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What what is meant by the term "Ciphertext"?

Definition: A cipher is an algorithm that, when applied to plain text, results in the development of ciphertext.
This ciphertext cannot be decrypted back into plain text. The output of an encryption algorithm is a string of
characters that cannot be deciphered by any human being. Although this use is far less frequent, the word
"cipher" may also be used synonymously with the term "ciphertext." It is not possible to convert ciphertext back
into plain text without the use of a key unless the ciphertext has been converted into plain text first.

Earlier cipher algorithms were executed by hand, which constituted a considerable divergence from modern
algorithms, which are often executed by a computer. This shift signified a substantial change from earlier cipher
algorithms. There are many different kinds of ciphers, including the ones listed below:

The term for this kind of encryption, which gives an alternative to the plaintext, is the substitution cipher. The
Caesar cipher is another name for this kind of cryptography.

Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher: This kind of cipher encrypts the plaintext using a mixed alphabet. However,
the cipher will change to a new mixed alphabet at random intervals, and the ciphertext will indicate this change
with an uppercase letter.

This cipher, which is a permutation of the plaintext, is referred to as the transposition cipher and is also known
as the Rail Fence Cipher.

One kind of encryption is known as a permutation cipher, and it involves changing the positions held by
plaintext in order to make them adhere to a regular pattern. As a direct consequence of this, the plaintext is
represented by the ciphertext in a variety of different permutations.

The use of a private key in cryptography. Even the person who is trying to steal your data can decipher the
message since they have access to both the plaintext and the ciphertext that goes along with it. It is necessary for
the sender as well as the receiver to have possession of a pre-shared key. The procedures of encryption and
decryption both make use of the shared key, which is shielded from any prying eyes by the other participants in
the activity. The DES and AES algorithms are two examples of the types of ciphers that fall within this
category. The term "symmetric key algorithm" may also be used to refer to this method of encrypting data.

In public-key cryptography, the procedures of encryption and decryption are each carried out using a unique
key, which is referred to as the public key or the private key depending on whether it is used for encryption or
decryption. The sender performs the encryption procedure with the assistance of the public key, while the
receiver is kept in the dark about the private key. This idea is also known as the asymmetric key algorithm in
certain quarters. asymmetric key algorithms are used in cryptography.

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