, and Exp -3
(c) Potentiometer Exp-4 and Exp-5


1. Select a relevant topic for the Investigatory Project, collect information using various sources and compile it into a soft copy
2. Solve the worksheets of Solutions in the homework notebook.
3. Write the following experiments in the practical file :

(a) Functional group analysis in the given organic compound.

(b) Testing of carbohydrates, fat and proteins in a given food sample

Preparation of Mohr salt

4. Students will present a research paper on the following topics :

Roll no .1-9 - How organic compounds containing halogens impact human health, food, water, and the environment

Roll no .10-18 - Alcohol abuse and ill its effectsEffect ( Students will prepare ppt presentation)

Roll no . 19-27- Effect of Increasing Temperature on water bodies and how it is impacting aquatic life in delhi NCR . (Data collection and analysis)

Roll no . 28-36- Study of the process of Reverse Osmosis in water purifiers its benefits and health hazards .

1. Practice worksheet( Theory and Practical) based on the chapters covered till now
to practice the concepts.
2. Practical program based on SDG goal: clean water and sanitation
Project Work.

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