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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 3885–3890

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Enhanced thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol with single-walled carbon

nanotube inclusions
Sivasankaran Harish a, Kei Ishikawa a, Erik Einarsson a,b, Shinya Aikawa a,c, Shohei Chiashi a,
Junichiro Shiomi a, Shigeo Maruyama a,⇑
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Global Center of Excellence for Mechanical Systems Innovation, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, 1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8601, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the present work, we report measurements of the effective thermal conductivity of dispersions of sin-
Received 10 October 2011 gle-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) suspensions in ethylene glycol. The SWNTs were synthesized using
Received in revised form 22 January 2012 the alcohol catalytic chemical vapour deposition method. Resonant Raman spectroscopy was employed
Accepted 1 March 2012
to estimate the diameter distribution of the SWNTs based on the frequencies of the radial breathing mode
Available online 23 April 2012
peaks. The nanofluid was prepared by dispersing the nanotubes using a bile salt as the surfactant. Nano-
tube loading of up to 0.2 vol% was used. Thermal conductivity measurements were performed by the
transient hot-wire technique. Good agreement, within an uncertainty of 2%, was found for published
Single-walled carbon nanotube
thermal conductivities of the pure fluids. The enhancement of thermal conductivity was found to increase
Thermal conductivity with respect to nanotube loading. The maximum enhancement in thermal conductivity was found to be
14.8% at 0.2 vol% loading. The experimental results were compared with literature results in similar dis-
persion medium. Experimental results were compared with the Hamilton–Crosser model, the Lu–Lin
model, Nan’s effective medium theory and the Hashin–Shtrikman model. Effective medium theory seems
to predict the thermal conductivity enhancement reasonably well compared to rest of the models. Net-
working of nanotubes to form a tri-dimensional structure was considered to be the reason for the thermal
conductivity enhancement.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Nanoparticles of various metals and metal oxides have been

used for nanofluid production. These predominantly include cop-
Conventional heat transfer fluids exhibit poor heat transfer per- per, copper oxide, aluminum, aluminum oxide, zinc oxide, titanium
formance due to their low thermal conductivities. Many research dioxide, etc. [3,5]. More recently, a significant number of studies
activities have been carried out in the past to improve the thermal have made use of carbon-based nanostructures, namely graphite
properties of these fluids by seeding a small quantity of highly [6], fullerene [7], single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) [8],
thermally conductive solid in it [1]. However, this has not been multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) [9–20], nano diamond
very successful because of settling of the solid particles due to their [21] and graphene [22,23] to prepare nanofluids. Recent studies re-
large size [1]. Recent developments in the field of nanoscience have veal that carbon nanotubes have very high thermal conductivity
led to the development of a new class of fluids termed ‘‘nanofluids’’ [24–28], hence it is obvious to expect that the suspensions consist-
[2]. Over the past decade, nanofluids–colloidal dispersions pre- ing of nanotubes/graphene sheets would show higher thermal con-
pared by uniformly dispersing nanostructures such as nanoparti- ductivity enhancement compared to other nanoparticles.
cles, nanotubes and nanofibers in conventional heat transfer The first experimental observation of thermal conductivity
fluids—have gained attraction worldwide because of their superior enhancement was reported by Choi and co-workers for the case
thermal performance [2–5]. Many research groups experimentally of MWNTs dispersed in poly-(a olefin) oil [9]. They reported an
reported a substantial increase in the thermal conductivity [3] and enhancement of 160% at a nanotube loading of 1 vol%. This huge
the convective heat transfer coefficient [4] of such fluids. enhancement, however, could not be reproduced by subsequent
studies [10–19]. Despite such a large discrepancy in the experi-
mental results, all the results were found to be significantly higher
than those predicted by analytical models. Therefore, more studies
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 3 5841 6421; fax: +81 3 5800 6983. need to be performed to measure the effective thermal conductiv-
E-mail address: (S. Maruyama). ity of nanotube suspensions in different base fluids.

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3886 S. Harish et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 3885–3890

In the present work, we report the effective thermal conductiv- Diameter (nm)
ity of SWNT suspensions in ethylene glycol (EG). We also compare
2 1 0.9 0.8 0.7
the measured effective thermal conductivity with existing analyt-
ical models to determine which model is in best agreement with

Intensity (arb. units)

the experimental observations.

