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Cell Reference in Exce

A worksheet in Excel is made up of cells. These cells can be referenced

by specifying the row value and the column value. In Excel, a cell
reference is a technique to signify any cell's identity and location by
combining column names and row numbers on a worksheet.
For example, suppose we say A5, then it expands as a   column
A and 5th Row. Similarly, we can also declare or de ne cell references
to any location in the worksheet.
We may also activate R1C1 from Excel options, which is another means
of referencing cells, R1 denoting Row 1 and C1 denoting Column 1

Types of Cell Reference in Exce

The following are the three types of references in Excel

1. Relative cell reference

2. Absolute cell reference
3. Mixed cell references in Exce

1. Relative Cell Reference

In Excel, a relative reference is a form of a cell reference. By default, all

cell references are relative references. Relative references are
changed when copied across di erent cells based on the relative
positions of rows and columns.   For example, suppose we copy the
formula =B1*C1 from row 1 to row 2, the formula will become=B2*C2.



When we have to repeat a calculation across numerous rows or

columns, relative references are extremely useful

2. Absolute Cell Reference

In Excel, an absolute cell reference is one of the cell reference types

in which the cells being referred to do not alter like they did in a
relative reference. We utilize the   $   sign by pressing   f4   to create a
formula for absolute referencing. The $ sign means lock, and it locks
the cell reference for all of the formulas, ensuring that the same cell is
referred to all of them

3. Mixed Cell Reference in Exce

A Mixed cell reference is a mixture of both relative and absolute

cell reference. In mixed cell reference, dollar signs are attached to
either the letter or the number. For example, $B2 or B$4. It's a mix of
relative as well as absolute reference

When to Use Relative Cell References in Excel

Relative cell references are helpful when we need to create a formula

for a range of cells, and the formula needs to refer to a relative cell
reference. In such situations, we can make the formula for one cell and
then copy-paste it into others

What does the Dollar ($) sign do

When the dollar symbol is placed in front of the row and column
number, the cell becomes absolute (means it stops the row and column
number from changing when copied to other cells)

When to Use Absolute Cell References in Excel

We used absolute cell reference when we don't need the cell reference
to modify when copying the formulas from one cell to another. This
could be the situation when we have a xed value which we have to
utilize in the formula   (like commission rate, tax rate, number of
months, etc.).

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