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COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus

Department of Computer Science

Course : Introduction to Data Science Total Marks = 10
Class : BS(SE)-VII (B) Dated: 20/12/2022
Semester: FALL 2022 Submission Deadline: 22/12/2022

Assignment 04
Assig nm e nt
Group Members :

Noor Fatima (FA19-BSE-089)

Abdullah Nasir (FA19-BSE-088)

Amir Yaseen (FA19-BSE-049)

Submitted To:

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“Data Scientists related Jobs & Salaries”
This dataset shows us data about data scientists' salaries. We will analyze it and see what amazing
information we can retrieve from it. Data Science is a field; therefore, it has a lot of jobs related to it.
Our dataset has 12 columns and 608 rows initially which are cleaned during the analysis procedure.
1. Data Set:
i. Data Source: Kaggle (/kaggle/input/salaries/ds_salaries.csv)
ii. Columns: 12
iii. Rows: 608
iv. Feature List:
 #
 work_year
 experience_level
 employment_type
 job_title
 salary
 salary_currency
 salary_in_usd
 employee_residence
 remote_ratio
 company_location
 company_size

v. Statistics Table:

 Job_title wise salaries:

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 employment_type wise salaries:

 company_location wise salaries:

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2. EDA :
1. Seaborn Bar Plot:

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2. Pie Chart:

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3. Funnel Chart:

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4. Histogram:

5. Violin Chart:

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6. Treemap Chart:

3. Codes:

1. Importing libraries:

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2. Data Cleaning:

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3. Statistics (For overall table):

 Individually:

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4. Bar Chart:

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5. Pie Chart:

6. Funnel Chart:

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7. Histogram:

8. Violin Chart:

9. Tree Map:

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