2. Materials and methods

100 200 300
2.1. Material synthesis

SWNTs were synthesized by the catalytic chemical vapour RBM D−band

deposition (CVD) technique using ethyl alcohol as the carbon
source as described by Maruyama et al. [29]. Cobalt and iron cata-
lysts supported with zeolite were employed. Amorphous carbon 500 1000 1500
impurities and metal particle impurities were dramatically sup- Raman Shift (cm )
pressed at the reaction temperature of 800 °C. The etching effect
caused by the decomposed hydroxyl (AOH) radical, which removes Fig. 2. Resonant Raman spectra of ‘as grown’ SWNTs from ethanol feedstock
carbon atoms with dangling bonds during the CVD process was re- (excitation wavelength 488 nm). The Graphite-like band (G-band); Defect induced
ported as the reason for the high purity of the SWNTs [29]. A trans- band (D-band) and the Radial Breathing Mode (RBM) are shown. An expanded view
of the RBM signals along with the diameter distribution is shown in the inset.
mission electron microscopy (TEM) image of the ‘as grown’ SWNTs
from ethanol feedstock is shown in Fig. 1.

2.2. Characterization by Resonant Raman Spectroscopy is roughly proportional to the inverse of the nanotube diameter,
following the equation xRBM = A/d + B, where d (nm) is the diame-
Resonant Raman spectra (RRS) of the ‘as grown’ SWNT sample ter of the nanotube, A (cm-1 nm) and B (cm-1) are constants [30].
were acquired using a macro-Raman apparatus with a 50 cm single The parameters A and B are typically determined experimentally,
monochromator and a CCD detector. The excitation wavelength and for the present case the commonly used values of 248 and 0
used was 488 nm with an argon ion laser. were used for A and B respectively [29–31]. From the expanded
A typical RRS obtained from the SWNT sample is shown in RBM signal shown in Fig. 2, the typical diameter distribution of
Fig. 2. The low frequency features (100–400 cm-1) show the Radial the SWNT samples synthesized using ethanol feedstock was esti-
Breathing Mode (RBM) peaks, the frequencies of which are depen- mated to be 0.8–1.6 nm.
dent on the SWNT diameter. The G-band observed around
1592 cm-1 is the characteristic feature of the graphitic layers, and
corresponds to in-plane vibrations of the carbon atoms. In addition 2.3. Nanofluid preparation
to the G-band and RBM, the D-band observed near 1350 cm-1 arises
from defects in the graphitic structure. A high ratio of the intensi- The highly hydrophobic nature of SWNTs makes it very difficult
ties of the G band and D-band (IG/ID) reveal that the purity of the to disperse them in a liquid medium. An important prerequisite for
bulk sample is very high [30]. the nanofluid is the preparation of a stable and homogenous sus-
The expanded RBM signal [50] along with the diameter distri- pension. Two popular techniques prevail in the open literature
bution is shown in the inset of Fig. 2. The RBM frequency (xRBM) for creating stable dispersions. The first technique is to attach a
hydrophilic functional group onto the nanotube sidewalls by
strong acid treatment [10]. The other technique is to encapsulate
the SWNTs using surfactants. Though acid treatment is frequently
used to disentangle MWNTs, it may not be very suitable for SWNTs
as it will heavily damage the sidewalls [32]. In our present work,
we made use of a surfactant to prepare the nanofluid dispersion.
The commonly used surfactant in the nanofluid preparation are
sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate (SDBS) [14], Sodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS) [11], Gum Arabic [12], hexadecyltrimethyla-
mmonium bromide (CTAB) [33], and Octyl phenol ethoxylate
(Triton-X100) [34]. Wenseleers et al. reported the potential of
using sodium deoxycholate (DOC), a bile salt, as a dispersion agent
for SWNTs [35]. For the present experiments, DOC was chosen as
the surfactant to make SWNT/EG dispersions.

Fig. 1. TEM (200 kV) image of ‘as grown’ SWNTs from ethanol feedstock at 800 °C
over a Fe/Co mixture embedded in zeolite (HSZ-390HUA). ⁄(It is recommended to
use lower acceleration voltage such as 120 kV. For convenience;we have used
200 kV for our measurements). Fig. 3. Structure of the sodium deoxycholate surfactant.
S. Harish et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 3885–3890 3887

