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FIM003 Assessment 3 - Reflection Exercise

Name: Sawana Serasinghe Student No. 14417657_________

Look at the subject outline below and identify topics you think you knew before commencing this Course and
topics you had not seen before.

Place a letter in the appropriate column

N – I did not learn anything new in this topic

S – I learnt some new things in this topic
A – All or most of this topic was new learning for me

In the comment section write a reflection on your learning experience using your own words. You could
comment on the following or anything else you feel describes your learning experience:

 What you learnt and how easy or difficult you found it

 The pace of the learning – too fast or too slow
 The development of your critical thinking skills
 The development of your communication skills
 The new skills you developed
 How much you enjoyed the learning
 Your overall feeling about learning the topic
 How your learning of this topic could be improved
 Anything you do not understand
 Your teacher’s approach to the topic

The main focus of your comments should be about your learning experience, regardless of whether you have
studied the topic before or not.

In general, focus on being specific in your reflections, really thinking about the topic covered, what you
struggled with, what you enjoyed and how you could improve. When complete read through your reflection
and try to improve the language and communication.

It is hoped that your reflection will tell a story of your learning experience, outlining the specific challenges
and successes.

General reflection
Place a value (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the boxes below using the scale where 1 is not true and 4 is totally true

In FIM003

I have learnt a lot


I developed critical thinking skills 3

I learnt to communicate better 4

I had fun 2
FIM003 Assessment 3 - Reflection Exercise

Place Comment on your learning

response experience using the suggestions
below above
(one in
each box)
(N, S, A)
EXPONENTIALS AND LOGARITHMS This lesson was a bit hard until I
What is a logarithm? learn and also, I have learnt
logarithms for some far in the GCE
Using the log and exponent form
Change of base rule A ordinary level. We focused on the
Exponential equations using logarithms basic rules such as index rules,
The Log Graph
logarithm rules, change of the base
rule. We learned to draw logarithmic
graphs. The logarithmic graphs were
totally new. I did not understand how
to solve exponential equations using
logarithms, but Mr. Kasun re-
explained it to me, and it really
helped me to clarify my doubts. The
other parts of the lesson were
understandable. I practiced some of
the logarithmic graphs with my
THE QUADRATIC FUNCTION This was quite easy because I was
General Form familiar with the parabolas, because

Features of the Parabola S in the first semester, we were taught

Using the Discriminant about parabolas. This lesson

basically discusses the usage of
Sketching the parabola
parabolic equations, finding the
nature of the roots of quadratic
equation using the discriminant
concept. Mr. Kasun’s explanations
and teaching methods helped me to
understand the lesson clearly. I had
few small doubts and I clarified them
by discussing with Mr. Kasun later.
ABSOLUTE VALUE Inequalities were quite familiar
What is absolute value? because, in the first semester we

The absolute value graphs S learnt them. But absolute value

Solving absolute value equations equations were not familiar. Drawing

absolute value graphs, which are
Absolute value inequalities
also known as modulus graphs were
Absolute value involving non-linear equations
mainly focused on these lessons.
We discussed two methods to solve
absolute value functions. They are
the graphical method and algebraic
method. The graphical method was a
bit easier than algebraic method.
FIM003 Assessment 3 - Reflection Exercise

Place Comment on your learning

response experience using the suggestions
below above
(one in
each box)
(N, S, A)
When explaining the two methods,
Mr. Kasun did a great job where I
managed to understand.

TRIGONOMETRY This lesson was totally new and had

Review of radian measure to put a lot of effort to understand

Review of angles of any magnitude and learn the techniques properly.

Review of solving trig equations A We learnt how to solve trigonometric

equations using quadrants. Also, we
Trigonometric identities
learnt different trigonometric
The Pythagorean identities
identities and the methods of solving
Trigonometric identity problems
trigonometric equations. First, I was
Solving trigonometric equations
unable to understand what sir taught
Sums and differences of angles (compound angles)
because the whole lesson was new.
Double angles
Nut after sir keep on explaining the
lesson, I managed to understand.
Mr. Kasun gave few questions based
on the lesson to practice and they
were very effective and helped me
clear my doubts. I also practiced
solving trigonometric equations with
my friends.

