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Women Role in Society

“For most part of the history the anonymous was woman” ~ Virginia Woolf

“Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition” ~ Leary

“As women, we must stand up for ourselves.

As women we must stand up for each other.
As women we must stand up for justice for all” ~ Michelle Obama

“No nation can rise to the height of glory until your women are side by side with you” ~ Jinnah

“…there shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone” ~ Constitution of 1973


Article 26 of UNESCO

Article 25A of 18th Amendment of constitution of Pakistan

“…ensuring 100 percent primary enrollment till 2015 in Pakistan” ~ Millennium Development Goal

“Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world” ~ Nelson Mandela

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever” ~ Gandhi

“Intelligence plus character – that should be the goal of true education” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I am not a teacher, but an awakener” ~ Robert Frost

“An educated differ from an uneducated as living differ from the dead” ~ Aristotle

“For me all I know is that I know nothing” ~ Socrates

“Let France have good mothers, so that we can have good generation” ~ Napoleon

“You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman, you educate a generation” ~ Young

“The ink of a scholar is more holy than the blood of a martyr” ~ Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

“Read in the name of thy Lord who created you” ~ Quran first revelation from God.

“Educate, Educate, Educate.

Cure the roots and the tree will flourish” ~ Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

“Devote yourself to education, this is your only salvation” ~ Sir Syed Ahmad khan

“Off the streets, into the schools” ~ Slogan of TCF School system

Criticism: “I never let my schooling interfere my education” ~ Mark Twain

Role of Media in Pakistan

Laws – Codes – Articles

“Every citizen may speak, write or publish freely” ~ Declaration for the Rights of Man, France 1789, first
country to grant freedom of press.

“Freedom of Press and Information is the fundamental human right and is the touchstone of all human
rights… “~UN Press Code of Ethics prescribed in the UDHR.

“Every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression …” ~ Article 19 of 1973 constitution.

“… that there will be the freedom for press …” ~ Article 19 of 1973 constitution


“You have great power. You can guide and misguide people. You can make or mar any biggest
personality. The power of media is really great” ~ Jinnah Speech addressing the Muslim Journalist
Association in 1947.

“In America, the president reigns for four year and journalism governs forever and ever” ~ Oscar Wilde

“Whoever controls the press, controls the minds” ~ Jim Morrison.


“I expect complete freedom for press” ~ Jinnah

“Our liberty depends on the freedom of press” ~ Thomas Jefferson

“A free press can be good or bad, but without freedom the press can never be anything but bad” ~
Albert Camus


“If your professionalism has a certain question mark, or a weak point or a weak link in it, you are likely to
be perceived as an unethical journalist” ~ Talat Hussain

“It is the highest law of the press to tell the truth and shame the evil” ~ Walter Lippman

“I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers” ~ Gandhi.


“If you do not read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you are
misinformed” ~ Mark Twain.

“If everything is amplified, we hear nothing” ~ John Steward Mills

“Our duty is not to show people what they want, but we decide what they ought to have” ~ Richard
Sailient, former president CBS


“One of the biggest curse of which India is suffering, I do not say that other are free from it but I think
we are much worse, is bribery and corruption. It is like a poison. We must end it with iron hand” ~

“If we fail to handle this issue (corruption) well, this would prove fatal and can cause collapse of the
State” ~ Hu Jintao Speech in November 2012.

“Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transparency” ~ Kitgaard Corruption Formula

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” ~ Lord Acton

“Power does not corrupt people, people corrupt power” ~ William Gaddis

“The more corrupt the State, the more numerous the laws” ~ Tacitus in Book: The Annals of Romans.

“The law of political physics: As Government grows, corruption flows” ~ Michelle Malkin

“To oppose corruption in the Government is the highest obligation of patriotism” ~ Edward Graffin

“The duty of youth is to challenge corruption” ~ Cobain.


“The constitution of Pakistan will be democratic and based upon the fundamental laws of Islam” ~
Objective Resolution, 1949

“… to strengthen democratic institutions and practices around the world …” ~ UN Democracy Fund

Article 21 of UDHR also the importance of democracy

“All the ills of democracy can be cured by more democracy” ~ Alfred E. Smith

“Democracy does not guarantee the equality of conditions, it guarantees the equality of opportunity” ~

“Democracy is good. I say this because all other systems are worse” ~ Nehru.

“Democracy is necessary for peace and undermining the forces of terrorism” ~ Benazir Bhutto.

“Leader is the dealer of hope” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

“Information is the currency of democracy” ~ Thomas Jefferson

“Leaders must invoke an alchemy of great vision” ~ Henry Kissinger

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your
inferiors” ~ Plato

Criticism: “Democracy is the way of selecting our own dictators” ~ Pakistan Today Headlines.

“90% of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation” ~ Henry Kissinger

Muslim Ummah


“The picture of Muslim soldier advancing with sword on one hand and Quran on the other is quite false”
~ Tritton, Book: Islam written in 1959

“The principle of Islam that ‘there is no compulsion in religion’ is well-known” ~ Ramakrishna Rao, Book:
“Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam”

Western Propaganda:

“No other religion in the history spread so rapidly as Islam” He added that it was the well known fact in
West that Islam spread so fast using sword but the modern philosophers, though mostly, have
disregarded such notion. ~ Michener Book: “Islam: The Misunderstood Religion”

“I am more convicted that it was not the sword that has won the place of Islam in those days, rather
rigid simplicity and self-effacement of the prophet …” ~ Gandhi written in the Magazine Young India in

Islam – fast spreading religion

“If any religion had the chance to spread in England, nay Europe, in the next hundred years, it would be
Islam” ~ George Bernard Shaw, Book: “The Genuine Islam”

“Islam has out taken the Catholic Christians and has now became the biggest religious community in the
World” ~ Report by Vatican. Numbers: Catholic Christians: 1.13 billion and Muslims: 1.3 billion


“The biggest achievement of Muhammad’s personality was affected by sheer moral force” ~ Edward

“If ever anyone on this earth has found God and if ever anyone has devoted his life for the sake of God
then, with no doubt, and certainty it was the Prophet of the Arabia” ~ Leonard, Book: “Islam: Its Moral
and Spiritual values”.
Miscellaneous – can be used in every essay

“God is dead” ~ Nietzsche

“Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains” ~ Rousseau

“Poverty is the parent of crime and revolution” ~ Aristotle

“Man is by nature a political animal” ~ Aristotle

“The triumph for the evil is the good man to do nothing” ~

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” ~ Gandhi

“For those who believe that it is the responsibility of bigger powers to keep the evils in check. However I
believe that it is not the responsibility of great powers but the everyday deeds of ordinary folks that
keeps the darkness at bay, the deeds of love and kindness” ~ Gandalf

“Pakistan is a great ideal. It is not just a man-made country. It is a God-made country. It is a beautiful
thought. It is creation of excellence. It is the creation of the surge of Islamic nationhood. Pakistan is a
product of an earth-shaking idea. It is a revolution cut out of the heart of history. Pakistan is a live
revolution” ~ Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

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