The structure of DOC is shown in Fig. 3. DOC possesses a rigid temperatures. A comparison of the measured and reference ther-
structure consisting of a cholesterol group with dissimilar sides mal conductivity data is shown in Fig. 4. The upper line corre-
[36]. It consists of a steroid skeleton with a carboxylic acid side sponds to the thermal conductivity of water according to the
chain at one end and two hydroxyl groups on its steroid backbone. ASTM-D2717 standard [39]. The lower line corresponds to the
The two polar hydroxyl groups on the a-face and methyl group on thermal conductivity of EG reported by Di Guilio and Teja [40].
the other side facilitate strong adsorption of the DOC onto the sur- The measured results were in good agreement with the refer-
face of SWNTs [36,37]. ence data reported in the literature. A detailed uncertainty analysis
The stable dispersions were prepared by adding the necessary of the THW setup based on the method prescribed by [41, 42] was
loading of SWNTs in ethylene glycol and then 0.5 w/v % of the sur- carried out, and the experimental uncertainty was found to be ±2%.
factant. The density of the SWNTs used for calculation purpose was
1.6 g/cm3 assuming a closely packed hexagonal structure and a
3. Results and discussion
diameter of 1 nm and a Van der Walls spacing of 0.34 nm. The dis-
persions were subjected to bath sonication for 90 min followed by
3.1. Experiments
tip sonication using an ultrasonic processor (Hielscher GmbH, UP-
400S with H3/Micro Tip 3) for 120 min at a power flux level of
Thermal conductivities of the SWNT-dispersed EG samples
368 W/cm2 (80% amplification). The pH of the dispersion was 7.
were measured for different SWNT loadings using the THW setup.
The length of the nanotubes after sonication from our Atomic Force
All the experiments were performed on the same day of sample
Microscopy (AFM) measurements was found to be between 150–
preparation, and all values reported below are statistical averages
500 nm.
of at least 20 measurements. Fig. 5 shows the thermal conductivity
enhancement versus different SWNT loadings measured at room
2.4. Thermal conductivity measurement setup
temperature. The thermal conductivity increased with increasing
SWNT loading in a slightly nonlinear fashion. A maximum
In the present study we make use of the transient hot wire
enhancement of 14.8% at a loading of 0.21 vol% was found in this
(THW) technique to measure the thermal conductivity of the nano-
study. A bare Pt hotwire is employed in this study. Such a bare
fluids. A platinum (Pt) hot wire of 10 lm diameter and 20 mm
hot wire is susceptible to leakage current which might affect the
length is placed inside the test cell. The Pt wire acts as both the
experimental results [43]. Hence to check the credibility of the re-
heater and an electrical resistance thermometer. This technique
sults we performed additional measurements with an electrically
is based on the measurement of temperature and temporal re-
insulated Tantalum (Ta) wire as reported by Alloush et al. [44].
sponse of the hot wire when it is subjected to an electrical pulse.
For 0.21 vol% loading, measurements with Ta wire provided an
The relation between thermal conductivity k and measured
enhancement of 13.2 ± 3.5% which is consistent with Pt hot wire
temperature T can be summarized as follows [38]. Assuming a thin,
infinite line heat source with constant heat output in an infinite
The results of this study show thermal conductivity enhance-
medium, the energy equation can be written as
ments are less than those reported by Choi et al. [9] for poly-(a ole-
1 @T 1 @ @T fin) oil seeded with MWNTs. Xie et al. [10], Liu et al. [13] and Lamas
¼ r ð1Þ
a @t r @r @r et al. [18] reported enhancements of 12.7%, 12.4% and 11.5%
respectively at 1 vol% loading. Ruan and Jacobi recently reported
With initial condition and boundary conditions an enhancement of 9.3% at a volume fraction of 0.24% for EG/
Tðt ¼ 0Þ ¼ T 0 ð2Þ MWNT nanofluids [20]. Chen et al. reported an enhancement of
18% for nano-diamond-based nanofluids at 1 vol% [16]. Yu et al. re-
  ported an enhancement of 36% at for SWNT/EG nanofluids at 1 vol%
@T q @T
Lim r ¼ and ¼0 ð3Þ
r!0 @r 2p k @r r¼1

the analytical solution is of the form 0.7

q 4at
Tðr; tÞ ¼ T 0 þ c þ ln þ  ð4Þ
K )

4pk r 2

0.65 Water

Here, a is the thermal diffusivity and c = 0.5772 is Euler’s constant.

Thermal Conductivity (W m

If the temperature of the hot wire at times t1 and t2 were T1 and T2

respectively, then by eliminating the higher order terms in Eq. (4),
the thermal conductivity of the fluids can be approximated in the
following form:
q lnðt1 =t 2 Þ 0.3
k¼ ð5Þ
4p T 1  T 2
Ethylene Glycol
During the experiments, the Pt wire is heated with the aid of a con-
stant DC power supply. The temperature rise of the hot wire is 0.25
determined from the change in resistance of the hot wire, which
can be measured in time using a Wheatstone-bridge circuit. With
known electric power supply and slope of the curve ln(t) versus T, 0.2
the thermal conductivity k is calculated using equation Eq. (5). 300 310 320 330
Temperature (K)
2.5. Calibration of the THW setup and uncertainty analysis
Fig. 4. Comparison of thermal conductivity values measured in this work with the
reference literature. Open and filled circles correspond to the measured thermal
To validate the THW setup, the thermal conductivity of pure conductivity of water (top) and EG (bottom) respectively. Solid lines correspond to
deionized water and ethylene glycol were measured at different the literature data.
3888 S. Harish et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 3885–3890

