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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

Main Topic 1: Business Introductions (主要テーマ1:ビジネスの導入)

Lesson 4: Job Application/Interview (20-25 minutes) (レッスン第4回:就職の応募)(20-

25 分)

Today, you will: (今日あなたは:)

1. Learn useful vocabulary related to JOB INTERVIEWS. (1.就職面接に関して役に立つ語彙
2. Review Non-Count Nouns and Plural verbs. (2.不可算名詞と複数形の動詞を概観します)


Exercise 1: What’s the meaning? (5-6 minutes) (練習1:どのような意味でしょうか?)(5-6 分)

A. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the choices that follow.


1. You have to bring your diploma to prove that you finished college.
a. record of grade (成績証明書)
b. certificate of honor (名誉証書)
c. record of evaluation (評価審査証明書)
d. certificate of graduation (卒業の証書)

2. Your monthly salary as a secretary is $3,500.00.

(秘書としてのあなたの毎月の給料は 3,500.00 米ドルです。)
a. bonus (賞与)
b. toll (通行料金)
c. pay (賃金)
d. tax (税金)

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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

3. I got hired after I passed the company examination.

a. employed (雇用される)
b. paid (支払われる)
c. declined (拒否される)
d. rated (格付けされる)
4. All employers like hard-working applicants.
a. group (団体)
b. crowd (群衆)
c. classes (組)
d. companies (会社)
5. The applicant sent her résumé through email.
(その応募者は自分の履歴書を e メールで送りました。)
a. A summary of work and education history (仕事と教育についての来歴の要約)
b. A summary of grades in college (大学の成績の要約)
c. A summary of life experiences (人生経験の要約)
d. A summary of achievements (業績の要約)

B. Sentence-Making Practice (3-4 minutes) (文章作成の練習) (3-4分)

Practice using these words in your own sentences. (あなた自身で自由に文章を作り、その中で


1. Diploma (卒業証書)
2. Salary (給料)
3. Hire (雇う)
4. Employer (雇用者)
5. Resume (履歴書)

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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

Exercise 2: What’s the word? (4-5 minutes) (練習2:正しい単語はどれでしょうか?) (4-5分)

Read the following dialog with your tutor and try to use context clues to fill in the blanks with
the most appropriate word. You can find the missing word from the pool of words at the
bottom. (以下の会話文を講師といっしょに読み、前後関係からの手掛かりをできるだけ活用して最も適


Ms. Smith applied in a company. She is talking to Ms. Black.

Ms. Black: Good morning. Please have a seat.

Ms. Smith: Thank you Ms. Black.
Ms. Black: So let’s begin your final ___________. I just have to ask a few more questions…Ms.
Ms. Smith: Oh, I’m sorry Ms. Black. My __________ is not Simons but Smith.
Ms. Black: Oh I am terribly sorry Ms. Smith. I am not very good at remembering names.
Ms. Smith: It’s alright. I understand. I also have a bad memory when it comes to names.
Ms. Black: But don’t worry because your ________ are really impressive. I have just read your
resume so I can’t possibly forget that you are a graduate from Tokyo University.
Ms. Smith: Thank you very much for the compliment.


ブラックさん:では、あなたの最終的な を始めましょう。あといくつかだけご質問をさせていた
スミスさん:あの、すみません、ブラックさん。私の はシモンズではなく、スミスです。
ブラックさん:でも、ご心配なく。あなたの は本当に素晴らしいものですから。ちょうどあな

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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

Choices: (選択肢:)

a. qualifications (経歴) b. promotion (昇進) c. surname (姓) d. interview(面接)


Topic: Articles (5-6 minutes)

(テーマ:冠詞) (5-6分)

General Description: (概説:)

Articles are any of the three words A, AN and THE. These words are used to specify nouns. (冠詞
は、A,AN および THE の3つの単語です。これらの単語は名詞を特定するために使われます。)

Classification of articles: (冠詞の分類:)

Definite -> Refers to specific nouns (The) (定冠詞―特定の名詞に対して使われます。(The))

Ex. I read the resume on your desk. (例. 私はあなたの机の上の履歴書を読みました。) = Talks about
a specific resume. (=ある特定の履歴書について話しています。)

Indefinite->Refers to non specific nouns or any member of a group of nouns (A, An) (不定冠詞-
Ex. An applicant scored perfect on the examination. = Talks about an unspecified applicant (例.

The interviewer asked him a question. = Talks about just any question. (その面接官は彼にある

Remember: (覚えてください) “A” is used for words beginning with consonants (b,c,d,f, and so
forth) while “An” is used for words beginning with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u). “The” can be used with
both vowels and consonants. (“A”は子音(b,c,d,f その他)で始まる単語に対して使われるのに対し、

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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)


Examples: (例:)

Article Sample sentence

(冠詞) (例文)
A I have a question to ask. (私は質問があります。)
AN An interview is scheduled at 10:00 am. (ある面接
THE He told me the salary. (彼は私にそのその給料を教え

Comprehension Check: (理解度チェック)

What article would you use for the following nouns? (次の各名詞にはあなたならばどの冠詞を


Job(仕事)Interview (面接)

Exercise 1: Incomplete Sentences (3-4 minutes) (練習1:未完成の文章) (3-4分)

Choose the word or phrase that would best complete the following sentences. (以下の文章を完

1. Quick thinking is important in _____ job interview. (not specific)

(迅速にものを考えることは の就職面接においては重要です。(特定していない))

a. a
b. an
c. the
d. no article

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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

2. _____ company hired me. (Specific)

( 会社が私を雇ってくれました。(特定している))

a. a
b. an
c. the
d. no article

3. They sent him ______ invitation for interview. (Not specific)

(彼らは彼に面接のための 招待状を送りました。(特定していない))

a. a
b. an
c. the
d. no article

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