Tugasan Aljabar

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Basic algebra

1. Simplify:
(a) 5a  2b  3b  2a
(b) 5x  3y  2x  3y
2. Simplify 2xy3  5x3y3
3. Divide 25a3b2c4 by 5a3bc3
4. Simplify:
(a) 4(2x  3y)
(b) 2(3x  6y)
(c) 5  (x  2y  10)
(d) 3  (x  3y  4z)
5. Solve the following equations:
(a) x  5  14
(b) 2a  15
(c)  3.5
6. A triangle has two unknown angles, A and B. If A is
twice the size of B and C  75°, find the magnitudes of
A and B
7. The length:width ratio of a rectangle is 2.0. If the perimeter
of the rectangle is 42 cm, find its length and width
8. The length of a rectangle is 3 cm greater than its width. Obtain
an expression for the perimeter of the rectangle by assuming
the length to be x. Use the expression to calculate the length
and width of a rectangle whose perimeter is 30 cm
9. The angles of a quadrilateral ABCD are as shown in Figure
3.2. If the sum of the four angles is 360°, find the value of
each angle


x° 40°
x°  20°


Figure 3.2

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