FUNCTIONS The most important thing to learn in

Function notation this lesson is the domain and the

Vertical line test range. Mr. Kasun did a great job

Recognising basic functions and relations S teaching this lesson faster than
expected time. As well as managing
Domain and range
time properly, he taught the lesson
What makes a good sketch?
clearly. Kasun sir gave many
Graphing various functions using transformations
questions to practice on as well. To
(reflection and translation)
complete this lesson successfully,
Graphing by transformation
the lesson we learnt in the last
Hybrid/split functions
semester, which is transformation of

FURTHER GRAPHING This lesson also is new to me

Graphing by adding graphs together because I only did GCE ordinary

Absolute value transformations level. This lesson was not as harder

Quadratic inequations A as I thought it would be. Kasun sir’s

teaching skills helped me understand
Solving polynomial inequations
FIM003 Assessment 3 - Reflection Exercise

Place Comment on your learning

response experience using the suggestions
below above
(one in
each box)
(N, S, A)
Sketching polynomials and learn this lesson. Sketching and
Inequations with the unknown in the denominator solving the polynomials were hard

Inverse functions and solving polynomial inequations

were even harder to me. I practiced
how to solve the inequations and
took some help from my friends too.
Only the inequation part was new
because we have learnt quadratic
functions in the first semester.


(FIRST PRINCIPLES) differentiations and it wasn’t new to

Equations of tangents and normal S me. But the gradient concept,

Mixed differentiation questions gradient functions, and newton’s

method was new. The theory in this
Graphing gradient functions
lesson is very hard. The content in
Newton’s method for finding roots
this lesson is huge and therefore,
Problem with newton’s method
finishing the lesson by the expected
time is a challenge to Kasun sir and
also a challenge for us to catch up
with the teachings. Even though I
thought that I won’t be able to catch
up the lessons, Kasun sir covered
the lesson and gave us questions to
practice too. When we have doubts,
we can reach out to sir at any time.
When sir explained my doubts away,
I clearly understood all.

GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIVATIVE I have never learnt this lesson before
Increasing, decreasing and stationary FIM003. Therefore, this lesson was

Types of stationary points new to me. We discussed stationary

Points of inflexion (stationary and non-stationary) points, and types of inflexion points.

Determining the nature of stationary points A Finding the inflexion point was a bit
difficult. More than that, finding the
The second derivative
second derivative was harder.
Concavity and the 1st and 2nd derivatives
Through the second derivative only
Two types of inflexion points
we were able to find the nature of the
Determining the nature of stationary point using the
graph. Kasun sir explained the
second derivative
lesson very well. The complicated
Exploration of point on a curve
parts of the lesson were easy to
FIM003 Assessment 3 - Reflection Exercise

Place Comment on your learning

response experience using the suggestions
below above
(one in
each box)
(N, S, A)
understand more than I expected to
be because I never learned about
geometrical applications before.

INTEGRATION Integrations are basically, the

The primitive function opposite of differentiations. But

The indefinite integral integrations are a bit harder than

The definite integral differentiations. But when we get our

minds set to the correct method of
Applications of Integration
Finding areas using integration
S integration, it isn’t hard. We also
learnt how to find areas using
Areas above and below the x-axis
integration and it was very new to
Area and symmetry
learn. Areas above and below the x-
Even and Odd functions
axis was a bit complicated but I
Areas bounded by more than one curve
managed to understand them
Areas between curves
through practice. I understood the
Area and the y-axis difficult parts because Kasun sir
Volumes explained and helped me out with
Volume about the x-axis the doubts. The trapezoidal was the
Volume about the y –axis hardest of them all.
The trapezoidal rule

CALCULUS INVOLVING LOG AND EXPONENTIAL I’m familiar with differentiations and
FUNCTIONS exponential functions since I have
Differentiation of exponential functions learnt it in FIM002. Mr. Kasun

Applications of Differentiation of Exponentials explained how to use integrations

Integration of exponential functions

S and logarithmic in the appropriate
places. The applications of
Area and Volume involving Exponential functions
integrations, logarithmic, exponential
Derivative of the logarithmic function Applications of the
functions and differentiations were
derivative of a log function discussed in this lesson.
Integration resulting in logs
Applications of Integration
Exponential Growth and Decay


Differentiation of trig functions The content of this lesson is new to

Integration of trig functions me, and it was a bit confusing in the

Trig functions and the definite integral A first. Then when Kasun sir explained
FIM003 Assessment 3 - Reflection Exercise

Place Comment on your learning

response experience using the suggestions
below above
(one in
each box)
(N, S, A)
Applications involving trigonometric functions the lesson well and appointed some
questions to practice, I got familiar
with the calculations. Some functions
apply trigonometric as well.


FUNCTIONS Displacement, velocity, and
Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration S acceleration weren’t new to me
because I have learnt them for some
Motion using the Derivative
far at school in GCE ordinary level.
Motion and Integration Motion can be used by finding the
derivative and integration. Kasun sir
has done a great job in the way he
has taught the lesson, in a clear way.

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