Thermal Conductivity Ratio ( keff /kf ) 1.2 1.2

Thermal Conductivity Ratio ( keff /kf )

Hamilton − Crosser [46]
Lu − Lin [47]

1.15 1.15 Nan without TBR [48, 49]

Nan with TBR [48, 49]

Nan with TBR fit

Present −1
1.1 1.1 W
2 K
−9 m
1.05 x −1
1.05 2. −8
m K
= 0
R R=1

0 0.1 0.2 1
Nanotube Loading (vol %) 0 0.1 0.2
Nanotube Loading (vol %)
Fig. 5. Effective thermal conductivities of SWNT/EG dispersions for different
concentrations at 298 K. Fig. 6. Effective thermal conductivity of SWNT/EG dispersions and comparison with
theoretical models [45–48].

[21]. Baby and Ramaprabhu [23] developed graphene-based nano-

fluids and reported an enhancement of up to 7% at a very low load-
ing of 0.05 vol%. Eastman et al. [45] reported an enhancement of
40% at 0.3 vol% for Copper/EG based nanofluids. In this work, such
a high enhancement was not observed. The magnitude of effective
thermal conductivity enhancement for EG-based nanofluids re-
ported in this work is in consistent with the existing literature
data, however at different nanotube concentrations. This difference
could be attributed to the aspect ratio of the material used, purity
level, and treatment method adopted to prepare the nanofluid

3.2. Comparison with theoretical models

The experimental results are compared with the Hamilton–

Crosser model (HAC) [46], the Lu–Lin model [47], Nan’s effective
medium theory [48,49] and the Hashin–Shtrikman model (H-S)
[50]. For the present model calculations, fluid thermal conductivity
of 0.252 W m1 K1, an aspect ratio (length to diameter ratio) of
300, and interfacial resistance of 108 m2 K W1 [51] were taken
for calculations. The experimentally reported thermal conductivity
of SWNTs vary from 1750 W m1 K1 to 6000 W m1 K1 [24–28]. Fig. 7. Effective thermal conductivity of SWNT/EG dispersions-comparison with the
Molecular dynamics simulations report a value ranging from H–S model [49] and other reported values.

250 W m1 K1 to 6600 W m1 K1 at room temperature [52,53].

The present calculations were performed assuming a thermal con-
ductivity of 1750 W m1 K1 [24]. to be noted that Cherkasova and Shan [54] reported interfacial
Figs. 6 and 7 show the comparison of the above models with the resistance of similar order of magnitude for SDBS encapsulated
present experimental results. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the MWCNTs in water by fitting their experimental data with the
Hamilton–Crosser model and Lu–Lin model completely underesti- effective medium theory. It may be possible that the interface
mate the effective conductivity at all concentrations. Nan’s effec- resistance varies depending on the surfactant used and the disper-
tive medium theory completely overestimates the effective sion medium. Lack of clear knowledge about the interfacial ther-
conductivity when the interfacial thermal resistance or thermal mal resistance remains a hindrance to completely rely on this
boundary resistance (TBR) is not taken into account. However, model. However, it helps to understand the critical role of interfa-
when the influence of interfacial thermal resistance is taken into cial thermal resistance in the degradation of thermal conductivity
account, Nan’s model underestimates the effective conductivity enhancement.
but still performs much better than the HAC and Lu–Lin models. Fig. 7 shows the theoretical bounds of the H-S model [50] along
Hence, it can be said that the large thermal resistance across the with the present experimental and literature results. In two recent
interface plays a significant role in reducing the effective conduc- studies, Fan and Wang [55,56] argued that when the ratio of the
tivity of the nanofluid. For the present experiments, interfacial thermal conductivity of the nanomaterial to the base fluid conduc-
thermal resistance was found to be 2.4  109 m2 K W1 by fitting tivity is greater than unity, the separation between upper and low-
the experimental data which is one order of magnitude lower than er limits of this model becomes more pronounced. They also found
the one reported by Huxtable et al. from their transient absorption that particles with higher conductivities tend to interconnect and
measurements of SDS encapsulated SWNT suspensions in octane disperse in the base fluid. As a result, the energy transport across
fluid [51]. Such a low thermal resistance across the interface ob- the interface is greatly enhanced, making it possible for the nano-
tained from the experimental data fit is clearly surprising. It is also fluids to achieve remarkable enhancements as predicted by the
S. Harish et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 3885–3890 3889

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