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GLOBALIZATION is the fastest movements and exchanges of human being such as goods, services,

capital, technologies or even a cultural practices at the entire world. In simple words GLOBALIZATION
promotes, advocates, and increase interactions between different regions and populations around the
world. While INTERNATIONALIZATION is the increasing importance of international trade, international
relations, treaties, alliances, etc. Internationalization simply means, between or among nations. In
simple terms, it is the processes used by companies to look and expand their global footprint beyond
their domestic markets.

The two concepts which are GLOBALIZATION and INTERNATIONALIZATION will only become similar
to each other in terms of, they both uses their capabilities and influences to increase the interactions of
public market and international market to inport and export goods, services, technologies, etc. In other
terms, they are only similar to connect countries to sells, eliminating obstacles to international trade and
to create a high level of playing fields to meet the needs of users in many countries with minimum cost
and efforts.

For me Internationalization would be selling your product or service to another nation or countries or
many other. While Globalization is a process where the product parts are manufactured in different

Example scenario of GLOBALIZATION:

Many large restaurants chains, like McDonalds, operate in dozens of countries. McDonalds specifically
has franchise in upwards of one hundred countries, and dinners around the world recognize its brand
and logo.


Hardware support : software designers must to consider that a certain hardware devices may not be
available in all countries.

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